
「クリスマス ベーカリー」算数: 足し算と引き算 (1-15)、K-1 年生

クリスマスをテーマにしたパン屋さんを舞台にした楽しい足し算と引き算の練習。生徒たちはクリスマス用の焼き菓子(クッキー、ケーキなど)を買ったり売ったりして、15 以内の和と差を計算します。幼稚園児と 1 年生の復習に最適です。
Miss V (B.S. Ed)


1 ライブミーティング
30 分 授業時間


🍞🎂Welcome to the Christmas Bakery!🎂🍞
Yum! Look at all the treats for sale! Are you ready to buy holiday cakes, pies, cookies, & more?

In this fun, interactive class, students will pretend they are in a Christmas-themed bakery! During the class, they will get to be a baker whipping up treats as well as a customer buying those yummy items! Through one- & two-step math problems, students will practice addition & subtraction facts within 15.  Although not required, it may be helpful for some learners to have counters as a visual support. A printable set is provided, but counters can be any small household object such as pennies, beans, poker chips, glass beads, etc. Students will need 15 objects. 

*PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: This class is mainly intended as a review for addition & subtraction facts, so it is important that learners be familiar with the terms: add, subtract, difference, & sum. (PS: If your student isn't ready yet, watch for my future classes for little learners that will introduce these concepts!)

Students will be encouraged to briefly share with the class about their favorite sweet treat. Beyond being fun, this is another way we will practice turn-taking, active listening, & positive peer interaction.
-Practice addition & subtraction facts within 15
-Solve one- & two-step word problems
-Create a number sentence/equation to solve a given word problem 
-Use critical thinking to exclude extraneous information from a word problem 
-Participate in class discussion appropriately through turn-taking, active listening, & positive interaction with peers


Although not required, it may be helpful for some learners to have counters as a visual support. A printable set is provided, but counters can be any small household object such as pennies, beans, poker chips, glass beads, etc. Students will need 15 objects.
*Required: white board & dry erase marker (PREFERRED)   {or}   paper & pencil 
*Optional, but encouraged: It may be helpful for some learners to have counters as a visual support. A printable set is provided, but counters can be any small household object such as pennies, beans, poker chips, glass beads, etc. Students will need 15 objects.
 クラス登録時に 1 の学習素材が提供されます
参加しました June, 2021
Hello! My name is Virginia, or "Miss V" for short. Thanks so much for visiting my page!
I love teaching & can't wait to have your learner in my class!

**My Education & Experience**
I graduated with honors from Baylor University with a Bachelor of Science in Education, emphasis in Elementary Education & Child Development. I have had a huge range of professional teaching experience! I student taught in early childhood (birth-age 5), kindergarten, first grade, & fifth grade classrooms. I have worked with preschoolers in licensed childcare centers, at Head Start, & in a special education preschool. Additionally, I have held a substitute teaching license & taught K-4 in public elementary schools. One of my most formative experiences as an educator was working as a military childcare provider, developing curriculum & teaching children essential social-emotional skills such as conflict resolution, how to make friends, dealing with difficult emotions, & more! I also have extensive church-related experience as a Director of Christian Education, teen youth group leader, & Sunday School teacher. Finally, I am a homeschool mom & have LOVED every moment of it!  

**Teaching Philosophy & Values**
I believe in the precious value & uniqueness of each student. EVERY student has an area where they shine, & I feel it is my job to help them find that area. I want students to walk away from my classes not only having gained skills, but also improving their confidence & self-esteem. While I do have a background working in churches, I have had wonderful students from all walks of life, family structures, religious/non-religious beliefs, etc. It's extremely important to me that ALL families feel welcome in my classes! 

**My Classes**
I look forward to offering a wide variety of classes based on academic standards, social-emotional skills, practical life skills, career readiness, crafting, & more! If you ever have a question or concern about a particular class, please don't hesitate to contact me. Your communication allows me to better meet the needs of students & helps me improve my teaching! 

**Personal Info & Fun Facts**
I grew up in small-town Texas & now live in rural Kansas. I have two beautiful children, ages 1 & 8. Fun Fact: I once spent a month on a solo road trip across the Desert Southwest, camping, staying in hostels, & making new friends. My dream is to one day walk the Camino de Santiago in Europe. My husband likes to say that I've never met a stranger! :) 




30 分

14 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 5-8
クラス人数: 2 人-6 人

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