
CLEP 入門社会学試験準備

Ms. Na'im, Ed.S.
CLEP 社会学試験準備コースでは、13~17 歳の生徒を対象に、インタラクティブなレッスンと練習クイズを実施します。4 週間で、生徒は CLEP 社会学試験に完全に備え、大学の単位を取得できます。やる気のある学習者に最適です。


英語レベル - B2+
米国の学年 8 - 11
Beginner レベル向け
Teacher-Created カリキュラムに準拠
6 units//16 lessons//4 Weeks
Unit 1Sociological Perspectives
2 lessons1 Week
Sociological Perspectives
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Background & Sociological Theory
Welcome to the fascinating world of sociology! 🌟 In this lesson, you'll learn what sociology is, why it's important, and how it helps us understand the world. We'll explore key theories like Functionalism, Conflict Theory, and Symbolic Interactionism, and meet important figures such as Auguste Comte, Émile Durkheim, Karl Marx, and Max Weber. By the end of this lesson, you'll understand how these theories and thinkers help us make sense of society. Get ready to explore how our world works! 😊📚
Lesson 2
In this lesson, we’ll explore the methods sociologists use to study society. 🌟 You'll learn about different research techniques like surveys, experiments, observations, and interviews. We’ll discuss how these methods help sociologists gather data and understand social behaviors and trends. By the end of this lesson, you’ll have a clear understanding of how sociological research is conducted and why it’s important. Get ready to dive into the world of sociological research! 😊📚
Unit 2Social Processes
4 lessons2 Weeks
Social Processes
 Week 1
Lesson 3
Dive into the rich world of culture! 🌟 In this lesson, you’ll learn about norms, values, symbols, and language, and how these elements shape our identities and behaviors. We’ll explore how culture influences our daily lives and helps us understand different societies. By the end of this lesson, you’ll have a deeper appreciation for the diverse cultures around the world and the role culture plays in shaping who we are. Get ready to explore the spice of life – culture! 😊📚
Lesson 4
Socialization & Social Interaction
Discover how we become who we are through socialization and social interaction! 🌟 In this lesson, you’ll learn how individuals learn and internalize the values, norms, and roles of their society from childhood to adulthood. We’ll also explore how our interactions with others shape our identities and behaviors. By the end of this lesson, you’ll understand the importance of socialization in our lives and how our daily interactions influence our social world. 😊📚
 Week 2
Lesson 5
Groups and Organizations
Explore the power of groups and organizations! 🌟 In this lesson, you’ll learn about different types of social groups, from close-knit primary groups to larger, more impersonal secondary groups. We’ll discuss how these groups influence our behavior and interactions. We’ll also delve into organizations and how they shape our social world. By the end of this lesson, you’ll understand the crucial role groups and organizations play in our lives and society. 😊📚
Lesson 6
Deviance and Social Control
Understand why people sometimes break social rules and how societies maintain order! 🌟 In this lesson, you’ll learn about deviance, the behaviors that violate social norms, and the concept of social control, the methods used to encourage conformity. We’ll explore different theories explaining deviance and how societies respond to it. By the end of this lesson, you’ll have a deeper understanding of the balance between freedom and order in society. 😊📚
Unit 3Social Institutions
4 lessons2 Weeks
Social Institutions
 Week 2
Lesson 7
Introduction to Social Institutions
Discover the essential building blocks of society: social institutions! 🌟 In this lesson, you’ll learn about key social institutions such as family, education, religion, government, and the economy. We’ll explore how these institutions shape our lives, maintain social order, and meet the needs of society. By the end of this lesson, you’ll understand the crucial role these institutions play in organizing and structuring our social world. Get ready to explore the foundations of our society! 😊📚
Lesson 8
Politics & Economics
Explore the vital roles of politics and economics in society! 🌟 In this lesson, you’ll learn about political institutions and economic systems, and how they interact to shape our world. We’ll discuss how governments create laws and policies, and how economic institutions manage the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. By the end of this lesson, you’ll understand the impact of politics and economics on our daily lives and society as a whole. 😊📚
 Week 3
Lesson 9
Education & Religion
Discover the influence of education and religion in shaping society! 🌟 In this lesson, you’ll learn about the roles of educational and religious institutions. We’ll explore how schools and religious organizations impact our values, beliefs, and behaviors. By the end of this lesson, you’ll understand the significant role these institutions play in personal development and social cohesion. Get ready to delve into the powerful effects of education and religion! 😊📚
Lesson 10
Marriage and Family
Uncover the fundamental social institutions of marriage and family! 🌟 In this lesson, you’ll learn about the various forms of family structures and the roles they play in society. We’ll explore how families influence our socialization, provide support, and shape our identities. By the end of this lesson, you’ll understand the importance of marriage and family in maintaining social stability and personal well-being. Get ready to dive into the heart of our social lives—marriage and family! 😊📚
Unit 4Social Stratification
3 lessons2 Weeks
