
美術史と天文学 - 芸術と宇宙を愛する人々のための真に素晴らしい時間 - 1:1

Pamela Ocana, M.A., E-RYT
学習者は、2 人の教育者の助けを借りて、考古天文学と人類の進化、芸術と天文学、先史時代から今日の宇宙までの表現との関係を探求し、芸術と畏敬の念を抱かせる宇宙の科学を明らかにして理解します。


米国の学年 4 - 7
STEAM approach.
To learn how to think inter-disciplinarily, to study in a mindful way, and to deepen the connections between arts and sciences as it was done by the many great thinkers and creators of our common human history.
Teacher comes from a family of creators and art is in her DNA; she studied studio art in Japan, Dominican Republic, Germany and the U.S.A., including Crealde School of Art; she has a B.A. in psychology, an M.A. in Liberal Studies, her thesis work focused on Symbiotic Relationships, An Exploration of Foreign Born American Artists Living and Working in Central Florida; she subsequently curated an art exhibit for the City Hall Main Gallery; she teaches humanities at the College Level, and loves to share her passion for the arts with students in an interdisciplinary way, drawing in the historical context of works of art.  

Guest Speaker, Dr. Breezy Ocaña Flaquer.  Astrophysicist - Astronomy Communicator/Educator. She is an Adjunct Professor at the San Diego State University, an Outschool astronomy teacher 
(Outschool link:  https://outschool.com/teachers/Breezy-Ocaña-Flaquer?usid=guYc5Up5&signup=true&authTrigger=follow_teacher&follow=true&utm_campaign=share_leader_link), homeschools her three children, and volunteers in a number of educational programs that train children, adults, and other teachers in the science of astronomy, astrobiology and astrophysics.  It is a true honor and privilege to have a guest speaker with her level of - not only her impressive credentials, but her commitment to education.
To remain curious about Life and take on learning as a life long pursuit of unfolding wonders.
授業以外に週あたり 0 - 1 時間の学習が期待されます
Informal, in the form of a class review. In addition, I will remain available for any questions beyond the end of the class period.
Class sources include: prehistoric sites such as cave painting,  stone monuments; monuments from ancient civilizations such as the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt and Mesoamerican ruins;  modern astronomically inspired monuments; art from antiquity to modern day including  sculptures, frescoes, paintings, artifacts, stained glass windows, embroideries, woodcuts, and photographs, including the use of the Stellarium software that calculates the position of the celestial bodies at a certain time in history to illustrate how astronomical observations inspired and informed certain famous art pieces.
1) I teach subjects that have captivated my mind and heart for a lifetime:  Mindful Yoga, rooted in its well-proven techniques (Mindfulness, Poses, Breathing Control Exercises, and Meditation); kid-friendly Art History classes; Linguistic... 


90 分

11 人がクラスを受けました
Ages: 13-18

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