
「ブレインブーストブートキャンプ:スタイリッシュにテストで最高の成績を収めよう!」| テスト準備 | 3年生~8年生

Ms. McDonald | Innovative Minds Academy
「テストを受けよう、テストに振り回されるな」は、テストに対する不安を軽減することを目的とした、魅力的なインタラクティブ クラスです。このユニークなリソースは、州のテストでのパフォーマンスを向上させるための貴重な戦略とツールを学生に提供します。


米国の学年 3 - 6
4 units//12 lessons//12 Weeks
Unit 1“Don’t Let the Test Take YOU!”
1 lesson1 Week
“Don’t Let the Test Take YOU!”
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Week 1: Understanding Test Anxiety
Introduction to the course What is test anxiety? Identifying personal triggers Relaxation techniques
Unit 2Let’s ACE the test!
4 lessons4 Weeks
Let’s ACE the test!
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Week 2: Setting Goals for Success
Importance of setting goals SMART goals Goal-setting activity Reflection on personal strengths and areas for improvement
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Week 3: Test-Taking Strategies Part 1: Before the Test
Preparing for tests: study habits and organization Time management skills Creating a study schedule Practice test analysis
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Week 4: Test-Taking Strategies Part 2: During the Test
Strategies for managing test anxiety during the exam Reading comprehension techniques Tips for multiple-choice questions Effective use of scratch paper and resources
 Week 5
Lesson 5
Week 5: Test-Taking Strategies Part 3: After the Test
Reviewing test results Identifying mistakes and areas for improvement Celebrating successes Setting new goals based on test performance
Unit 3Becoming a Critical Thinker
3 lessons3 Weeks
Becoming a Critical Thinker
 Week 6
Lesson 6
Week 6: Critical Thinking Skills Part 1: Problem-Solving
Introduction to critical thinking Problem-solving techniques Group activities to enhance problem-solving skills Real-life application of critical thinking
 Week 7
Lesson 7
Week 7: Critical Thinking Skills Part 2: Analyzing Information
Analyzing and interpreting data Identifying patterns and trends Practice exercises on data analysis Discussion on the importance of critical thinking in daily life
 Week 8
Lesson 8
Week 8: Critical Thinking Skills Part 3: Making Inferences
Understanding inference and deduction Practice exercises on making inferences Applying inference skills to reading comprehension Group discussions and sharing of insights
Unit 4Take the Test in Confidence
4 lessons4 Weeks
Take the Test in Confidence
 Week 9
Lesson 9
Week 9: Confidence Building
Building self-esteem and confidence Positive self-talk techniques Visualization exercises for success Sharing personal success stories and achievements
 Week 10
Lesson 10
Week 10: Review and Practice
Review of test-taking strategies and critical thinking skills Practice tests in various subjects Individualized feedback and coaching Goal-setting for the remaining weeks of the course
 Week 11
Lesson 11
Week 11: Mock Test Day
Simulated test day experience Full-length practice test in exam-like conditions Test-taking tips and strategies review Post-test reflection and feedback session
 Week 12
Lesson 12
Week 12: Celebration and Graduation
Celebrating accomplishments Recognizing growth and progress Graduation ceremony and certificates Reflection on personal development throughout the course
Throughout the "Take the Test, Don't Let the Test Take You" course, students will acquire a range of valuable skills and knowledge to enhance their test-taking abilities. Here's a detailed breakdown of what they'll learn:

1. **Understanding Test Anxiety:**
   - Recognizing signs and symptoms of test anxiety.
   - Identifying personal triggers and stressors.
   - Cultivating mindfulness techniques to manage anxiety.

2. **Effective Study Habits:**
   - Developing personalized study routines based on learning styles.
   - Time management strategies for efficient study sessions.
   - Note-taking techniques to enhance information retention.

3. **Test-Taking Strategies:**
   - Approaches for tackling multiple-choice questions with confidence.
   - Essay writing tips, including organization and time management.
   - Techniques for approaching different question types.

4. **Resource Utilization:**
   - Familiarity with various study resources, including textbooks and online tools.
   - Understanding how to utilize study aids effectively.
   - Building a personalized study toolkit tailored to individual needs.

5. **Mock Tests and Review:**
   - Simulating real test scenarios to build familiarity.
   - Analyzing mock test performance to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
   - Tailoring strategies based on individual performance feedback.

6. **Building Confidence and Positive Mindset:**
   - Cultivating a positive attitude towards tests and assessments.
   - Boosting self-confidence through goal-setting and achievement recognition.
   - Developing a growth mindset to embrace challenges and learning opportunities.

