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This AP Chinese preparation course will help students with their listening and reading comprehension, writing and speaking skills including cultural presentation skills to meet the AP Chinese test requirements. The contents will cover listening comprehension, reading comprehension, writing skills, speaking skills, grammar review and cultural notes. Teacher will help students to familiarize themselves with the exam Structure and the three modes of communication around which the course is structured. 1.Understanding the various tasks in the exam. 2.Remember that communication can be interpersonal, interpretive, or presentational. 3. All of the tasks in the exam are built upon these modes. 4. Your success depends on a balanced mastery of language. Listen and read critically 1.You will need to comprehend a variety of authentic Chinese texts, e-mails, letters,articles,conversations, interviews, announcements, and other items such as ads, charts, and instructions. 2. Be sure you understand the purpose, the essential facts, and the tone of each of these items,as well as the puns and euphemisms used. Complete the tasks in Free-Response Questions 1 The instruction to the Free-Response Questions are written inEnglish. 2.Read them carefully as they specify what tasks are expected of you. 3. It is most important to complete the right task correctly. 4 Overlooking a task or sub task will marginalize the score regardless of the rich language used. Writing 1. The writing sections include an Email Response and a Story Narration. 2. Each Must be completed in 15 minutes by typing Chinese characters. 3. Practice typing on IME methods for proficiency and accuracy in choosing the characters after keying in the Hanyu Pinyin or Zhuyin Fuhao. The AP Chinese exam consists of two essential aspects: Chines language and Chinese culture. Because language and culture are so closely intertwined, culture is acquired in the process of learning a language, and language is learned when studying culture. As such, students should try to absorb as much Chinese culture as possible while learning the language, because it is impossible to separate the two. AP中文考前培训包括听力理解,阅读理解,写作和表述能力的查缺补漏,基础知识归纳整理,以及应试能力的针对性学习。整个二十次课程包括听力初级中级和高级的逐步训练和提升。阅读专题由浅入深,涵盖经济,地理,历史,教育,人物,神话,民间习俗,中国绘画,中国音乐,经典文学作品,民间传说,汉语语法,写作训练除了了解基本规则,侧重训练叙事和书信写作。通过篇章分析,把握写作的要点和技巧。培训将在每一个授课单元安排至少一篇课内一篇课后的写作练习,辅以批阅之后的分析,评点和归纳,结合历年试题的文本剖析,帮助学生取得清晰的领悟和进步。文化专题是AP考生的传统难点,我们侧重围绕每个专题的主攻方向,设计归纳明显与潜在的考点,与学生一起总结历史地理名词的措辞与表述, 分析和抓取要点,逐步突破文化试题的宽泛与艰深,使考生在有限的紧张的应试时段拿出最佳答案。
My name is Yuping Zeng. I am Chinese teacher .I live in LA. I am a mother of two boys. I like watching movies, going to the beach, and hiking. In my spare time, I do craft and knitting and listen to music too.
My strengths are language teaching and short story writing. I taught Russian for 17 years. I taught Chinese to foreign students since 2003. I taught both English and Chinese in America. My students are a diverse group of people, with widely varying ages and skill levels. I have attention to detail. I am good at working along with others. I have a talent(facility) for language acquisition. I have a good instinct for learning and applying the language I have learned.
Here are the classes I taught before and teach now:
Chinese language for beginners, intermediate and advanced courses.
AP Chinese Test preparation and SATII Chinese preparation courses.
Chinese calligraphy courses.
Chinese cooking and language.
Travel to China without leaving America(Chinese history ,geography and culture)
From picture books to the Chinese Classic.
I have a PhD in Russian literature. I am studying TESOL in APU recently.
I loving teaching. I think that I should prepare very detailed for the input part of language teaching in order to encourage and lead students to output what they comprehend and learn through this training.
My students and I are always happy the rewrite the textbooks we have learned. It is a real blessing when we realize those materials exist just for improvement of our language proficiency.
16 クラス分週に2回、 8 週間
80 分
3 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 15-17
クラス人数: 6 人-12 人