weeklyor $686 for 28 classes
28 ライブミーティング
49 授業時間課題
週あたり 4+ 時間. Students will have an ongoing project as well as reading the textbook, writing papers, and completing hands-on activities. Please see Class Experience for more specific information.プロジェクト
Students have one year-long project to help strengthen their understanding across all aspects of learning. Additionally, they have smaller projects throughout the units to further learning of specific topics. See Class Experience for more specific information.テスト
Students will complete AP Progress Checks that align with each unit, exams related to each chapter of the textbook, and practice AP exams.文章の成績
Students will receive a grade at the end of each semester based on their completed assignments, assessments, and any bonus work. AP practice exams do not impact the student's grade.修了証書
I can provide documentation or a letter specifying that the student completed this class for families who need it to help ensure that the student can take the AP Psychology exam in May 2026.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - B2+
米国の学年 10 - 12
*Discounts are available. Please contact me if the price is a deterrent for your family.* SCIENCE PRACTICES There are four "science practices" required to be addressed in AP Psychology: -1) Concept Application -2) Research Methods and Design -3) Data Interpretation -4) Argumentation The activities in this class are designed specifically for students to learn these practices. YEAR-LONG PROJECT (Continued into Semester 2) One of the biggest pieces of this course is a year-long project that allows students to use all four science practices as well as learn the material in each unit. At the beginning of the year, students will receive basic information about a “patient” who should be diagnosed with a psychological disorder and receive treatment. (Not all students will receive the same patient.) Students will create a case study with an initial hypothesis and update this hypothesis throughout the year. (SP2A; SP4) The primary objective is not to necessarily find the “right” diagnosis, but to be able to justify their conclusions. (SP1; SP4) During or immediately following each topic, the student will ask questions about the patient relevant to that topic. (For example, when discussing States of Consciousness, students can ask about the patient’s sleep habits.) (SP1; SP4) In addition to qualitative questions, students will order valid and reliable tests and surveys (e.g. GAD7, MMPI, etc.). Students must justify why they ordered these specific tests by citing textual evidence from independent research. (SP2) Students will then analyze gathered data to update their hypothesis. (SP3; SP4) Students will submit progress reports throughout the year. During the final unit of Semester 2, they will present their findings to their peers. (SP4) The presentation must include information about the theories and biases surrounding their research (SP1), the research they consulted SP2), data in graphs, charts, and other visual aids (SP3), and a justification of their claim (SP4). OTHER PROJECTS AND ASSIGNMENTS During Unit 1, students will write a short report on the primary theory from one contributor to the study of psychology and present the information to the class. Students will then discuss and compare these individuals’ theories, as well as the lack of cultural diversity in key contributors. (SP1) During Units 1 and 2, students will create a brain out of clay or similar substance and identify its parts. Then, they will “damage” one area and write a research paper on the likely effects if that damage occurred in a human. (SP2) During and immediately after Week 5, students will design a quasi-experimental study to track the number of hours they sleep each night for two weeks and rate their alertness the following day. They will calculate the mean, median, and mode of this information and present the findings to their peers. Next, all students will combine their data and calculate the results. Students will discuss how the calculations for cumulative raw data is different from calculations of mean, median, and mode for each student; the correlation between sleep hours and alertness; confounding variables; and potential bias, including confirmation and self-report. (SP1A; SP2; SP3; SP4) During and immediately after Week 10, students will design an experimental or quasi-experimental study that uses classical or operant conditioning. The study should last two to four weeks, and students will present their findings to their peers including the use of visual aids to represent data. (SP2; SP3; SP4) CLASS TIME Students are expected to read the assigned text (usually part of a chapter in the primary textbook) prior to attending class. Lectures build on, rather than repeat, that information. Some videos will be shown in class, whereas others are expected to be watched as part of homework. Throughout both semesters, students will be presented with information regarding some of the most unethical cases and studies, as well as more recent research. Some examples include Milgram, Asch conformity, Harlow’s monkeys, and the marshmallow test. Students will analyze data from the study and discuss these studies including their designs, as well as whether any violation of ethics (present in most presented studies) was more beneficial or harmful. (SP1B; SP2; SP3A; SP4) This helps develop skills used in the free-response questions on the AP exam. As students complete their papers and projects, they will use class time to share their findings with their peers or work in small groups to accomplish specific activities. Additionally, there will be plenty of time for discussion to develop critical thinking skills Students should choose a side of the argument and provide support for that claim, again helping them develop critical thinking skills for AP questions. Other (smaller) activities will be pulled from the APA’s TOPSS Classroom Activities list and AP Psychology CED samples, especially to emphasize more AP-centric topics and topics with which students are especially struggling. (All SP, as relevant) Some of the AP Classroom videos will be shown in class while others will be assigned as homework. (All SP, as relevant) FURTHER INFORMATION This course has been approved by College Board as an official AP Psychology course for the 2025-2026 school year. Students will register for a student account to participate in AP Classroom to further practice their skills for the AP Psychology exam. Please note that 61% of students who take the AP Psychology exam score 3 or more, and taking an AP course can provide tools to maximize success. However, a passing score on any AP exam is not guaranteed, and students are responsible for putting forth effort into their work to help ensure a passing score. The class will NOT meet the week of November 24 (US Thanksgiving; fall break). A minimum enrollment of three students is required to teach this course effectively because class discussion and participation is so important to learning the material.