By the end of the course, students will not only have a toolkit of effective test-taking strategies but will also have gained a deeper understanding of themselves as learners, empowering them to approach tests with confidence and resilience.
Homework assignments will be an integral part of the "Take the Test, Don't Let the Test Take You" class. These assignments are designed to reinforce the concepts covered during class sessions and provide students with practical opportunities to apply the strategies they've learned. Homework assignments will vary and may include tasks such as: - Reflective journaling on personal test-taking experiences. - Implementing time management techniques in real study scenarios. - Practicing specific test-taking strategies with sample questions. - Utilizing recommended resources to enhance understanding of topics. The goal of these assignments is to ensure that students can actively engage with the material outside of the class, allowing for a more comprehensive and practical grasp of the skills taught. Additionally, the assignments will provide an opportunity for individualized feedback, ensuring each student receives guidance tailored to their progress and needs. Homework is a key component in solidifying the learning experience and fostering a deeper understanding of effective test-taking strategies.
Yes, assessments, tests, and quizzes will be incorporated into the "Take the Test, Don't Let the Test Take You" class. These evaluations serve as valuable tools to measure students' understanding of the material and their proficiency in applying the test-taking strategies taught during the course. The assessments may include: - Short quizzes to check comprehension of specific topics. - Mid-term and final tests covering a range of concepts learned throughout the semester. - Mock exams simulating real test scenarios, allowing students to practice strategies in a controlled environment. These assessments are not meant to induce stress but rather to provide constructive feedback and identify areas for improvement. They are an essential part of the learning process, enabling students to track their progress and apply the strategies they've acquired in a practical setting. As with all aspects of the class, assessments will be approached with a supportive and encouraging mindset, emphasizing growth and development rather than mere performance.
The "Take the Test, Don't Let the Test Take You" class focuses on fostering a positive learning experience and helping students develop valuable skills to overcome test anxiety. While traditional letter grades may not be assigned, the class is designed to provide constructive feedback and support individual growth. Instead of letter grades, the emphasis will be on a mastery learning approach. Students will have opportunities to demonstrate their understanding and application of test-taking strategies through various assessments, quizzes, and practical exercises. Feedback will be provided to help students identify areas of strength and areas that may need further attention. Upon successful completion of the course, students will receive a certificate of completion. This certificate acknowledges their commitment to mastering effective test-taking strategies and overcoming test anxiety. It serves as a testament to their growth and development throughout the course. The ultimate goal is to ensure that each student leaves the class with a sense of accomplishment, equipped with the skills and confidence needed to navigate tests and assessments successfully.
No specific prerequisites are required for "Take the Test, Don't Let the Test Take You." . All eager learners are welcome to join.
Learners participating in the "Take the Test, Don't Let the Test Take You" class will primarily need the provided interactive workbook from the Let's TEACH Beyond the Classroom TPT Store. This workbook will serve as the main resource throughout the course and will be supplied to parents.

Other than the workbook, no additional materials or textbooks are required for the class. The course is designed to be accessible and convenient, with the necessary information and strategies provided within the workbook and discussed during class sessions.

The workbook will be shared electronically or in print, depending on the preferences and arrangements made with parents. There are no additional costs associated with the required materials for this class.
The primary source material for the "Take the Test, Don't Let the Test Take You" class is the interactive workbook provided by the Let's TEACH Beyond the Classroom TPT Store. This workbook serves as the foundation for the course, offering valuable content, strategies, and activities aimed at reducing test anxiety and enhancing test-taking skills.

Additionally, the class may reference reputable educational resources, articles, and websites that align with the curriculum. These sources will be chosen to complement the workbook and provide students with a well-rounded understanding of effective study habits, test-taking strategies, and mindfulness techniques.

Parents will receive a copy of the interactive workbook to support their child's learning journey and reinforce the concepts covered in the class. The use of external sources will adhere to the class content policy, ensuring that all materials are appropriate, reputable, and contribute to the overall educational objectives of the course.
参加しました August, 2023
Greetings Families! 
 I’m  Dr. Tiffany McDonald, Ed.D, Certified Education Specialist at TEACH Inc. As a 7 year Educator with 20 years in Education, I’m   READY to help you TEACH ‘Beyond the Classroom’. As a scholar in my class, parents and... 


毎週または¥25 12 クラス分
週に1回、 12 週間
105 分

6 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 8-13
クラス人数: 5 人-15 人

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