
読書好きのベストフレンド: 毎週のティーン向けサマーソーシャルブッククラブ

Miss Tatiana's Daydream Academy: Gaming Clubs
Star Educator
人気のホームスクール&放課後ソーシャル クラブに参加して、世界中の友達と交流しましょう。10 代前半と 10 代の子供たちは、読書好きの仲間とグローバルな友情を育みます。ミス タチアナの受賞歴のあるソーシャル クラブに今すぐ参加しましょう。


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 9 - 12
  • Daydream Academy's Weekly Social Book Club is designed to cultivate a love for reading and enhance various skills through literary exploration and social interaction. Our learning goals leverage the engaging nature of book discussions and activities to foster a variety of skills among tweens and teens. Our goals include: 🔴 Literacy and Communication Skills: Learners will enhance their reading, writing, and verbal communication skills by discussing books, sharing ideas, and learning about new books. The goal is to improve comprehension, vocabulary, and articulation. 🟢 Critical Thinking and Analysis: Through verbally analyzing different books and genres, learners will develop critical thinking skills. This includes identifying themes, character motivations, and plot structures, promoting deeper understanding and analytical abilities. 🔵 Social Skills Development: Learners will improve their social interaction skills by participating in group discussions and collaborative reading challenges. This will enhance their communication, empathy, and teamwork abilities through shared literary experiences. 🟡 Cultural Awareness and Appreciation: By reading and discussing books from diverse authors and cultures, learners will gain insights into different perspectives and ways of life, fostering a broader understanding and appreciation of global diversity. 🟣 Imaginative Exploration: Learners will engage in imaginative discussions about the books they read, exploring different scenarios, alternative endings, and character developments. This aims to foster creativity and innovative thinking through open-ended conversations. 🟠 Confidence and Public Speaking: Presenting their favorite books and participating in discussions will help learners build confidence and improve their public speaking skills, enabling them to articulate their thoughts clearly and confidently. 🔴 Emotional Intelligence: By exploring characters' emotions and motivations, learners will develop greater empathy and emotional awareness. This contributes to their overall emotional intelligence and understanding of human behavior. 🟢 Lifelong Love for Reading: The club aims to instill a lifelong love for reading, encouraging learners to explore new genres, authors, and literary styles. This promotes curiosity, a love for learning, and a continuous pursuit of knowledge. 🔵 Critical Discussion and Debate: Through friendly debates and discussions on book-related topics, learners will refine their ability to form and defend their opinions, engage in respectful discourse, and appreciate differing viewpoints. These learning goals are designed to ensure that participation in our Weekly Social Book Club is not only enjoyable but also educational, providing learners with valuable skills and knowledge that will benefit them in many aspects of their lives.
🔴 A book of your choice, if you would like to participate in our optional weekly Show-And-Tell
参加しました July, 2020
Star Educator
学士号 California State Universityから 映画/映画/ビデオ研究 へ
Miss Tatiana
学士号 California State Universityから 政治学と政府 へ
Mr. P
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✨ Welcome to Daydream Academy ✨

🎉 We invite you to join our award-winning classes where fun, learning, and imagination come together to offer a unique gaming experience for children... 




45 分

年齢: 12-17
クラス人数: 3 人-6 人

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