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Vocal Bootcamp for Singers, Building Vocal Strength. Ages 13-18

Lenora Clare
Average rating:4.9Number of reviews:(205)
Learn tips and tricks from Disney Cruise Line performer, Miss Lenora. Bring your singing voice into shape and get performance ready, with exercises and tips in this three week Flex class, starting with the basics and building as we go!

Class experience

US Grade 10 - 12
Beginner - Intermediate Level
8 lessons//3 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Just Buzzin’ 🐝
“Let’s start at the very beginning” 🎶 Learn how to properly buzz and “lip flap”.
Lesson 2
Lyric Videos for practice
Sing along to these lyric videos for practice.
Lesson 3
Lenora’s Tip #1 ⚒️
What Lenora does minutes before going on stage.
 Week 2
Lesson 4
Ma May Me Mo Moo 🐮
Take a leap! We are ready to do some vocalizing with arpeggios. 🏃‍♀️ 💨
Lesson 5
Lenora’s Tip #2 ⚒️
How to sing to the back of the room, whether it’s an online audition or a 300 seat theatre.
 Week 3
Lesson 6
Ma Ha Ha Ha Ha 😂
Take a leap! We are ready to do some vocalizing with arpeggios. 🏃‍♀️ 💨
Lesson 7
Lenora’s Tip #3 ⚒️
Lenora’s Remedies for the suffering throat.
Lesson 8
Message from Miss Lenora
Thank you message
  • Students will learn vocal warmups and exercises to increase their vocal stamina, increase singing range and prepare for auditions and performances. In this class we support each other, wherever your starting spot, my hope is to lift you up and help you gain confidence!
Royal Conservatory of Canada registered teacher #137751
Homework Offered
Students are encouraged to practice seven to ten minutes daily during our three weeks.
1 - 2 hours per week outside of class
Assessments Offered
Students have an optional opportunity for performance assessment. Assessments from Miss Lenora: 1) great job 2) good job 3) needs work - along with a confidence building comment which includes areas for improvement.
Grades Offered
Joined October, 2020
🌞  Hi students, as many of you know, I also work with Disney Cruise Lines as a Specialty Entertainer on board their ships.  I am currently on tour on the Disney Wonder.   While I am on tour, I have designed some self-paced classes with you in... 
Self-Paced Class


weekly or $18 for all content
8 pre-recorded lessons
3 weeks of teacher support
Choose your start date
1 year of access to the content

Ages: 13-18

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