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What Are They Talking About? Introduction to Medical Terminology.

Adrianne Hays, BA, CCLS
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Star Educator
In this 8 week course, we will learn basic medical terminology that students may hear in a doctor's office or hospital. Great next step after learning about the human body. #academic

Class Experience

US Grade 6 - 9
  • Students will finish class with a better understanding of basic medical terminology.
I am a Certified Child Life Specialist and have experience working in the hospital setting with children. As part of my Bachelor's degree program I took Medical Terminology and Anatomy and Physiology. Part of the role of a child life specialist is to help children understand medical procedures and tests by using developmentally appropriate language.
0 - 1 hours per week outside of class
Frequency: Available upon request
Feedback: Available upon request
Details: Students will have optional worksheets to hand in for me to check if they choose.
Frequency: Available upon request
Details: Online quizzes, kahoot game
Joined November, 2020
Star Educator
Hello! My name is Adrianne Hays. I am currently a homeschooling mom of two kids. We have been homeschooling for 10 years. Before teaching on outschool, I spent 5 years teaching math and science to preschool and elementary school students through... 
Group Class


for 8 classes
1x per week, 8 weeks
50 min

Completed by 34 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 11-15
3-9 learners per class

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