Social Stratification
 Week 3
Lesson 11
Introduction to Social Stratification & Stratification Theories
Explore the layers of society through social stratification! 🌟 In this lesson, you’ll learn about the hierarchical arrangement of social classes and the theories that explain this structure. We’ll discuss concepts such as wealth, power, and prestige, and how they create different levels of social inequality. By the end of this lesson, you’ll understand the key theories of stratification and their implications for society. Get ready to uncover the dynamics of social hierarchy and inequality! 😊
Lesson 12
Social Class, Gender, & Aging
Discover how social class, gender, and aging shape our identities and experiences! 🌟 In this lesson, you’ll learn about the roles and impacts of social class, gender, and the aging process in society. We’ll explore how these factors influence our opportunities, interactions, and perceptions. By the end of this lesson, you’ll understand the complex interplay between social class, gender roles, and the aging process. Get ready to dive into the diverse experiences that shape our social world! 😊📚
 Week 4
Lesson 13
Race and Ethnicity
Explore the profound influence of race and ethnicity on our identities and experiences! 🌟 In this lesson, you’ll learn about the social constructs of race and ethnicity, and how they shape our interactions and opportunities. We’ll discuss the impact of racial and ethnic diversity, as well as the challenges and contributions of different groups. By the end of this lesson, you’ll understand the importance of race and ethnicity in shaping social dynamics.
Unit 5Social Patterns
2 lessons1 Week
Social Patterns
 Week 4
Lesson 14
Introduction to Social Patterns
Discover the recurring patterns that shape our society! 🌟 In this lesson, you’ll learn about social patterns, including trends in population, urbanization, and community life. We’ll explore how these patterns influence our daily lives and the structure of our communities. By the end of this lesson, you’ll understand the importance of recognizing and analyzing social patterns to better understand societal changes and behaviors. Get ready to explore the rhythms and flows of social life! 😊📚
Lesson 15
Population, Urbanization, & Social Change
Dive into the dynamic forces of population, urbanization, and social change! 🌟 In this lesson, you’ll learn how population growth, migration, and the rise of cities impact our society. We’ll explore the challenges and opportunities that come with urbanization and how social change reshapes our communities and ways of life. By the end of this lesson, you’ll understand the powerful influence of these factors on our social structures and daily experiences.
Unit 6Final Exam
1 lesson1 Week
Final Exam
 Week 4
Lesson 16
CLEP Introductory Sociology Exam Review
Get ready for success with our comprehensive CLEP Introductory Sociology Exam Review! 🌟 In this lesson, you’ll review all the key concepts, theories, and terms we've covered throughout the course. We’ll revisit important topics such as social institutions, socialization, stratification, and more. By the end of this lesson, you’ll feel confident and prepared to ace the CLEP Introductory Sociology exam. Get ready to reinforce your knowledge and demonstrate your sociological understanding! 😊📚
  • By the end of this course, students will be well-prepared to take the CLEP Sociology exam and earn college credit, with a thorough understanding of introductory sociology. Learning Goals:
  • Define and explain key sociological terms and concepts, including culture, socialization, deviance, and social institutions.
  • Identify and describe the major social institutions (economic, educational, family, medical, political, religious) and their impact on society.
  • Understand the processes of social interaction, socialization, and collective behavior.
  • Analyze the structures of social stratification and inequality, including class, race, ethnicity, gender, and social mobility.
  • Apply major sociological theories (functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism) to real-world examples and hypothetical situations.
  • Understand and utilize sociological research methods, including surveys, experiments, and observational studies.
  • Interpret and analyze sociological data presented in tables, charts, and graphs.
  • Gain comprehensive knowledge of the CLEP Sociology exam content and format, practice exam questions, and develop effective test-taking strategies.
I hold a master's degree in psychology and have completed more than 15 credits in graduate-level sociology and psychology courses. I am a licensed administrator and teacher with approximately 15 years of experience in the education field. My extensive background in psychology and sociology, combined with my practical experience in teaching, equips me to provide a comprehensive and engaging learning experience for students preparing for the CLEP Sociology exam.
授業以外に週あたり 0 - 1 時間の学習が期待されます
頻度: 1-2 throughout the class
フィードバック: 含まれる
詳細: Homework Policy Homework Offered: Yes Estimated Time Spent on Homework: 4 hours per week Type of Homework: Homework will include reading assignments from the modernstates.org CLEP Sociology course, completing practice quizzes, and engaging in written reflections or short essays on sociological topics discussed in class. Frequency of Assignments: Homework will be assigned after each class session, totaling four assignments per week. Checking for Correctness: Homework will be reviewed and checked for completeness and accuracy. Practice quizzes will be graded, and feedback will be provided to help students understand any mistakes and improve their knowledge. Written reflections and essays will be assessed for understanding and engagement with the material. Required Assignments: All assignments are required for all students to ensure they fully grasp the course content and are well-prepared for the CLEP Sociology exam. Regular completion of homework is essential for success in this course and will contribute to the overall assessment.
