『時間のしわ』: ステム化された自己ペースのグラフィック ノベルとメンター著者研究
このクラスでは、ホープ・ラーソンによるマドレーヌ・レングルの古典作品の翻案にヒントを得た、読書の考察、創造的なライティング演習、語彙ゲーム、STEM 探究を通じて、ライティングスキルを構築し、批判的思考を育みます。
8 録画レッスン
8 週間
週あたり 1-2 時間. Students will complete weekly Quizizz & Kahoot assignments that generate numeric scores, and I will provide written feedback on student writing and responses to open-ended reflection & analysis questions.テスト
Students will complete Quizizz and Kahoot games that assess comprehension, generate analysis, build vocabulary, and challenge students to experiment with mentor author writing techniques in their own writing.この文章は自動翻訳されています
In this self-paced course, students will demonstrate plot comprehension, build vocabulary, and explore how the unique features of a graphic novel work together to tell a story. They will respond to questions that encourage them to think critically and to support their conclusions with textual evidence, and/or draw connections between the reading, their own lives, and the world around them. Learners will examine STEM concepts that surface in the novel in STEM-centered slideshows and discussion prompts. Mentor text exercises (storycraft side trips) will invite learners to take a close look at the ways literary elements like flashback, point of view, character traits, and figurative language surface in both the graphic novel and Madeleine L'Engle's original, then apply techniques under consideration in their own writing.
Students will gain familiarity with STEM concepts that surface in the reading and increase their understanding of the elements of a graphic novel, the keys to strong narrative and the tools writers use to write clear sentences and tell compelling stories.
8 レッスン
8 週間以上レッスン 1:
Chapter 1: Mrs. Whatsit & Chapter 2: Mrs. Who
• Storycraft Side Trip: Flashback
• Literature Response on Quizizz (comprehension check, analysis & reflection)
• Vocabulary game on Kahoot
レッスン 2:
Chapter 3: Mrs. Which & Chapter 4: The Black Thing
• Literature Response on Quizizz (comprehension check, analysis & reflection)
• Vocabulary game on Kahoot
• STEM extension activity: The Telegraph, Telegrams & Morse Code
• STEM extension activity: Messier 101
レッスン 3:
Chapter 5: The Tesseract
• Literature Response on Quizizz (comprehension check, analysis & reflection)
• Vocabulary game on Kahoot
• STEM extension activity: The Orion Constellation
• STEM extension activity: Dimensions & Tesseracts
• Storycraft Side Trip: Personification & Shape
レッスン 4:
Chapter 6: The Happy Medium
• Literature Response on Quizizz (comprehension check, analysis & reflection)
• Vocabulary game on Kahoot
• STEM extension activity: Tessering and Wormholes
• Storycraft Side Trip: Dialog Tags, Beats & Balloons
This class will involve the use of the following approved third-party tools: Google Drive, Kahoot, and Quizizz. Students will respond to questions designed to assess comprehension and promote analysis and reflection in games on Quizizz and Kahoot. They will receive their own copy of a Google doc with literature response questions and links to vocabulary study sheets and mentor author studies with excerpts and prompts designed to guide students as they experiment with a specific writing strategy or approach.
Students will receive learning resources with links to a read-aloud video of each chapter but it would be ideal if they also had a paper or Kindle copy of the graphic novel.