



英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 10 - 12
4 lessons//1 Week
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Intro to the College Application Essay
In this lesson, students will discuss the importance of the college essay, preview the process for writing their essay, and be introduced to brainstorming tools they can use to generate a strong topic.
Lesson 2
Topic Selection
Students will work through multiple activities to generate potential topics and work collaboratively to give feedback to each other.
Lesson 3
Outlining and Drafting Your Essay
Students will create a strong outline for their personal essay and begin drafting their essay.
Lesson 4
Revising and Editing Your Essay
Students will review strategies for effective personal essays and work collaboratively with a peer to give and receive feedback on their draft. They will leave with a clear plan for next steps to complete their essay.
  • Students will identify the characteristics of a strong personal essay and articulate the importance of the application essay in the college process; they will brainstorm potential topics, create a clear outline, write an initial draft, and revise their draft; they will collaborate with others to give and receive feedback on personal writing.
I've worked with students 1:1 to develop and refine their college essays and personal statements for 15+ years. I have also taught workshops on writing the college application essay. My students have been accepted to Harvard, Yale, UPenn, Howard, Georgetown, and many other schools and scholarship programs. 
授業以外に週あたり 2 - 4 時間の学習が期待されます
頻度: Available upon request
フィードバック: Available upon request
詳細: Because of the intensive nature of this class, most students will need to spend an additional 30-60 minutes per day working independently on the different stages of the college essay process. Clear instructions and materials to guide independent work will be provided. Students will receive feedback on their work from peers and from the instructor. No assignments are required, but they are strongly recommended to get the most value out of the class.
参加しました May, 2024
修士号 Pace Universityから 教育 へ
修士号 Middlebury Collegeから 英語言語と文学 へ
Hi everyone! I am a patient, supportive classroom teacher and writing tutor with 20 years of experience teaching English at private schools in Philadelphia and on the Main Line. I have worked with diverse students in grades 7-12.

I believe strong... 


4 クラス分
週に4回、 1 週間
55 分

5 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 15-18
クラス人数: 2 人-6 人

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