
1 年生向け 1 対 1 フルカリキュラム (第 1 四半期)

1 年生にご参加ください! 第 1 四半期は、1 年生の最初の 9 週間、数学、読み書き、フォニックス、語彙、科学、社会科の完全なカリキュラムに焦点を当てています。このクラスは、ホームスクールの生徒にとって素晴らしい補足となります。
Mrs. Thorn, BA-Elem. Ed
Star Educator


18 ライブミーティング
13 時間 30 分 授業時間
週1時間. No homework will be required for this class however, follow up activities will be provided for all learners that they will be encouraged to do to help solidify their learning.
Learners will be assessed throughout each lesson by teacher observation. Learners will be expected to complete all activities during each class meeting to help establish what is being taught. If a more formal assessment is desired, I am happy to provide that for you upon request.


英語レベル - A0.5
米国の学年 1
Beginner レベル向け
Let's start 1st grade :)!  This class is a great addition to any homeschool setting and a wonderful addition to any traditional school option.  This class is ideal for children who already know their ABC's, who can count to 50+, who can read at least a few basic sight words (ex: the, is, he) and who can write a simple sentence independently (ex: The cat ran.).  This class is designed using a full curriculum to teach the basics that are taught in the first 9 weeks of 1st grade.  Enroll in all 3 sections (the beginning, middle and end sections of this 1st grade class) to achieve a full year curriculum of 1st grade.  

Each lesson will be taught using a multi-Sensory and Hands-On approach.  Children will also be encouraged to engage in conversation throughout the lesson.  In my experience, this teaching style helps to meet the needs of ALL learners.  This class will be a lot of FUN but will also be structured in a manner that encourages learners to be ready to learn.

Reading, writing, math, science and/or social studies will be integrated into each lesson.  Integrating concepts often helps children to fully comprehend what is being taught.  Curriculum will be adjusted throughout the weeks to meet the needs of your individual learner.

* Extension activities will be provided each week to help build on the comprehension of what is being taught in class.  You may submit these extension activities to me for grading if you desire but it is not required. 

* * Two other sessions of this 1st grade course are offered throughout the year to help learners complete a full year of 1st grade curriculum.

* Learners will be assessed throughout each lesson.  I am happy to provide formal assessments and grading to those who request it.

All lessons will be taught with the following structure (times are estimates and may be adjusted slightly to meet the needs of learners):
5 min.- Question of the day (this will allow me to quickly assess your child and make adjustments to lesson if necessary)
10 min.- Math Lesson & Practice
10 min.- Vocabulary and Phonics Focus
10 min.- Story + find vocabulary and phonics focus in story
10 min.- Writing (write a sentence connecting with math and/or story read during lesson)
5 min.- Share Sentence, Cheers + Goodbyes

Skills being taught in this class:
Ordering and Comparing Numbers
Addition and Subtraction Stories & Sentences
Problem Solving Strategies

Reading Comprehension
Sentence Structure
Phonics Skills
Reading & Writing Strategies

*Please see the syllabus for what will be taught each week.
The goal of this class is to help learners acquire the skills and knowledge aligned with first grade standards.


18 レッスン
9 週間以上
レッスン 1:
Week 1
 Math: All About Me Game & Patterning
Phonics: Short Vowels
Reading & Vocabulary: "What We Love About School"
Writing: Sentence Structure 
45 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
Week 1
 Math: Patterning
Phonics: Short Vowels
Reading & Vocabulary: "What We Love About School" Review
Writing: Sentence Structure 
45 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Week 2
 Math: Patterns with numbers & Addition Stories
Phonics: Double Final Consonants
Reading: "What is it like Where You Live?" 
Writing: Sentence Structure 
45 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
Week 2
 Math: Patterns with numbers & Addition Stories
Phonics: Double Final Consonants
Reading: "What is it like Where You Live?" Review
Writing: Sentence Structure 
45 分のオンラインライブレッスン


Paper, pencil, crayons, markers and a white board and marker (white paper and marker/pencil will work in place of this). Some handouts will occasionally be needed for certain class sessions (Ex: a graph for our graphing lesson). These will be posted in the classroom ahead of time when needed. *Please look in the classroom for these before class begins.
参加しました February, 2020
Star Educator
ネバダ州 教員免許 初等教育で
I am a credentialed K-8 teacher with over 15 years of teaching experience as a 1st grade teacher.  I am passionate about helping young learners build the foundation for their education and to help establish the desire for them to be life-long learners. 




毎週または¥900 18 クラス分
週に2回、 9 週間
45 分

年齢: 5-8

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