
アートキャンプ: 風景水彩画 (5 日間) サマーキャンプ

Lynda Diamond
この 5 日間の絵画キャンプでは、学習者は毎日新しい風景を描きます。


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 4 - 7
Beginner レベル向け
5 lessons//1 Week
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Painting the Sunrise - A new Beginning!
The very basics of watercolor painting. How to use our brush. How to mix colors. How to apply paint to our paper.
Lesson 2
Painting a Mountain Landscape
We will focus on how to paint in layers.
Lesson 3
Painting a Field of Flowers
We will focus on how to paint various textures such as grass, flowers, and clouds.
Lesson 4
Painting an Underwater Scene
We will learn how to paint water plus we will paint colorful fish and sea plants.
Lesson 5
Painting a Sunset - Bringing our new knowledge together in our final painting!
We will bring together all the new painting techniques we have learned.
  • Students will create landscape watercolor paintings while learning basic painting skills.
My name is Lynda Diamond. I teach art to children, teens and adults. My painting and drawing classes focus on the basics, line, colour and content, drawing objects such as flowers or fruit to abstract geometric shapes. My Art History classes explore ways art has evolved and influenced our lives. My Digital Arts classes focus on learning basic Digital tools while creating exuberant Digital drawings and paintings.   
I hold a BFA in painting from The San Francisco Art Institute. I attended The San Francisco Art Institute as a scholarship student. I have taught children, teens and adults painting and drawing for sixteen years. As an independent teacher, I offer a variety of class options. These options are one-day classes, weekly ongoing, eight-week courses and now Flex classes too! I often teach art privately One on One, drawing, painting and Digital Art. My private One on One classes are created to fit the individual needs of each student. I taught college-level painting and Drawing classes at Nova Scotia Community College for two years. In Nova Scotia, I taught painting to adults directly from my painting studio for twelve years.  
 I taught online ESL and drawing to kids in China for two years. 
My art classes are always light-hearted in spirit. 
I believe that learning to paint and draw is great fun! My art students always want to return to more classes because my classes are so enjoyable.
I am now teaching Art History classes too! I am uniquely qualified to teach Art History as the techniques I use in my art-making come from great artists from the past. 
Here's an interesting note about me. I wanted to study with a great painter who lives in Norway. One day I flew to Norway. Luckily, I watched this master painter paint and learned much from him. I will always be grateful for this experience and the skills I learned. 
While living and working in New York City as an artist for sixteen years, I created a fashion design business to help with my New York City expenses. The focus of my fashion design business was Millinery (hat design). I designed and produced Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall collections. 
授業以外に週あたり 0 - 1 時間の学習が期待されます
頻度: Available upon request
フィードバック: Available upon request
詳細: Homework will be offered by request only.
頻度: Available upon request
詳細: Assessments Offered by request only.
頻度: Available upon request
詳細: Grades Offered by request only.
No previous art classes are required.
Materials need for class:
Water color paint set
Water color brush set
Water color paper 
Message me if you need water color paint materials recommendations and I will share an Amazon link so you can easily purchase Paint supplies. 
I will be sharing my live painting demonstration using an overhead video shared through the Zoom platform.
参加しました November, 2020
学士号 The San Francisco Art Instituteから 音楽、演劇、芸術 へ
My name is Lynda Diamond. I teach art to children, teens and adults. My painting and drawing classes focus on the basics, line, colour and content, drawing objects such as flowers or fruit to abstract geometric shapes. My Art History classes... 


5 クラス分
週に5回、 1 週間
60 分

年齢: 8-12
クラス人数: 1 人-11 人

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