

エキサイティングな旅に出発しましょう! このインタラクティブなコースでは、生徒たちは歴史から地理、経済、公民など、社会学を学びます。楽しいプロジェクトや探究を通して、学習は冒険になります! (NCSS 標準に準拠)
Kara Agyekum


38 ライブミーティング
28 時間 30 分 授業時間
週あたり 1-2 時間. Each week, a homework assignment will be available to expand on the lesson and bring learning to life. Assignments range from writing assignments to research projects, worksheets, creative activities, and maps. Homework isn’t required, but highly encouraged to fully achieve the learning goals set for each week. Homework can be submitted by attaching it to a learner message, sent to Mrs. A through Outschool (just snap a photo of the assignment and attach it to the message).
Mrs. A will provide written feedback to each and every homework assignment, as long it is completed within 7 days of assignment. Homework can be submitted by attaching it to a learner message, sent to Mrs. A through Outschool (just snap a photo of the assignment and attach it to the message).


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 4 - 5
Intermediate レベル向け
Welcome to Social Studies with Mrs. A! This isn’t just another class—it's an exciting adventure into the world around us. Here in Social Studies with Mrs. A, we dive into history and society by looking at different cultures, key historical events, and global perspectives through fun and interactive activities. We cover all facets of Social Studies including history, geography, civics, and economics, which history being a primary focus for this grade level. Think of this course as a journey where you'll get to explore the past, understand the present, and imagine the future. 

Mrs. A is an enthusiastic, Master-level teacher who designs an authentic curriculum by following the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) standards for grades 4-5, but with her own unique twist! Lesson feature engaging, collaborative experiences, lively discussions, and meaningful connections. Your learner will work on group projects, participate in fun simulations, and real-life experiences to make learning come alive! Breakout rooms are used often and are a favorite for students to get to know others and have fun learning together!

We’ll cover a lot of ground—geography, history, civics, and economics—but don’t worry, we’ll do it all in a way that’s both fun and memorable. Your learner will get to explore US History from ancient times through today, consider the impact of fascinating people throughout history, look at the economy from a new perspective, develop a meaningful understanding of geography, and gain a real understanding of how everything is connected. Whether we’re investigating historical impacts, examining cultural traditions, or debating real events, students will be sharpening their critical thinking and communication skills with each lesson along the way!

Through Mrs. A's inquiry-based approach, learners are encouraged to ask big questions, dig into research, and share their discoveries in creative ways.  Whether your learner is the type who loves to share or prefers to observe quietly, there’s a place for them here. Mrs. A ensures everyone has a chance to participate in a way that’s comfortable for them.

Here’s what each class will look like:

🍎Welcome & Community Time: We start with a warm greeting and time to connect.

🍎Exploratory Questions: We’ll spark discussions and ignite prior knowledge.

🍎Key Lesson: This is where we dive into our theme, exploring topics like history, geography, civics, and economics.

🍎Engaging Activities: From games and stories to discussions and projects, we’ll make learning fun and interactive.

🍎Recap & Homework*: We’ll review what we’ve learned and set optional homework to continue the exploration.

🍎Goodbye & Lesson Recap: We’ll wrap up and post a recap of the lesson and homework in our online classroom.

*Homework, assigned weekly, is always optional, but encouraged for continued exploration and fulfillment of learning objectives each week.

Some favorite lessons throughout the school year include a scavenger hunt for primary-source artifacts detailing Native American cultures, a spirited yet gentle debate about the articles of confederation, a decoding activity mapping coordinates of the transcontinental slave trade, character studies about famous enslaved heroes, and a reenactment of life on the Oregon Trail! We practice building budgets, reading maps, making laws, drawing on multiple perspectives, asking good questions, and creating timelines of US history. 

By the end of the course, your learner will be ready to take on the world with curiosity, empathy, a clear understanding of the past. So, get ready for an awesome journey as we explore the fascinating world of Social Studies together!

🗓️  See Syllabus below for themes and weekly lessons (scroll down)

© Copyright 2024, Kara Agyekum
NCSS Theme 1: Culture
Explore how cultural beliefs, values, norms, and traditions influence the behavior and interactions of individuals and groups.
Compare and contrast cultural practices and perspectives within and across societies.
Investigate the sign
NCSS Theme 2: Time, Continuity, and Change
Identify important events and developments in local, national, and world history.
Understand how historical contexts shape continuity and change over time.
Recognize multiple perspectives on historical events


Teacher-Created カリキュラムに準拠
National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies (NCSS) に準拠
5 ユニット
38 レッスン
38 週間以上
ユニット 1: US History: Ancient Times through The Revolution
レッスン 1:
Welcome to Social Studies!
 Week 1 (August 26-30): Welcome! Map the Class; Why do people settle? Build a US regional map of native tribes. 

[Region; Agriculture; Indigenous People]

Note: Monday's group will start one week early (8/19), to make up for no class on Labor Day, (9/2) 
45 分のオンラインライブレッスン
2 割り当て
レッスン 2:
Ancient American History
 Week 2 (September 2-6): Early Settlement theories: How did the first Indigenous people come to America? 

[Archaeological Indigenous Sites; Land Bridge Theory; Primary/Secondary Sources] 
45 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Native American Cultures
 Week 3 (September 9-13): Native Tribes, Cultures, Beliefs: How Different Indigenous Tribes used the Environment. 

[Indigenous People; Culture; Diversity] 
45 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
Newcomers to America
 Week 4 (September 16-20): European Explorations: Trace the route on a map and discuss the reasons for European voyages. Discuss how newcomers impacted the Indigenous tribes, considering the positive and negative impact of the Columbian exchange. 

[Expedition; Columbian Exchange] 
45 分のオンラインライブレッスン


Addressing sensitive topics like discrimination and racism with care and expertise is crucial in creating a safe and inclusive learning environment. Mrs. A is well-prepared to navigate these discussions with sensitivity, honesty, and respect for all perspectives. While acknowledging the realities of discrimination throughout history and in contemporary society, my goal is to foster understanding, empathy, and a commitment to kindness and acceptance among students. Any instances of direct discrimination or unkind behavior within the classroom will be promptly addressed by the instructor, and appropriate follow-up actions will be taken, including potential removal from the session or formal intervention through Outschool Safety & Support protocols. Our priority is to ensure that all students feel valued, respected, and supported in their learning journey.
Mrs. A has a course for third and fourth grade social studies. If you are a fourth grader and haven’t yet taken that, it is highly recommended to start there and follow with this course next year.
参加しました May, 2021
アイオワ 教員免許 初等教育で
修士号 Morningside Universityから 教育 へ
学士号 Concordia University, St. Paulから 初等教育 へ
Masters Degree in Teaching
Bachelors Degree in K-6 Education
5 years experience in the classroom
5 years experience teaching online
Licensed teacher in Iowa, USA
Curriculum Designer




毎週または¥836 38 クラス分
週に1回、 38 週間
45 分

年齢: 9-11
クラス人数: 3 人-12 人

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