
動物園の舞台裏 | 動物園の運営方法 | 8~11 歳向け 4 日間キャンプ

Sarah Skebba
Star Educator
この 4 日間のキャンプでは、学習者は動物園の舞台裏を訪れ、動物の世話、繁殖プログラム、エンリッチメント、キャリア、動物園運営のその他の詳細について学びます。


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 3 - 6
4 lessons//1 Week
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Good Vs. Bad Zoos
Our first session will introduce the factors that make a zoo "good" or "bad." We will learn about the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) and how they certify zoos based on animal care, conservation, and education.
Lesson 2
Exhibits & Enrichment
Let's explore zoo exhibits! We will investigate how an animal's needs determines how its exhibit will be designed. We will explore enrichment and how it is incorporated into exhibit design. We will discuss where animals go at night or in a storm, how they stay cool or warm, and how we make sure they stay where they're supposed to be!
Lesson 3
Breeding Programs & Animal Transports
Why do zoos move animals from one zoo to another? And how do they move animals like lions or rhinos? Let's find out! In lesson 2, we will investigate how animals are moved between zoos and the surprising factors zookeepers must consider. We will learn about the Species Survival Plan breeding programs and who gets to decide which animal goes where!
Lesson 4
Conservation & Education
In our final lesson, we will discuss the important roles zoos have in conservation and wildlife education. We will explore the many ways zoos support wildlife conservation, such as with captive breeding programs and rehabilitation programs. We will discuss the importance of education in the role of conservation and the methods zoos use to teach people of all ages about wildlife.
  • Students will have a deep understanding of the complexities of zoo operations. Students will be familiar with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums and the Species Survival Plan. Students will recognize the importance of zoos in conservation and education.
I have been an employee and volunteer at zoos and aquariums since 2015. 
頻度: リクエストも承ります
詳細: Assessments will be offered in the form of Kahoot! quizzes based on the topic of discussion for each day. The Kahoot! quizzes will be optional and can be completed digitally after class.
参加しました February, 2021
Star Educator
学士号 Arizona State Universityから 科学 へ
Read below to learn about my courses, background, and policies. 


Hi there!

My name is Sarah and I am so excited to explore wildlife, science, and conservation with your learner. I was born and raised in the Metroparks of Ohio, but I... 


4 クラス分
週に4回、 1 週間
40 分

11 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 8-11
クラス人数: 3 人-10 人

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