1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 30 分この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 1 - 2
In this ongoing class, learners will be engaged in standards based Math instruction. Learners will become knowledgable on the foundational skills to add and subtract single-digit and double-digit numbers, with and without regrouping. Learners will become knowledgeable with using strategies to solve computations and math word problems. Math vocabulary will be taught to provide learners with key words that will help them identify if they are adding or subtracting. Learners will be taught different strategies throughout this course to solve addition and subtraction equations within 20 and also within 100 (with and without regrouping). It is important for learners to learn different strategies because not one strategy works for everyone! Being exposed to multiple strategies will enable your learner to choose the one that works best for them. There will be high engagement, participation and NO boredom! Your learner will look forward to class each week! Your learner will become successful during these hands on activities by both answering questions correctly and by making mistakes. Sometimes, we learn the most when we make a mistake! This is a safe environment where your learner is not expected to have the right answer all the time! The class size will be kept small (up to 6 students) in order to ensure every learner understands the material. Each class will be guided by the teacher, but students are also expected to write down and show their work in their own math notebooks, journals, or white boards. I suggest a notebook so they are able to review their work. Please see the supply list below for what would be best to have for your learner for the best experience in this class. Here is what you can expect week-to-week: Week 1- adding computations (2-digit by 2-digit with and without regrouping) Week 2- subtracting computations (2-digit by 2-digit with and without regrouping) Week-3- Word Problems Week 4- Word Problems (solving for an unknown number) Week 5- adding computations (3-digit by 3-digit without regrouping) Week 6- subtracting computations (3-digit by 3-digit without regrouping)
Students will learn how to add and subtract fluently when given word problems and computations.
I have experience working with students with a variety of learning needs (ADHD, Autism, Specific Learning Disability).
Learners should bring paper, pencils, and erasers. I suggest keeping a "Math Notebook/Journal" for your learner to keep all of his/her work in. Your learner may also use a whiteboard and marker if he/she prefers. If your learner is a visual learner and is using a notebook, I suggest using two different color crayons to represent the numbers we are adding/subtracting. If possible, please have a set of 20 counters for your learner to be able to use each class. This can be anything from coins, erasers, cheerios/cereal pieces, lego bricks, small pieces of paper-anything that they can use to move around and count.
クラス登録時に 1 の学習素材が提供されます
30 分
9 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 6-8
クラス人数: 4 人-6 人