

Mrs. Brandy, B.S. Biology, MPH
Rising Star
この 8 週間の STEM 学術科学コースでは、学生は元素、物理的反応、化学反応、吸熱反応/発熱反応、周期表、溶解度、科学的手法について学び、家庭用品を使って 5 つの実験を行います。#学術


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 5 - 8
8 lessons//8 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Meet the Atom, Subatomic Particles, and Periodic Table Trends.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Mixtures, compounds, and common elements and their properties.
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Demonstrate covalent bonding through in-class modeling plus quiz.
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Fun experiment on chemical and physical reactions.
 Week 5
Lesson 5
In depth-discussion on chemical and physical reactions plus an experiment.
 Week 6
Lesson 6
Endothermic and Exothermic reactions plus experimentation.
 Week 7
Lesson 7
We will play a fun Kahoot! quiz game to help review the material.
 Week 8
Lesson 8
Solubility rules and Scientific Method with experimentation.
 クラス登録時に 2 の学習素材が提供されます
For week 3, please bring toothpicks and gumdrops. We will do an experiment during week 4. Please bring the following to class: Materials needed for Experiment #1:(Week 4) A plastic sandwich bag A tissue (Ex. Kleenex tissue) Vinegar Baking soda Twist tie (Ex. A tie that you find on a loaf of bread) A pie pan or any container-this is needed to catch the potential leakage of liquid from bag We will also do an experiment during( week 5.) Bring two diapers, water, and a plate(container) to participate in this week's experiment. Sodium Polyacrylate can be substituted for the two diapers. In (week 6), we will conduct an endothermic and exothermic reaction experiment. For this experiment, each learner will need hydrogen peroxide, yeast, thermometer, baking soda, and vinegar if he or she wants to participate. Also, 2 containers will be needed to hold the liquids. This experiment is optional. I will explain the experiment fully in class next week. If you don't have a thermometer, don't buy one. I am more than sure that you can gage the temperature change by touch alone. In (week 7), please bring a second device so that you can play Kahoot! In (week 8), we will conduct a solubility experiment next week. The materials for this class will be detailed in the attachment which will be available upon enrollment.
参加しました March, 2020
Rising Star
学士号 Xavier University of Louisianaから 科学 へ
I’m a native of New Orleans. I am also a joyful homeschool mother of one and a passionate teacher of Biology, Chemistry, and Nutrition. I not only delight in teaching these subjects well but also enjoy creating a fun and stimulating environment in... 


8 クラス分
週に1回、 8 週間
50 分

282 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 10-14
クラス人数: 6 人-12 人

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