Letter Grade
頻度: 含まれる
詳細: Assessment Policy Role of Assessments: Assessments play a crucial role in this class by measuring students’ understanding of the material, providing feedback for improvement, and preparing them for the CLEP Sociology exam. They help ensure that students are comprehending and retaining the key concepts covered in the course. Types of Assessments: 1. Practice Quizzes: • Short quizzes covering recent topics. • Offered weekly. • Conducted in class. • Required for all students. 2. Written Reflections and Essays: • Short essays or reflections on sociological topics discussed in class. • Assigned weekly as take-home assignments. • Required for all students. 3. Group Discussions: • Participation in class discussions to explore sociological theories and concepts. • Conducted during each class session. • Required for all students. 4. Midterm and Final Practice Exams: • Comprehensive exams simulating the CLEP Sociology exam format. • Midterm offered at the end of Week 2. • Final practice exam offered in the last class of Week 4. • Conducted in class. • Required for all students. Frequency of Assessments: • Weekly practice quizzes and written assignments. • Midterm practice exam at the end of Week 2. • Final practice exam in the last class of Week 4. In-Class and Take-Home Assignments: • Practice quizzes and exams are conducted in class. • Written reflections and essays are assigned as take-home homework. Requirement for All Students: All assessments are required for all students to ensure a thorough understanding of the course material and adequate preparation for the CLEP Sociology exam. Regular participation in assessments is essential for tracking progress and achieving success in the course.
頻度: 含まれる
詳細: Grading Policy Grading Options Offered: Grades will be provided by request for any learner. By default, feedback and progress reports will be given to all students and parents to ensure transparency and track academic performance. Role of Grades in This Class: Grades play an important role in this class by helping students and parents understand the learner’s progress and areas needing improvement. Grades will also serve as a motivational tool to encourage students to stay engaged and complete assignments on time. Grading Components: 1. Practice Quizzes: • Quizzes will be graded for accuracy. • Feedback will be provided to help students improve. 2. Written Reflections and Essays: • Graded on comprehension, engagement, and clarity. • Constructive feedback will be provided. 3. Group Discussions: • Participation will be noted and qualitatively assessed based on engagement and contributions. 4. Midterm and Final Practice Exams: • Graded to simulate the CLEP Sociology exam scoring. • Detailed feedback will be given to highlight strengths and areas for improvement. Providing Grades: • By Request: Parents or students can request formal grades at any time during the course for a detailed performance report. • By Default: All students will receive regular progress reports with qualitative feedback after major assessments, such as the midterm and final practice exams, as well as weekly summaries of quiz and homework performance. Role of Grades: Grades will help identify areas where students excel and where additional support might be needed. They will also ensure that students are on track to successfully pass the CLEP Sociology exam by the end of the course. While grades are important, the primary focus will be on learning and understanding the material, with grades serving as a tool to support this goal.
This class is designed to support students with ADHD, Dyslexia, and ASD. We use clear, structured lessons with visual aids and interactive activities to engage different learning styles. Flexible pacing.
There are no prerequisites for this course. However, a basic understanding of social studies concepts and an interest in learning about human behavior and society will be beneficial. 
 クラス登録時に 1 の学習素材が提供されます
Learner Supply List: 1. Notebook and Pen/Pencil: • For taking notes during class and completing written assignments. 2. Three-Ring Binder with Dividers: • For organizing printed materials and notes. 3. Highlighters: • For emphasizing key concepts in notes and reading materials. 4. Access to a Computer with Internet: • Required for accessing the modernstates.org CLEP Sociology course and online resources. 5. Printer: • For printing out worksheets, practice quizzes, and other materials. 6. Second Device (e.g., Tablet or Smartphone): • For playing Kahoot! during class activities. 7. Modern States CLEP Sociology Course: • Free online resource. Access required for course materials. • Modern States CLEP Sociology 8. OpenStax Sociology Textbook: • Free online textbook. Optional for additional reading and reference. • OpenStax Sociology 9. Calculator: • Optional for interpreting data in tables and charts. These materials will ensure that students are fully equipped to participate in all class activities and assignments, helping them stay organized and engaged throughout the course.
Parental Guidance

