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World History I (Full Year) - Part 2 of 4 - Self-Paced

In this 8 week course, students will study World History from the rise (and then fall) of the Roman Empire through the expansion of the early Islamic Empire. This is part 2 of a full year of World History.
Nicole Trusky
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What's included

8 pre-recorded lessons
8 weeks
of teacher support
1 year access
to the content
1-2 hours per week. Each week, students will have work to do that would have been considered "in class" work if this were a live class. Instead, this could all be considered homework and students should expect there to be work to do each week. All work will be given in pdf form so that students can print the worksheets or they can upload the pdf to kamiapp.com and type directly onto the pdf. Students are strongly encouraged to either watch Crash Course (or similar) videos or read a World History book of their choosing that covers that topics we are discussing in class. All reading and/or video watching will be done as homework.
Student progress will be assessed through their in-class work and homework.
Grades provided by request at end of class.

Class Experience

This is part two of a four part series covering early World History. If all four parts are taken it will cover both Ancient World History and the Middle Ages. There are in class and/or homework assignments each week, plus students will be encouraged to study the topics outside of class either through reading a history text of their choosing or watching Crash Course videos. If a student completes all in class assignments, homework, and studying outside the classroom, this four part class could be used a credit on a high school transcript depending on your state's homeschool requirements.

*Note: this four part class series only covers World History through roughly 1500 CE. If you are looking for Modern World History, I have a full year of World History II available in my profile.*

All of my classes, are inclusive and anti-racist. We will be covering tough subjects and tackling tough topics from the point of view of the people involved, particularly the marginalized groups involved.

Part Two covers World History beginning with the rise of Ancient Rome, then covers Ancient Egypt, the expansion of the Islamic Empire, and the fall of Rome. I have included a full breakdown of topics studied each week in the syllabus, along with probable assignments, but assignments are subject to change depending on time/pace once we start the class.

This is a self-paced class, which means that there will be no live meetings. Instead, each week I will post a lecture video for students to watch, as well as links to additional resources, additional videos explaining assignments where necessary, and discussion questions for students to answer. In addition, students will complete and turn in their assignments on the classroom wall or via message to me.

I will provide a lecture video on the topic we are studying before students work on their assignments. It is not required, but it is very strongly suggested that the student do some studying of their own on each topic prior to attending class. Since I only have an hour a week with them, it is impossible to fit everything in and learning about the era before we study it in class will help them tremendously! Generally I suggest a book for students to read along with the class, but for World History this would mean purchasing several books. Instead, I will be listing the topics we will cover for each week and will suggest a Crash Course video for students to watch to prepare for class. After enrolling, you will get a detailed list of videos for each week. If your student is a visual learner, Crash Course videos are a wonderful way to introduce them to the topics we will cover in World History. If your student prefers to read, any World History book you already have will likely cover the same topics we are covering in class. By following along with the topics chronologically, your student can keep up with the class material!

Each week, materials will be posted inside the classroom for students to print or upload to the Kami App to be able to use them online without printing. Students will be responsible for completing and turning in all work by the due dates.
Learning Goals
When students complete this class, they should be able to look at any historic document and "source" it. They will be able to determine who the author is, what the author's authority is, when the source was written and if that date impacts the source's reliability. 
They will also know how to take two accounts of the same story and pull corroborating facts out.
They will know how to determine which sources are reliable and which are not.
They will know what primary and secondary sources are.
They will learn key events and concepts in early World History including the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, Ancient Egypt, and figures of the time period like Cleopatra and Augustus.
learning goal


8 Lessons
over 8 Weeks
Lesson 1:
Lesson One
 -Topics covered: Confucianism, Qin Dynasty

Suggested video(s) to watch prior to Week 1: Crash Course Buddha and Ashoka #6

-Ancient China mapwork
-Fall of Qin Dynasty

Suggested video(s) to watch prior to Week 2: Crash Course Roman Empire #10 
Lesson 2:
Lesson Two
 -Topics covered: Roman Republic

-Ancient Rome mapwork
-Roman Republic activity

Suggested video(s) to watch prior to Week 3: Crash Course Ancient Egypt #4 
Lesson 3:
Lesson Three
 -Topics covered: Ancient Egypt

-Egyptian Pyramids lesson
Suggested video(s) to watch prior to Week 4: none 
Lesson 4:
Lesson Four
 -Topics covered: Ancient Egypt, Cleopatra

-Ancient Egypt mapwork
-Cleopatra lesson
-Nile and Productivity activity
Suggested video(s) to watch prior to Week 5: none 

Other Details

Parental Guidance
As with any World History course, we will be covering topics like death, war, racism, slavery, sex, violence, and sexism. I will not shy away from these topics, but will help the students understand that though racism, slavery, sexism, etc. are part of the fabric of World History, they are not acceptable by our standards today.
Supply List
Students will be given pdfs each week that contain the in-class work and homework. These pdfs need to be printed or if the student prefers to type answers, pdfs can be uploaded to the Kami App website and students can type directly onto the pdfs.

Students are strongly encouraged to either watch Crash Course (or similar) videos or read a World History book of their choosing that covers that topics we are discussing in class.
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined August, 2019
Teacher expertise and credentials
Master's Degree in History from Wilson College
Bachelor's Degree in History from Wilson College
I have been studying history almost my entire life and earned both an undergraduate and graduate degree in history, though my Masters is in American Studies. I have been teaching both World and US History in person to homeschoolers for several years and have been teaching history on Outschool for almost as long.


Self-Paced Course


weekly or $100 for all content
8 pre-recorded lessons
8 weeks of teacher support
Choose your start date
1 year of access to the content

Completed by 16 learners
Choose your start date
Ages: 13-18

Enroll Now, Start Anytime
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