
「子どもの怒りのコントロール - 怒りは他に何をもたらすのか? #5」

Educational Festival Inc.
この新しい第 5 章では、学習者が自分の感情について考え、その背後にある、大きな怒りや静かな怒りにつながる理由を特定することができます。学習者は、恐怖、悲しみ、失望について理解するようになります。


このクラスは 英語で教えられます。
I encourage learners to take notes on what is important to practice during each activity. Prior knowledge and skills will be questioned to explore more about their anger and share their experiences with others. I will continue to ask questions during each activity, promote engagement, and provide information new information on behavior management. Learners are given examples of how to practice the activity to reduce anger urges by recognizing body sensations and talk about what they are feeling before the rage and triggers happens. The goal of anger management is to decrease their response to anger and by now increase happiness and joy. In this class, What Else Can Anger Be? #5, I will continue with the routines and structure to allow and encourage learners to engage in the presentation and take notes during guided instruction. Note taking allow learners to start taking action to acknowledge their anger. In each class I provide more information about anger management and how to resolve it. Students can use the chat box and reactions to express themselves. Again, it is important for students to take notes when prompted then practice the activities at home and during anger triggers. Video clips help students to self-reflect their behaviors and practice strategies presented. 
In class #5 we will talk about the feelings around being sad, having fear, and disappointment. 
Just practice the activities used in each class as needed and use routines around anger.
授業以外に週あたり 0 - 1 時間の学習が期待されます
 クラス登録時に 1 の学習素材が提供されます
Materials Needed - Spiral notebook and a pencil. Grade Policy - Engagement, Projects, Homework. Expectations - To follow the Virtual Rules. Policies - Refunds are subject to review.
The materials are age appropriate.
Resources used for this class are video clips on anger (up to 3 minutes), reference material and guides from various sources including  professional development workshops and trainings. I use calming choices, behavior charts to hold learners accountable for their behavior management in the classroom. In this course, Anger Management for kids, I will follow a recourse (workbook) guide to introduce manage anger. Reference materials include workbooks, coping strategies, ways to cope with stress, and the anger alternatives game, Don't Get Mad..., by Sam  Snowden, the Guidance Group,  and anger management in the classroom through professional development training. Don't Get Mad, the anger alternatives game by Guidance Group, www.honolulu.hawaii.edu, and www.Pathway 2 Success.
Educational Festival Inc. is a nonprofit organization providing educational experiences and building cultural awareness, artistic expression through online and in-person connections. Educators will provide a diverse prospective in different... 


90 分

13 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 8-12
クラス人数: 5 人-9 人

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