

この 3 日間のキャンプでは、時代をテーマにした楽しいお菓子を焼きながら、キルステンとアメリカの開拓時代について学びます。
Kristi Rodenbeck


3 ライブミーティング
2 時間 15 分 授業時間
There are some days within the camp where the students will need to cook their treats. Many of the items that we make will also need to be chilled in the refrigerator prior to eating.


By popular request... introducing, American Girl x Baking! 

This 3 day camp is an opportunity to learn about American Girl book character, Kirsten Larson while baking some fun treats. Each meeting, we will learn, chat, and bake! 

**This is an extended version of my one-time Kirsten class. I use the same materials/slides/information, just split into three days while adding some baking activities.***

In this three time class, I will introduce Kirsten from the American Girl book series. We will talk about who she is and why her books are great examples of strength, kindness, and finding a sense of belonging. I will review a brief preview of all of her books/stories, talk about Kirsten and her characteristics, but mostly, talking about the time in which she lived. I will talk about what it was like to be a kid living in America during the pioneer and westward expansion timeframe. 

Day 1: We will introduce Kirsten and learn a bit about her while making Swedish pancakes. 
Day 2: We will discuss the highlights of Kirsten's book series with an emphasis on book #1, "Meet Kirsten" while baking jam twists. 
Day 3: We will talk a bit about the American pioneering times while making fresh cream and adding strawberries on the side.


Students will learn different elements of American pioneering times using the American Girl "Kirsten" book series as a reference.


Potential Hazards: Students will need to use the oven and mixer, oven, microwave, and stove-top during this baking camp. Even though students will be studying a historical time frame, we will not always be following historical methods of baking and/or recipes. This class is geared towards a 8-14-year-old audience, but parents are always welcomed to be close by. :) *** Although we will not be reading the Kirsten book series within the baking class, I always suggest reading the American Girl books. Please be advised that the Kirsten book series does present some culturally insensitive topics and terminology. As a trained anthropologist AND a licensed social studies and history teacher, I will (and always teach my students to) use correct terminology and culturally sensitive terms to be respectful to the particular people of study - even if that term is not what is used in the textbook/book. As a licensed history teacher, I also have many PD hours dedicated to cultural sensitivity and correct teachings when it comes to historical events that present cultural insensitivities. In all situations for each of the characters of study throughout the course, I will present all perspectives of all parties involved in the historical event that the character lives through. It is important to understand historical events from all lenses and perspectives in order to build empathy and understanding of all parties involved.
~*~Day 1 ~*~
**Swedish Pancakes
Butter Sticks 
Toppings (Strawberries, Whipped Cream, Berries, etc) 
Microwavable Bowl For Butter 
Mixing Bowl 
Griddle/Skillet Pan
Slotted Spatula/Turner

~*~Day 2~*~
**Jam Twists 
Butter Sticks
Sheet Of Puff Pastry (Pre-made) 
Your Favorite Jam 
Brown Sugar 
Parchment Paper 
Pizza Cutter 
Cookie Sheet

~*~Day 3~*~
**Fresh Cream With Strawberries
Heavy Whipping Cream --> COLD  
Powdered Sugar
Vanilla Extract
Mixer --> Standing Mixer Is Best
Mixing Bowl 
Strawberries (Or Others If Preferred) 
Bowl & Spoon
参加しました May, 2020
ウィスコンシン州 教員免許 社会科・歴史で
Hi there! 
My name is Mrs. Rodenbeck and I am a middle school history teacher! I have taught 6th, 7th, and 8th, grade history for the past 5 years! Before that, I taught high school history. I absolutely LOVE learning about people from the past! I like understanding how people lived in different times in history. 

I studied anthropology in college. My goal as a kid was to be Indiana Jones! Archaeology and cultural anthropology are my favorite disciplines. I like to learn about what past peoples have built and how those things impact their culture. I’ve even done work for Chicago’s Field Museum since 2007. Now I work in the education department at the Field Museum with other teachers and bringing history topics into their classrooms. 

I love teaching about the American Girl books and their periods of time in history because I used to WORK at the American Girl store in Chicago. I worked there all throughout my college years. I loved American Girl when I was a kid and I loved it, even more, when I worked at the store in college! 

I hope that from this course, you can take some of my passion for history and for American Girl and get a little more excited about learning about other people. There are so many fun and exciting things to learn about! I can’t wait to share them with you! 




3 クラス分

週に3回、 1 週間
45 分
3 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 9-14
クラス人数: 1 人-12 人

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