This course will discuss various sociological topics that may include sensitive content such as social inequality, race and ethnic relations, gender roles, and deviant behavior. While these topics are essential for understanding sociology, they may be upsetting to some learners. All discussions will be conducted in a respectful and age-appropriate manner, encouraging open dialogue and critical thinking.

Media Content:

	•	No media content with official ratings will be used.

Third-Party Tools:

	•	modernstates.org CLEP Sociology Course: Students will need access to this free resource. An account is required to access the course materials. Parents should assist students in creating an account if needed.

No additional safety precautions are required for this course. If you have any concerns about the content, please feel free to reach out for further clarification.
The following sources provide the foundation for our CLEP Sociology Exam Prep course:

1.	modernstates.org CLEP Sociology Course:
	•	The primary resource for course content, including readings, practice questions, and study materials.
	•	Modern States: CLEP Sociology
2.	CLEP Official Study Guide:
	•	A comprehensive guide to the CLEP Sociology exam, offering practice questions and test-taking strategies.
	•	College Board, CLEP Official Study Guide.
3.	OpenStax Sociology Textbook:
	•	An open-access sociology textbook providing detailed explanations of key concepts and theories.
	•	OpenStax, “Introduction to Sociology 2e.”
	•	OpenStax Sociology
4.	Khan Academy:
	•	Supplementary videos and articles on various sociology topics.
	•	Khan Academy Sociology

These sources are used to ensure comprehensive coverage of the topics required for the CLEP Sociology exam and to provide diverse perspectives and materials for learners.
参加しました January, 2021
Hi there, I’m Ms. Na’im, and I’m thrilled to tell you a bit about myself! 📚✨

I’m a lifelong learner and a passionate educator. I’ve pretty much been in school non-stop! I hold a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in liberal arts, a master’s... 




毎週または¥225 16 クラス分
週に4回、 4 週間
60 分

16 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 11-15
クラス人数: 1 人-18 人

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