5 録画レッスン
5 週間
Learners are encouraged to practice every day and show their completed songs at the end of the week.修了証書
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 2 - 5
Beginner レベル向け
Does your child have an interest in playing an instrument? This is a great first step to learning music notation and seeing if they are really interested, before making the big investment on your own schedule! I teach in a very patient, fun, and engaging style. No prior knowledge is needed. We will learn how to play the recorder, musical notation, the 7 musical notes in music, different rhythms, and musical vocabulary with fun musical games and activities. After taking this class, students will start to internalize the beats so it comes naturally to them. Each week, I will present my prerecorded videos and provide a song and worksheet you will need to download. I will be checking in each day to see who has posted any videos or pictures of practice time on the piano to answer questions and give helpful suggestions. Students will be encouraged to share their performance on the piano/keyboard with the class by the end of each week by uploading a video to our classroom on Outschool so that fellow students and I can give positive feedback in the classroom to give a sense of community in the classroom. In addition to becoming a young musician performing on the piano/keyboard, it is my hope for all the students to appreciate all their fellow students' hard work, encourage each other, and gain confidence in their own abilities to perform on the piano. Since this is a flex class, there are no live meetings; however, I am available to answer your questions any time during the 5 weeks of class! Also, having the prerecorded video allows you to replay parts of the video at any time, for extra help as needed :). Soprano Recorders can be purchased on Amazon for under $10. Scope & Sequence: Week 1: Quarter Notes, Eighth Notes, Musical Alphabet, Proper Hand and Finger Position, How to use a steady breath, Learn to recognize the note "B" and play different rhythms on the recorder on the note "B" Week 2: Quarter Rest, Whole Note, Half Note, Learn to read the notes, B, A, G in music, Learn to play "Hot Cross Buns" Week 3: Time Signature, Review note values and names, Learn E-I-E-I-Oh part of "Old McDonald" Week 4: Learn to read notes F, E, D, and C in music. Learn to play the whole song of "Old McDonald" Week 5: Sharps vs. Flats, Learn to play, "Mary Had a Little Lamb" Instill a passion and knowledge of music so your learner can excel in any instrument they choose. I hope to see your learner in class!
Musical Alphabet
Quarter Notes, Eighth Notes, Half Notes, Whole Notes, Quarter Rests
How to play songs on the recorder
5 レッスン
5 週間以上レッスン 1:
Lesson 1
Quarter Notes, Eighth Notes, Musical Alphabet, Proper Hand and Finger Position, How to use a steady breath, Learn to recognize the note "B" and play different rhythms on the recorder on the note "B"
レッスン 2:
Lesson 2
Quarter Rest, Whole Note, Half Note, Learn to read the notes, B, A, G in music, Learn to play "Hot Cross Buns"
レッスン 3:
Lesson 3
Time Signature, Review note values and names, Learn E-I-E-I-Oh part of "Old McDonald"
レッスン 4:
Lesson 4
Learn to read notes F, E, D, and C in music. Learn to play the whole song of "Old McDonald"
Soprano Recorder which you can find on Amazon for under $10. You will need to print the song for the week along with any worksheets I assign.
毎週5 録画済みレッスン
5 間の講師サポート
コンテンツへの 1 年間のアクセス
6 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 7-12