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Watercolor Painting Basics for Kids

Lydia Holloway
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In this ongoing class, students can relax, socialize, and learn new watercolor techniques.

Class Experience

• Watercolor paint: I make a point of using the standard Crayola watercolors since most students have access to them, but I am familiar with liquid watercolors and can instruct students on the use of those as well.
• Paint brushes: a variety of sizes and shapes can be helpful.
• Watercolor paper: if possible, I recommend using actual watercolor paper as opposed to other art paper or printer paper. (I use Canson XL watercolor paper) Regular paper will suffice if watercolor paper is not available, but will limit the techniques we can practice.
• Clean water for rinsing brushes
• Paper towels
• Crayons, washable markers, waterproof pens (optional)
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined July, 2020
Greetings! I'm Lydia Holloway, a professional graphic designer, illustrator, writer, and educator. You can call me "Miss Lydia" and my pronouns are she/her!

I've been crafting, drawing, crocheting, sewing, and basically learning as much as I can... 
Group Class


1x per week
45 min

Completed by 15 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 8-12
3-6 learners per class

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