必要に応じて会議をスケジュールする30 分
週あたり 2-4 時間. It is important that students practice 20-30 minutes everyday. Parents need to partner with the teacher and encourage students to be practicing. Practicing is KEY to becoming a good pianist.テスト
I assess as we go along in each class. When we have finished each book, there is a Final Check-up that assesses what the student has retained.この文章は自動翻訳されています
I have been teaching basic piano lessons for 30+years. (In my home, After school -at school) -I like for my classes to be fun.(with games included.) -One on One classes work with students where they are at and go at the pace each students can handle. -I use the Edna Mae Burnum Step by Step Book ( no cd required) Students are responsible to purchase their own books. -We will discuss new material and have examples. -I love the interaction between teacher and student. It always creates a special bond. -I have also taught Elementary Music in Private Schools for 15+ years 1. CLASS ONE/ Number fingers, find black and white keys, Find MIDDLE C, learn Treble and Bass clef, RIGHT Hand - Treble Clef, LEFT Hand- Bass Clef, Learn middle C note, Play middle C on page 9, 10, 11, Bar lines and Double Bar lines, quarter not C, Half note C, and Whole note C, and play tip toe on page 13. 2. CLASS TWO/ Review homework, Learn 4/4 time signature, "Play Hop and Stop" and "Pop Corn." Learn D and correct fingering, Play "Sleep" and " On The Bus." IF time allows Play "The Rain" and Leaves." 3. CLASS THREE/ ( husband has surgery on 13th) Review homework, introduce Bass Clef B, Play "Boat Song," "The Drum," and "In a Hammock." If time allows, students will play "The Woodpecker." "The Woodpecker" is the first song that student will use both hands to play at the same time. 4: CLASSFOUR/ Introduce the Treble Clef E and fingering. Play "Sing to Me," "The Shoe Cobbler," and if time allows play ""The Rain." It is important to go at each individual student's pace. So, in some classes, we may get farther than expected. While some students may have to, not go as fast. When we push students too fast, lessons can become too difficult, therefore, students loose interest. .-There are 8 levels of the Step by Step Edna Mae Burnam books that I teach from. They break it down into tiny steps that make it easy for the learners. -I will sometime require Edna Mae Step by Step (Solo Books and Theory Books) as I see what each child needs throughout our lessons. That is why individual piano lessons are important. -Practicing 20-30 minutes a day is KEY to learning to play the piano. At first 20 minutes a day is GREAT, as the songs get harder 30 minutes day will be best. -It is important for parents to partner with the teacher and encourage practice. Parents could reward your child, if they have practice everyday for a week. I usually award students for practicing with "in person" classes. -Learning to play the piano is a GIFT that will last a lifetime.
Students will learn treble clef and bass clef , quarter notes, quarter rest, time signature, bar line, double bar line, dotted half note and rest, half note and rest, 2/4, 3/4/ and 4/4 times signatures. ( in book one) Students will be learning to read music and play simple songs.
To start with, each students needs to order the book: Step by Step Piano Course ( Book one) by Edna Mae Burnam ( No cd required). Students will need to order the next level book as needed. These books can be found on Amazon or at most local Music stores. https://www.amazon.com/Step-Piano-Course-Book-Leonard/dp/0877180369/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Step+by+step+Edna+Mae+Burnam+book+one&qid=1636991461&sr=8-1
I love to teach. My experience is teaching Music, Creative Story-Time and Art at Christian Schools for 14+ years. I’ve taught at home and at school piano lessons off and on for 25+ years. The last 31/2 years, I’ve taught online English Classes to Chinese Children. I also interpret for the deaf. Throughout the last 35 years, I’ve enjoyed teaching several sign language classes as well. I have two children. My oldest graduated college with a Biblical Counseling Degree. My youngest is in college pursuing an Early Childhood Education Degree. I’m looking forward to meeting students all over the world and sharing my passion for the arts.
30 分
9 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 7-15