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Wacky Science With Miss Meghan

A fun and engaging science class that adresses concepts such as physics, chemistry, life science, and astronomy. Inspired by the works of Bill Nye and Miss Frizzle, this class uses colorful presentations, humor and hands on science.

Class Experience

US Grade Kindergarten - 3
Follows Teacher-Created Curriculum
Aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
5 lessons//5 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Fun with Flight!
Up, up and away! Students get ready to explore the fantastic world of FLIGHT! In this lesson, students will embark on a journey up into the sky to explore the science behind flight and create a hands-on demonstration of Bernoulli's Principle.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Have a Blast with Buoyancy!
Float along with me on a journey to find out what floats and why! The lesson concludes with your own test on how displacement works in the water.
 Week 3
Lesson 3
The Awesome Exploration of Absolute Zero!
Chill with me and find out just how cold zero can be! Students will end the lesson by demonstrating the effect heat has on an object. **NOTE**This lesson will require some advanced planning so please register accordingly. If you do not wish to participate in the experiment or forgot materials you are always welcome to watch along!
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Crank Up the Chemistry!
Hold on tight! We are off to explore some deadly poisons that, when combine together make something that is not only safe, but that we need to survive. We will then use this chemical to do a little cleaning (don't worry I promise it will be fun!)
 Week 5
Lesson 5
Sensational Sound!
Tune in to this awesome lesson all about sound, its waves, and its echo! Students will conclude the class by demonstrating sound in motion!
  • Lesson 1-Students will learn the concepts behind flight including how air molecules work when applied to the Bernouli Principle. They will demonstrate this learning through the creation of their own model and make predictions based on lesson
  • Lesson 2-Students will learn the science behind buoyancy including water displacement and accurately predict and explain if an object will sink or float
  • Lesson 3- Students will learn the meaning behind absolute zero and explain why scientists are not able to achieve it. They will then demonstrate the effects of heat molecules on an object.
  • Lesson 4-Students will demonstrate knowledge of chemistry and how certain elements can join together to create something new.
  • Lesson 5- Students will learn the science behind echoes and the way sound moves through the air. They will use this knowledge to demonstrate this movement.
I hold a masters degree in elementary and special education. I love hands on learning and science is one of my favorite subjects. I grew up with some great television inspirations such as Bill Nye and Miss Frizzle and they are my inspiration for this unit!
Frequency: Available upon request
Feedback: Available upon request
Details: Homework is available upon request and can include additional experiments to demonstrate the concepts we learn.
Frequency: Available upon request
Details: Assessments will be based on experiments at the end of class.
Frequency: Available upon request
Details: Grades will be available upon request and I love giving feedback for your learner.
This class provides visual supports for non-readers and EL students. While students will occasionally be asked to participate I am flexible when it comes to the way in which they respond (gestures, AAC Devices and written responses welcome)
Here are the lesson supplies for the hands on experiments. Please note that if your learner does not have access to these items they can simply watch along and enjoy. 

Lesson 1-
-2 Ping Pong Balls
-A hanger

Lesson 2
-Playdough or molding clay
-Clear Container

Lesson 3
-Glass Bottle
-A penny

Lesson 4
-A jar

Lesson 5
-Plastic Wrap
-Rubber Bands
-Cereal Bowl

The class does utilize some humor in our buoyancy lesson whereby Archimedes is seen in a towel and is said to run naked into the street upon the discovery of water displacement.
I will be utilizing some books for the class, but they are not required for students to have.
Joined June, 2024
Teacher expertise and credentials
Illinois Teaching Certificate in Special Education
Greetings Learners! My name is Meghan Rafferty and this will be my 13th year teaching! I have been working in public school education over the last 12 years in special education classrooms as well as resource rooms, and co-teaching in general... 
Group Class


weekly or $75 for 5 classes
1x per week, 5 weeks
55 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 5-9
2-8 learners per class

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