

高校生を対象としたこの 4 日間の集中ディベート キャンプでは、学生たちは修辞学、論理学、哲学の原則をすべて学び、模擬ビッグ クエスチョン ラウンドで他のキャンプ参加者とともにそれらを応用します。


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 9 - 12
Teacher-Created カリキュラムに準拠
4 lessons//1 Week
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Principles of Rhetoric
On day one, students will learn all about best rhetorical, logical, and research practices for formalized debate.
Lesson 2
The Structure of Philosophical Debate
On day two, students will learn all about Big Questions, including how to incorporate concepts from philosophy into their cases about complex, abstract questions.
Lesson 3
Case Writing
On day three, students will learn how to write their own debate cases based on a Big Questions resolution.
Lesson 4
Mock Debates
On day four, students will practice debating in the Big Questions format with each other.
  • Students will learn about the principles of rhetoric, logic, and philosophy that they will need to be successful in formal and framework debate.
  • Students will write cases based on an actual resolution that was used in Big Questions rounds in the previous academic year.
  • Students will practice debating in the Big Questions style with their classmates under the guidance of an experienced coach.
  • Students will develop an appreciation for understanding complex issues from diverse points of view.
I have a BA in Philosophy with minors in Political Science and Greek and Roman Studies, as well as an MA in Philosophy with a concentration in Ethics and Political Philosophy. I’m the head coach of a competitive high school debate team and teach the liberal arts at a classical school. I’m also a professional creative writer and journalist.

I love helping students of all ages understand and interpret difficult subjects and learn how to crystallize their thoughts in writing and oral communication. I believe formal debate is a wonderful way to facilitate this kind of growth and learning.
授業以外に週あたり 1 - 2 時間の学習が期待されます
頻度: 含まれる
フィードバック: 含まれる
詳細: Students are strongly encouraged to work on some of their case writing and practice their speaking skills outside of the camp meetings. They are also encouraged to do independent research.
Progress Report
頻度: 含まれる
詳細: Students who wish to receive personalized feedback from the instructor on their performance and progress as a Big Questions debater may ask for such feedback, as well as guidance on any future goals they may have with formal debate.
A pen and paper for "flowing," a style of notation used in debate rounds, will be required for each student. No digital tools will suffice for this; it must be a physical pen and paper.
This camp will require students to research, write, and debate about several potentially hot-button moral and religious issues, such as whether morality or a deity exists, whether there is such a thing as objective truth, or what the nature of knowledge is. Students will not be able to choose their own side on the topic as the sides will be randomly assigned by the instructor. No preferences from parents or students as to assigned sides or debating partners will be taken into account out of fairness to everyone and due to the educational value of having to adopt perspectives that differ from one's own.

Students will then engage in a robust exchange of ideas with each other about the topic and will thus be exposed through both the research and the debating processes to numerous perspectives on these issues. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to decide if this is an appropriate activity for their child. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have.
Students will be coached on best research practices. Topics will be chosen from those created in the previous academic year by the National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA). Research guidance will also be drawn from NSDA-created topic packets, but students will be strongly encouraged to do outside research, as well. In live meetings, we will go over how to find appropriate, relevant, and reliable sources in great detail.
参加しました June, 2024
修士号 Northern Illinois Universityから 哲学 へ
学士号 Illinois Wesleyan Universityから 哲学 へ
I have a BA in Philosophy with minors in Political Science and Greek and Roman Studies, as well as an MA in Philosophy with a concentration in Ethics and Political Philosophy. I’m the head coach of a competitive high school debate team and teach... 




4 クラス分
週に4回、 1 週間
55 分

年齢: 14-18
クラス人数: 1 人-18 人

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