

生徒は、生きているか亡くなっているかを問わず、好きな人物について話す機会があります。好きな人物について 3 ~ 5 分間のプレゼンテーションを行うことができます。PowerPoint、ポスター ボードを使用したり、その人物の衣装を着たりすることもできます。


1 ライブミーティング
45 分 授業時間


The student has the opportunity to present their favorite person--living or dead.  They will need to spend time researching their favorite person and give a 3-5 minute presentation in front of me and the other students.  If they choose to, they can also make a PowerPoint presentation, a poster board, and/or dress up as their favorite person.  Then, I will give them feedback on their presentation.  The only background knowledge that will be needed is the ability to research their favorite person.  I want the students to be able to get used to public speaking in a fun and relaxed environment.  It is very important for children to start getting used to standing up in front of people and speaking publicly.


参加しました July, 2024
学士号 University of South Floridaから 英語言語と文学 へ
I graduated in 1999 with a Bachelor's degree in English from the University of South Florida.  I have homeschooled for 24 years and have taught many different subjects.  Grammar, Creative Writing, music appreciation, World War 2 history, speech, a plagiarism class, P.E., and cheerleading.  And those were just with the homeschool group.  With my kids, I have taught all the major subjects.  Math (up to Algebra 2), Language Arts (spelling, reading, grammar, writing, American lit, world lit), science (including biology and chemistry), history (ancient, world, American, and everything in between.  My kids loved history), and geography (world and American).  And they have all done well.  My oldest graduated from University Summa Cum Laude, my middle child is starting at the same University this fall and my youngest is a senior in high school and dual enrolled at the local community college.  

My philosophy with teaching is very simple.  I teach the kids what they need to know, make sure they do well, and understand the concept before moving on to the next one.  But, I also believe in listening to the kids, having discussions, and having fun with them.  Much of our history lessons were sitting around the kitchen table discussing the lesson or taking a field trip or vacation to a historical spot; getting their thoughts and views on everything was important to me.  

Something fun and personal about me is that I was very introverted growing up.  However, teaching at our homeschool group really helped me come out of my shell.  As well as coaching cheerleading.  Introverted people usually aren't cheerleaders.  But, my husband and I ran a flag football and cheerleading league and there was no one to coach the girls.  So, I decided that I had to do it.  I didn't want to let the girls down.  They were so excited to be cheering.  

Now, I hope that I have the opportunity to teach your child and have a fun discussion with them!




45 分

年齢: 14-18
クラス人数: 2 人-9 人

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