
AI アート クラブ with Google Colab (13-18)

この継続中のシリーズでは、Google Colab で作成したアプリを使用して AI アートの創造的な可能性を探ります (Colab は無料です)
Mr. Marty


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 45 分
週1時間. Student's will be expected to choose concepts and subjects to explore as howework the week. For example, make blueprints for Mickey Mouse Pez dispensers. Or create a Miami Dolphins Logo in a cyberpunk style, as a charcoal drawing by Van Gogh. The sky is the limit literally and I can't wait to see what these kids come up with!


This is an AI Art class that requires no coding background or any tech fees.   I've created a simple app with a friendly interface that allows the user to make AI Art using text boxes and sliders only.  We will of course learn about Colab and some Python but the emphasis is on learning how to use the different dials and text boxes to make amazing images.   

We can choose what to draw, what not to draw, how much creativity, how much computation, which model to use, what size of image, and that's just the beginning.  We can use inpainting, outpainting, image to image, pix2pix, etc.  so that we can better express our artistic side.

This is a multi-stage process where we experiment and create candidate images to pass through other AI image models to get to our final output.  

We will also spent quite a bit of time on prompt engineering, which is the art of making a text request to an AI.  Here we  tell the AI what to draw but ChatGPT also uses this concept.

Each week we will share the work we've created away from class and I will bring a suggested topic/genre for us to work on.  We will also explore artists's styles and how to bring certain effects into our images.  If there is interest, we will  explore other image generators such as Lexica.art, Dall-E, and Midjourney.  These services are paid but I will give free demos and work interactively with the students.

If students have school projects that require images, I can help them with that as well.

Each week we will add new techniques to our arsenal and we will be adding images to our portfolio so that you will have a collection of images to show your friends and family and to serve as inspiration for your future studies.  The schedule below is a rough estimation and can change somewhat depending on student composition and interest

Week of 8/1/2023: The AI Art Colab APP
Week of 8/8/2023: Prompt Engineering, Lexica.art
Week of 8/15/2023: Image to Image AI Art and ControlNet, Midjourney
Week of 8/22/2023: Inpainting/Outpainting, Dall-E
Week of 8/22/2023: AI Art Games: MartLibs, ArtAuction, Survival of the Beautiest


AI Generators are very powerful and these image generators are no exception. They are designed to create any kind of image but the pipeline we are using has an AI filter that prevents inappropriate images from being created. I've also taken a few other precautionary steps. However, even though I've never had an instance of an inappropriate image being created, the best from of prevention is to not try to create one. If the student continues trying to create certain types of images he may eventually succeed. This is something that unfortunately I can't do anything about.
You will need a gmail account that can access Google Colab.  This means a regular gmail account that is not age restricted.  The student can use their parent's gmail account if necessary.  This is required simply to save the created images and a copy of the Colab notebook to Google Drive.
参加しました March, 2023
修士号 Harvard Universityから 数学 へ
学士号 Harvard Universityから 数学 へ
I've been a CS and Math teacher for about ten years.  I taught AP Calculus BC and AP Computer Science A (Java) in China for 3 years.  During the past 3 years I've been teaching middle school Python for AI and AI Exploreres for Create and Learn.

I've always loved art and computer graphics.  Now we advent of AI Art I am in some kind of heaven.




45 分

11 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 13-18
クラス人数: 1 人-10 人

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