4 ライブミーティング
3 時間 20 分 授業時間宿題:
週1時間. Students will be provided with interactive assignments that are tied to what is covered in class.テスト
Students will complete formative assessments throughout the duration of the course. Students will be evaluated on comprehension via a summative assessment.評価
Letter grades by requestこの文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 4 - 7
Beginner レベル向け
Journey through the fascinating history of Ancient Rome in this engaging and interactive class! Designed to immerse students in the culture, politics, and innovations of Roman civilization, this course covers the incredible evolution of Rome from its legendary founding to its ultimate decline. Through a PowerPoint presentation and a guided notes packet, students will explore the myth of Romulus and Remus, the geography of Rome, the establishment of the Roman Republic, and its transition to a powerful empire. Key events and figures include the Twelve Tables, the Punic Wars, the organization of the Roman Army, Julius Caesar, Augustus, and the Pax Romana. Students will also delve into Rome’s engineering marvels, such as roads and aqueducts, and iconic cultural elements like gladiator games and the Colosseum. The course concludes with an exploration of the rise of Christianity and the eventual Fall of Rome at the hands of Visigoth leader Alaric. This class offers a comprehensive overview of Ancient Rome, combining structured learning with opportunities to explore the lasting legacy of one of history’s greatest civilizations. Students do not need any prior knowledge about Ancient Rome to get the most out of this class!
I can analyze the development, structure, and function of the governments of ancient Rome.
I can explain the impact Rome had on the modern world in architecture, education, mathematics, science, and philosophy.
I can explain the role technology played in the expansion of the Roman Empire.
I can identify key figures in Roman History and their importance in the development of Rome.
I can explain the causes and effects of the fall of the Western Roman Empire.
Teacher-Created カリキュラムに準拠標準
National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies (NCSS) に準拠4 レッスン
4 週間以上レッスン 1:
The Founding of Rome and the Early Republic
Geography, laws, military, senate
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
The Rise of Julius Caesar
Punic Wars, Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Roman Civil War
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire
Emperor Augustus, Roman Golden Age, Birth of Christianity
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
Ancient Rome Kahoot Review
Review the course materials and complete the course assessment
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
All materials will be supplied by the teacher.
クラス登録時に 1 の学習素材が提供されます
オハイオ州 教員免許 社会科・歴史で
学士号 The University of Akronから 教育 へ
I have been a middle/high school Social Studies teacher for the last four years. I currently hold a 7-12 Social Studies teaching license in the state of Ohio and a Bachelor of Arts in History. I have covered the Roman Republic and Roman Empire with my students over the past three years, and have refined these lessons to be very engaging and impactful.
毎週週に1回、 4 週間
50 分
43 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 9-14
クラス人数: 1 人-4 人