
自分の作品を持ち寄ろう | 全ジャンルのクリエイティブ ライティング ワークショップ

Jacqui Zeng, MFA


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 55 分


**Please note: Learners are expected to do their writing outside of class. They should come to class with a complete draft of their poem, song, story, etc. We will not have time to write during class; this workshop is for giving and receiving feedback only.**

This is a relaxed, community-oriented writing workshop. The goal is for learners to give and receive constructive feedback on their writing. We will discuss story elements, poetry elements, and other genre conventions in a way that all learners can understand. Learners can bring any genre or style of writing into the workshop. Their writing can be an early draft or a nearly finished piece. 

Before sharing their work out loud, each learner tells the class what they already like about the piece, and what they want feedback on. The learner then reads their piece, then calls on a few other learns for feedback and praise. A more detailed lesson plan is below:

Check-In (5-10 mins): Everyone gives their name and pronouns (pronouns are optional), and answers the question: "How are you today?"

Go Over Workshop Process (5 mins): Ms. Jacqui goes over expectations for the workshop. Expectations include raising your hand before speaking, being on camera whenever possible, choosing respectful language to express opinions, and balancing thoughtful criticism with praise.

1st Learner Reads (5 mins): The first learner volunteers to read their piece out loud. Before they start reading, they tell the workshop a little bit about what they wrote -- what it's about, what they already like about the piece, and what they want feedback on. Then the learner reads the piece out loud. (If the piece is more than two pages in length, they will pick an excerpt of no more than two pages to read.) 

1st Learner Workshop (5-10 mins): The first learner guides their own feedback session, and takes notes on the feedback they receive. Other students can raise their hand to say what they appreciate about the piece, or offer feedback that the learner specifically asked for before they read. I encourage everyone to be specific in what they ask feedback on, and to stick to that topic when giving feedback. When there are lots of new kids in workshop, I give specific examples of what you can ask/give feedback for (e.g. character development, rhyme, plot structure, etc.). 

2nd-5th Learners Read and Workshop (25-30 minutes): We repeat the process above for each learner in the group. Depending on class size and the depth of feedback requested, some learners will have longer feedback sessions than others.

Goodbye! (1-2 mins): This is a time for last-minute questions from the learners and announcements from me. I thank everyone for the careful time and attention that they gave to each other's work. Then we wave goodbye while everyone logs off.
By participating in this class, students will:
- develop writing projects in the genre(s) of their choosing
- study one another's writing in order to enhance appreciation of different genres
- read their work out loud to a group of supportive peers
- collectively develop a vocabulary of the writing craft
- use the vocabulary we develop together to discuss one another's work
- moderate their own feedback sessions
- assess the successes and challenges of each draft
- write editorial notes on their own drafts


Learners are encouraged to bring in writing inspired by their lived experiences. However, writing that demeans marginalized groups will not be tolerated. (This includes language, plot points, or character descriptions that are racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.) Learners should also avoid using curses and swear words, in accordance with Outschool policy. If a learner is questioning whether or not a piece is classroom-appropriate, they can send me a copy privately before workshop for my review.
Learners will need a copy of their writing and a way of taking notes on workshop feedback. Some students handwrite their projects and take notes in the margins of their drafts. Some students type their drafts, but then print them for workshop and take handwritten notes on the printed pages. And some students type their poems in Google Docs and type workshop notes as Comments. Your child can use whichever method works best for them.
参加しました April, 2020
I have been leading creative writing workshops for pre-teens for seven years. I really enjoy working with kids outside of school, where grades and competition don't put undue pressure on the students. My master's degree is in creative writing, so I also have been a student in writing workshops. I have a strong understanding of what helps writing students flourish.




55 分

1 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 9-11
クラス人数: 2 人-5 人

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