
隔週ライティング クラブ: 興味深いトピックについて楽しくライティングしましょう!

Savannah Gilmore


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 30 分
週1時間. Students will have writing weekly ranging from an essay to a shorter writing prompt. I will edit all work sent to me.
Grades will be provided via request but require students to submit weekly work to be graded and then averaged at the end for an overall grade. Students must be enrolled at least 8 weeks to receive a grade for this class. Please let me know the week you enter class if you wish to have a grade, and I will keep track of progress throughout the class.


英語レベル - A1
米国の学年 5 - 8
Beginner - Intermediate レベル向け
General Info:
Older and younger students are welcome as well. This class is for Middle or High School students who need to learn writing skills. I have set writing classes that focus on proper essays, but this class is a little less structured. 

About the Teacher:
I am a certified teacher in various topics, which I teach on Outschool, and I hold a Bachelor’s degree and two Master’s degrees. I strive to align my classes with state standards and GED topics. Each week, your student will see a topic they need to master. 

About this Class: 
This class is geared towards late Middle School to early High School at all levels of writing. I make each week a new topic and we have some fun discussion. It can be anything from current events, to history, to fun topics they enjoy discussing. Some weeks we might have trivia, discussion, videos, etc. I use a mix of teaching methods to appeal to various types of learning styles. We work on creative writing, citations, short descriptive responses, and more. The class does not have an end date, but we will take breaks over holidays. I will provide feedback on all their work shared with me via Google. I edit all writing on FRIDAYS and MONDAYS, so depending on when you submit work, expect edits accordingly. Please let me know how in-depth of edits and grading you would like when you enroll. 

Following class each week, I will put a message in the Outschool classroom with a link to a Google folder where I provide my notes from class, resources, and plenty of activities for you to use on the topic. I also link videos in the message for further coverage of topics. Click the “Show More” button on the message to access it. Class has a lecture base style with a mix of questions, discussion, videos, but a lot of content. Some weeks we practice the skills we learn, and others we cover more content. 

I provide an overall grade for the class but require at least a writing activity turned in weekly to me weekly. I require your student to be enrolled for at least 8 weeks to receive a grade. I will give weekly feedback on their work. Google Docs is required for writing, and there is a document in the folder each week showing how to share work with me. 

Helpful Information
This class is structured for 5th-8th or higher. The longer they are enrolled, the more they will get practice and get to grow in writing. 

Refund and Pause Policy: 
1.  If a makeup class is set by me due to a change on my end, you will not receive a refund. You can access recordings and all resources. 
2.   If you must miss class, you must ask for a refund 48 hours before the class meeting. If you ask on the day of class or after, no refund will be given.
Students will leave class with some better writing skills and more confidence in writing and discussion.


Nothing is required other than pencil, paper, and access to Google Docs and Google Drive. There will be YouTube videos linked in the Outschool classroom to help weekly and used in class.
***You will need GOOGLE DOCS and a google account to be able to share their writing with me. I prefer them to do their writing in Google Docs if possible so I can easily edit and give feedback. If this is an issue, let me know and I can find a way to ensure I can edit their stuff. All materials are shared weekly to the classroom where you will find the folder for the topic we are on and you can access everything there. You can access this regardless of your email suite as long as you have the link.***
参加しました March, 2020
オクラホマ 教員免許 英語/国語で
修士号 Kaplan Universityから 教育 へ
学士号 Ashford Universityから
I have taught for many years and I am certified in various subjects. I have taught in the classroom and in the largest Charter in the US. I have worked with students for many years on their English and grammar skills and I still see students who struggle. When students leave me, most have a solid grasp on the topic I have covered. I like making learning fun and interactive. 




30 分

66 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 10-15
クラス人数: 5 人-18 人

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