1 ライブミーティング
1 時間 30 分 授業時間宿題:
The class is two hours, and while I anticipate we should be largely done with the painting, there might be some finishing touches left to do independently.テスト
I will be happy to provide positive feedback, and advise on how to overcome difficulties when it comes to creating the painting.この文章は自動翻訳されています
In this one time, hour and a half class, we will paint a lovely landscape using acrylic paint. We will begin by briefly discussing the properties of acrylic paint, and then follow along with me, as I show you how to create the painting with detailed, step by step instructions. I will be painting alongside you, so that you can see exactly what to do! A large part of teaching painting, for me, is making sure the process is just as enjoyable as the result. Join in for a fun and relaxed way to make art. Just a few more things to note: This class is hour and a half long. We will be painting the entire time. The first 10 to 15 minutes we will cover the basics. Then we will proceed to make the painting. I will be painting, and demonstrating the process, and the learners will follow along with me. If a learner is not ready with their painting at the end of the class, I am usually happy to stay an extra few minutes to help them finish up. It is important that we all start at the same time. If you know you might be 10 or more minutes delayed, please let me know, and we will work something out. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
The learners will learn the tips and techniques of painting with acrylic. Even though it is just a single painting, it will open the door for your imagination, and boundless hours of creativity.
Supplies needed for the class: #1. Paint: Acrylic paint in a variety of colors. You can purchase acrylic craft paint from your local craft store, such as Plaid or Americana. For a more expensive option, there is Liquitex or Windsor Newton. You should have the following colors: green, white, yellow, brown, red, blue, orange, purple, black. Other colors are optional. #2. Paintbrushes: You will need a few different brushes. A large flat brush for large areas, such as backgrounds. A few smaller flat brushes (we use those for the majority of the painting). A medium and a small round tip brush for the final details. For most of my paintings I find that these brushes are enough: #20-24 Flat, # 12 Flat, # 8 Flat, # 12 Round, # 8 Round, # 2 Round. #3. Canvas: Canvas board or stretch canvas work well. Sizes between 8 by 10 and 11 by 14 inches work well. Alternative painting surfaces can be wood, cardboard, and heavy duty paper, such as watercolor paper or cardstock. Remember, the larger the canvas, the longer it takes to create your painting! #4. Palette: No need to buy a fancy pallet. A paper plate, or a recycled plastic container will work well. #5. Cup with water to wash brushes in, an old towel, or paper towels to wipe the brush with. Don't forget to wear appropriate clothing for painting!
90 分
10 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 9-14
クラス人数: 1 人-10 人