

このキャリアセメスターコースの 10 レッスンの自主学習コースでは、学生はキャリアの選択肢、教育要件を検討し、経済および労働市場の状況が収入、キャリアの機会、雇用状況にどのように影響するかを評価します。
Apples2Zippers Learning Academy


10 録画レッスン
10 週間
Optional Career Unit Assessment is available under lesson 10.
Optional Career Unit Assessment is available under lesson 10.


This is a self-paced course NO LIVE MEETINGS

Career Semester Unit
In this 10 lesson Career Semester course students will explore career options, education requirements, evaluate how economic and labor market conditions can affect income, career opportunities and employment status.

Prepare for the future with our Career Readiness course tailored for high school students. This course provides essential skills and knowledge to successfully navigate the transition from school to the workplace or higher education. Students will explore various career paths, learn professional skills, and develop a personalized career plan to help launch their post-graduation journey.

Discover personal interests and how they align with different career opportunities.

Learn key professional skills such as resume writing, interview techniques, communication, teamwork, and digital literacy. Develop soft skills that are crucial in any professional setting.

Understand the importance of creating a personal brand. Learn how to effectively use social media and digital platforms to enhance professional visibility and networking opportunities.

Create a comprehensive career plan that includes goals setting, educational pathways, and entry strategies into chosen fields. Learn how to adapt plans based on changing job markets and personal growth.

Discuss and understand workplace ethics, culture, and expectations. Prepare for the transition from school to a professional environment.

This course is ideal for high school students who are beginning to consider their future careers or college majors. It offers practical tools and insights that can help students make informed decisions about their professional paths and prepare them for success in any field they choose.

(Optional -  Career Unit Assessment)

As your educator, I am committed to supporting your learning journey and ensuring a responsive educational environment. I will be available to communicate with learners via direct message or our designated learning platform, responding to inquiries within 24 hours during weekdays. Feedback on assignments and assessments will be provided within 72 hours to give you ample time to reflect and improve on your work. My goal is to be as accessible and supportive as possible, fostering a collaborative and enriching learning experience for all.
By the end of this course, students will be able to:

Identify and articulate their skills, strengths, interests, and values and understand how they relate to potential careers.

Demonstrate proficiency in essential professional skills, including communication, resume writing, and interviewing.

Develop and execute a personalized career plan with clear short-term and long-term goals.

Navigate and utilize professional and social networks for career development.

Understand the expectations and dynamics of the professional workplace.


10 レッスン
10 週間以上
レッスン 1:
Career Basics
 Identify different available career pathways
Analyze the relationship between education, pay, and unemployment
Recognize how different careers can be connected by similar skill sets
Contextualize the minimum and median wage in your stat 
レッスン 2:
Choosing a Career
 Analyze potential careers based on salary, stability, growth, training, and responsibilities
Explore different career options based on your interests
Understand how to use an informational interview to gather details on a target career 
レッスン 3:
Workplace Skills
 Differentiate between hard skills and soft skills
Identify skills necessary for a range of jobs
Analyze the skills you currently have and those you will need to gain for a specific career
Demonstrate the use of soft skills in different roleplay scenarios 
レッスン 4:
Finding a Job
 How to use online job boards to find and read job postings for open roles that meet your career goals and qualifications
Prepare for and navigate career fairs and other networking events
Write an elevator pitch that will leave a positive first impression
Overcome imposter syndrome when applying for jobs 


This is course has no live meeting. This course using Nearpod and Youtube. Each lesson, materials and activities will be post to the Outschool classroom. Students have the flexibility of completing the lessons own their time schedule.
参加しました November, 2020
アーカンソー州 教員免許 中等教育で
Ms. Adamson Ed.S. - Certified Teacher
修士号 Arkansas State Universityから 教育 へ
Ms. Adamson Ed.S. - Certified Teacher
修士号 Arkansas State Universityから 教育 へ
Ms. Adamson Ed.S. - Certified Teacher
学士号 Arkansas State Universityから 科学 へ
Ms. Adamson Ed.S. - Certified Teacher
Apples2Zippers Learning Academy teachers are licensed and certified instructors with over 30 years of combined experience in the classroom. 🔗 https://outschool.com/teachers/apples2zippers?usid=22phBPHs&signup=true&authTrigger=follow_teacher&utm_campaign=share_leader_link 

🍎 Mrs. Adamson - Hello, my name is Mrs. Adamson, I am the owner and founder of Apples2Zippers Learning Academy organization on Outschool.  I have been teaching for 20 years. I am a state certified and licensed teacher PreK - 12th grade. I am  licensed and certified educator in Business Technology & Business Education, Special Education Instructional Specialist, Family & Consumer Sciences, and a graduate of the Career and Technical Education Leadership Academy and ESL Instructor and certifications in TEFL/TESL/TESOL. I am also an entrepreneur, small business owner, travel agent, W!SE Financial Literacy Instructor, Serv-Safe Instructor, and I hold a Master's Degree in Education and a Bachelor's Degree in Radiology Health Management.  I am an advocate of Career and Technical Education (CTE), life skill classes that are designed to provide students the knowledge and skills necessary for everyday living.




週ごとまたは$150 ですべてのコンテンツ
10 録画済みレッスン
10 間の講師サポート
コンテンツへの 1 年間のアクセス

2 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 13-18

App StoreでダウンロードGoogle Playで入手する
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