Feel prepared to take the AP Psychology exam in May 2026.
Feel able to implement the four science practices relevant to AP Psychology.
College Board Advanced Placement カリキュラムに準拠標準
Advanced Placement (AP) Standards に準拠2 ユニット
28 レッスン
14 週間以上ユニット 1: Research Fundamentals and Biological Basis of Behavior
レッスン 1:
Introduction to Class and to Psychology
105 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
Overview of Psychological Theories
105 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Introduction to Psychological Research
105 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
105 分のオンラインライブレッスン
This is a college-level psychology class designed to meet the standards of AP Psychology standards. The class uses a college-level textbook that has information and links to videos about mature subjects including unethical scientific experiments.
Families may want to preview the textbook or links prior to enrolling their student(s) in the class. If you feel that your student may be triggered by a specific topic, please contact me prior to the reading of that chapter or teaching of the class.
Depending on class size, Zoom breakout rooms may be used for small-group discussion or work. The instructor will "float" between these rooms, and students should feel comfortable interacting with peers without supervision for small amounts of time.
Students should have at least some experience with academic writing, as this course does require essays and research papers.
This class uses Psychology 2e, a college-level psychology textbook published by OpenStax via Rice University. It is available online for free and was last updated in June 2024. Students will read 8 chapters this semester. Students will be provided with a Google Docs document to help them organize all of their papers, projects, and assignments. Students are strongly encouraged to take notes and should have the necessary materials to take and organize their notes to maximize their studying time for the test.
This class uses Psychology 2e, a college-level psychology textbook published by OpenStax via Rice University. It is available online for free and was last updated in June 2024.
Numerous videos including TED Talks and college lectures will be used to further learning. Many links are embedded in the textbook and others are gathered from legitimate sources relevant to the material.
学士号 Colorado State Universityから
My expertise includes:
-A B.S. in Human Development and Family Studies, through which I also completed psychology classes including abnormal psychology, child psychopathology and exceptionality, and cognition.
-A graduate diploma in Applied Neuroscience, during which I took classes and wrote numerous papers on psychology, neuroscience, genetics, pharmacology, sleep and developmental disorders, and neuroscience research. Twice, I received recognition for having the highest grade in my class. This education is especially relevant to Units 1 and 2 in this class.
-I worked in social work for more than five years with children and adolescents with mental health challenges and was a key member of their treatment team. I continue to work with students with these diagnoses as an executive functioning coach. This experience is especially relevant to Unit 2.
-I previously taught a similar class on Outschool, although it used an earlier edition of this textbook, and it was not aligned with AP standards, and I taught on ongoing class on bizarre cases, experiences, and phenomena in modern psychology. Therefore, I am already familiar with the material that is taught in all units of this class.
Miss Mara は次にこのクラスを提案しています...
AP心理学: 第2学期
Miss Mara
$25 クラスごと
16 週間、 2/週、 1.75 時間
15 歳-18 歳
他のクラス by Miss Mara
他のクラス by Miss Mara
Arline Erven
$25 セッションごと
7 歳-14 歳
3~5年生向けの1対1の標準テスト対策 | 認定教師によるELA個別指導
Caitlin Smith
$64 セッションごと
8 歳-11 歳
Lynn Peacock (M.Ed.)
$60 セッションごと
5 歳-14 歳
1-1 標準テスト準備 4年生から7年生までの国語
Amanda Smith
$65 セッションごと
9 歳-13 歳
テストで最高の成績を収める: 個別標準テスト指導
Miss Raz
$35 セッションごと
8 歳-13 歳
Tammy Matthews
$30 セッションごと
次回のセッションは Tue 3/18 の9 PM です
8 歳-14 歳
Tammy Matthews
$30 セッションごと
次回のセッションは Mon 3/17 の10 PM です
8 歳-14 歳
標準テストのための 1-1 テスト準備 - 3 年生言語芸術/読解
Amanda Smith
$60 セッションごと
7 歳-10 歳
Colin Adam Longcore
$30 クラスごと
次のセッションは明日の 10 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 1.50 時間
10 歳-14 歳
David Merrill
$75 セッションごと
8 歳-18 歳
AP 環境科学テスト準備
Jeanne Yacoubou, MS
$1 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 3/17 の8 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 55 分
14 歳-18 歳
AP 微積分 AB テストの準備と復習
Mr. Oaks
$15 クラスごと
32 週間、 1/週、 50 分
14 歳-18 歳
1:1 6年生数学: CAASPP テスト準備
Shay Conaty
$29 セッションごと
11 歳-12 歳
語彙マスタークラス - SAT と ACT のテスト準備とライティングに最適
Bobbie- SAT Test Prep
$13 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wednesday の12 AM です
1/週、 45 分
10 歳-15 歳
究極の語彙テスト準備 | SAT、ACT | 魅力的で徹底的な語彙準備
New Horizons Academy - SAT & ACT Prep - ELA
$25 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thursday の6:15 PM です
1/週、 45 分
11 歳-16 歳
1:1 4年生数学: CAASPP テスト準備
Shay Conaty
$29 セッションごと
9 歳-10 歳