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What's Your Story?

In this four week course, students will delve into the world of creative writing with a rapid fire set of starter assignments emphasizing the fundamentals of writing, and culminating in an ongoing piece of fiction of their own creation.
Troy "Sully" Brodsky
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What's included

4 live meetings
3 hrs 40 mins in-class hours

Class Experience

Beginner Level
Though it may seem counter-intuitive, there is a great deal of structure behind every creative endeavor.  The process of writing is certainly no different, but setting up a firm foundation for all of your future creative writing doesn't have to be boring, either.

In this four week session, we're going to do a deep and only marginally terrifying dive into the process (yes, that's right... the process) of writing creatively.  We will investigate the fundamentals:  Structure, punctuation, narration, and evoking the senses, and then slide right over into how to make these things work into your specific style of writing.  Finding this style is a quest in and of itself, and we'll do a handful of short assignments in order to get a feel for the path that you hope to take in your writing.  Once we have these things all nailed down, the class will begin to focus on the creation of your first long format story. 

At this point, we'll do a lot of reading and positive feedback with our focus being on creation within the framework that we've already discussed.  Optionally, we'll explore how to take your work from long format and then set it on the pathway toward... gasp... novel form.  For students wanting to pursue this option, we'll talk about the world of publishing through a formal house, and the Wild West that is self-publishing, and then chart the course from your first words to the last.

As with all of my teaching, l like to learn by doing - which means that you'll get to write, create, and get real-time feed back.  

Here's a quick break down of how our four weeks will look:

Week One:  I'll provide each learner with a unique story starter - a sentence or paragraph - to jump start their creative thinking for a short story.  We'll break these down next week in order to determine individual styles, narration voice, and the Ideal Audience for each learner.

Week Two:  Assessment!  Don't worry, we're just going to go through your week one story starters talk about what we've learned right before I pile another starter onto your plate and tell you to eat until you're full.  We'll also discuss the power of punctuation, narration, and the creation of a trustworthy narration voice.

Week Three:  Because we're no longer without a voice, and suddenly have a bunch of tools at our disposal, we're going to start putting it all together by discussing what each learner wants to create for their Ideal Audience - in other words, we're going to start preparing for a long term, ongoing writing project all of your own. 

Week Four:  We're going to put it all together as we launch into the foundation of the long form writing that you've already begun to create.  We'll talk about frameworks - the pathway from your first sentence to the last - and the creation of your very own novel.

Week Next:  This course repeats - so if you'd like to re-enroll in order to continue with your progression, you're more than welcome - we'll just pick right up where we left of and continue on at your level.
Learning Goals
Students will learn:

1. The theory of creating structure within any creative endeavor.
2. The power of basic punctuation in setting a mood, creating a character, and enhancing dialogue.
3. The manner in which your narrator is the bedrock of your writing - and how to create a trustworthy voice in your writing.
4. The method of touching on the physical senses to heighten your reader's sense of engagement.
5. The evils of adverbs.  (Yeah, really.)
6. The pathway to finding your personal writing style.
7. The course from long format writing to novel writing.
8. The bedrock idea: Finding the "one thing" that will carry a story for you, and hopefully for your reader as well.
9. The way to understand your "IA or Ideal Audience."
10. The necessity of reading creative writing in order to produce creative writing.
learning goal

Other Details

Learning Needs
This class is designed to be customized to the learner who wishes to participate - I will discuss specific learning needs with each parent prior to class, and identify the proper direction of instruction at that time.
Supply List
Bring your brain young grasshopper... you'll need it.
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined August, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
During my sophomore year in high school, I was dropped into a writing course with a teacher who showed me the power of writing… and I was hooked.  I’ve written since that day, creating worlds of my own, and then seeing how my characters would react when exploring them all.  My first novel, Jury of Peers was well received - at one point achieving the number one ranking on Amazon with over 100,000 individual downloads.  Don't worry, it's not the required text.  The point is... I have an idea of how to stack words and make a few of them stick.

I have more than a decade of teaching experience, the majority of which was spent as an instructor in a lock-down rehabilitation facility for at-risk children (translated: gang kids who were struggling with substance abuse).  This allowed me to teach a wide variety of subjects, from second grade reading to college level physics, often in the same day in order to meet the needs of my students. 

My emphasis throughout was teamwork, discipline, leadership, and problem solving - as these form the braided cord that carries all through our lives.  My formal education is centered around a masters degree in elementary education, and another in special education - with a bachelors in philosophy and a minor in glass art... yes, that's right.  Glass.  Art.  My mother was thrilled when I told her about that one.


Live Group Class


weekly or $56 for 4 classes
1x per week, 4 weeks
55 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 14-18
1-4 learners per class

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