
* APセミナー:批判的思考と研究

Brandy Dahlen and BE Education
Star Educator
この 15 週間のコースでは、学習者は批判的思考、調査、議論のスキルを養い、アドバンスト プレースメント (AP) セミナー試験に備えます。


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 9 - 12
College Board Advanced Placement カリキュラムに準拠
Advanced Placement (AP) Standards に準拠
30 lessons//15 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Introduction to AP Seminar
Overview of course objectives, structure, and AP exam format Introduction to the AP Seminar performance tasks (Team Project, Individual Research Report)
Lesson 2
Introduction to AP Seminar
Explanation of the AP Seminar rubrics and scoring criteria
 Week 2
Lesson 3
Critical Thinking and Inquiry
Developing essential questions for inquiry-based learning Techniques for analyzing and evaluating arguments
Lesson 4
Critical Thinking and Inquiry
Practice in identifying bias, assumptions, and logical fallacies
 Week 3
Lesson 5
Research Methods and Source Evaluation
Introduction to research methodologies (qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods) Evaluating sources for credibility, reliability, and relevance
Lesson 6
Research Methods and Source Evaluation
Using databases and scholarly resources for academic research
 Week 4
Lesson 7
Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Exploring interdisciplinary connections and approaches to complex issues Analyzing how different disciplines frame and address research questions
Lesson 8
Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Case studies and examples of interdisciplinary research projects
 Week 5
Lesson 9
Formulating Research Questions
Crafting clear and focused research questions Brainstorming potential research topics and areas of interest
Lesson 10
Formulating Research Questions
Peer review and feedback on research question development
 Week 6
Lesson 11
Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography
Conducting a literature review to identify existing research on the chosen topic Summarizing and synthesizing key findings from scholarly sources
Lesson 12
Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography
Creating an annotated bibliography to document research sources
 Week 7
Lesson 13
Data Collection and Analysis
Collecting primary and secondary data through surveys, interviews, experiments, etc. Analyzing data using appropriate statistical or qualitative methods
Lesson 14
Data Collection and Analysis
Interpreting findings and drawing evidence-based conclusions
 Week 8
Lesson 15
Drafting the Individual Research Report (IRR)
Structure and components of the IRR (Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion) Writing strategies for clarity, coherence, and organization
Lesson 16
Drafting the Individual Research Report (IRR)
Peer editing and revision workshops
 Week 9
Lesson 17
Developing the Team Multimedia Presentation (TMP)
Collaborative planning and organization of the TMP Integrating research findings into a cohesive multimedia presentation
Lesson 18
Developing the Team Multimedia Presentation (TMP)
Rehearsals and feedback sessions for presentation skills
 Week 10
Lesson 19
Ethical Considerations in Research
Ethical principles in research (informed consent, confidentiality, avoiding plagiarism) Discussing ethical dilemmas and case studies in research
Lesson 20
Ethical Considerations in Research
Ensuring integrity and transparency in reporting research findings
 Week 11
Lesson 21
Peer Review and Feedback
Peer review sessions for IRR drafts and TMP outlines Providing constructive feedback on content, argumentation, and presentation
Lesson 22
Peer Review and Feedback
Implementing peer feedback for improvement
 Week 12
Lesson 23
Presentation Skills and Techniques
Strategies for effective public speaking and presentation delivery Using visual aids and multimedia tools to enhance presentations
Lesson 24
Presentation Skills and Techniques
Practicing techniques for engaging and persuading an audience
 Week 13
Lesson 25
Final Revisions and Preparation
Finalizing the IRR and TMP based on peer feedback and instructor guidance Reviewing AP exam preparation strategies and tips
Lesson 26
Final Revisions and Preparation
Addressing any remaining questions or concerns about the AP Seminar exam
 Week 14
Lesson 27
Practice Exam Simulation
Simulated AP Seminar exam session with timed writing and presentation tasks Feedback and debriefing on performance and areas for improvement
Lesson 28
Practice Exam Simulation
Reviewing scoring rubrics and self-assessment strategies
 Week 15
Lesson 29
Culminating Presentations and Reflection
Students present their Team Multimedia Presentations to the class Reflection on the research process, collaboration experiences, and personal growth
Lesson 30
Culminating Presentations and Reflection
Celebration of achievements and recognition of individual contributions
  • Course Objectives: Develop critical thinking skills through interdisciplinary inquiries. Conduct independent research using credible sources and methodologies. Evaluate and synthesize multiple perspectives on complex issues. Construct and defend evidence-based arguments in both written and oral formats. Collaborate effectively with peers in group research projects and presentations. Demonstrate proficiency in AP Seminar assessment tasks, including the Individual Research Report (IRR) and Team Multimedia Presentation (TMP). Cultivate habits of intellectual curiosity, ethical reasoning, and self-reflection.
Hi! I’m Karimah. I am an AP authorized teacher.  I’m also a mom of four, global citizen, ardent traveler, and communications specialist of 25 years. I’m originally from Alabama but call Raleigh, NC home for now. I’ve spent 15 years traveling and working abroad, primarily in journalism, communications, and marketing. Among the many roles I’ve assumed, I’ve worked as a teacher, AP teacher, university instructor, coach, trainer, consultant, curriculum developer, and evaluator.

It goes without saying that my professional passion is helping others effectively communicate – whether through a speech, essay, presentation, or ad. My methodology springs from a singular truth; great communication is about understanding the motivations of the receiver and what you want the end result to be. Once you’re able to understand that, everything else will fall into place!

I’ve had immense fun seeing my students bloom into effective communicators. When it “clicks”, there’s an excitement in their eyes, which I look forward to seeing in each of my students’ eyes here!
頻度: Available upon request
フィードバック: Available upon request
頻度: Available upon request
頻度: Available upon request
Booth, Wayne C., Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams. The Craft of Research. 3rd edition. University of Chicago Press.
Burk, Jim. Uncharted Territory. 1st edition. W.W. Norton and Company.
Turabian, Kate L., Gregory C. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, and the University of Chicago Press Editorial Staff. The Student’s Guide to Writing College Papers and Turabian Teacher Collaborative Topic Sheets. 4th edition. University of Chicago Press.
Upson, Matt, C. Michael Hall, and Kevin Cannon. Information Now. 1st edition. University of Chicago Press.
Austin, Michael. Reading the World: Ideas that Matter. W.W. Norton and Company.
Chaffee, John. Critical Thinking, Thoughtful Writing. Cengage Learning.
Jacobus, Lee A. A World of Ideas: Essential Readings for College Writers. Bedford/St Martins.
Graff, Gerald, Cathy Birkenstein, and Russel Durst. "They Say, I Say" The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing. W.W. Norton and Company.
Johnson, June. Global Issues, Local Arguments. Pearson.
Palmquist, Mike. The Bedford Researcher. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s
参加しました May, 2020
Star Educator
学士号 Birmingham-Southern Collegeから 歴史 へ
Brandy Dahlen
学士号 University of Alabama at Birminghamから
Karimah Whitaker
修士号 University of Torontoから 教育 へ
修士号 University of Cambridgeから 歴史 へ
Brandy Dahlen
修士号 Eastern Michigan Universityから
Karimah Whitaker
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Hi everyone!  I am Brandy, and I lead BE Education.  I have a master's degree in history from the University of... 


30 クラス分
週に2回、 15 週間
45 分

年齢: 13-18
クラス人数: 2 人-6 人

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