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Video Editing Using an iPad or iPhone Summer Camp!

Simon Tse
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In this 4-day course, students will learn editing techniques on iMovie.

Class Experience

4 lessons//1 Week
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Introduction to iMovie
iMovie interface walkthrough and editing our first video by using simple techniques.
Lesson 2
How to edit an activity video.
This lesson will focus on how to edit an activity video.
Lesson 3
Introduction to video overlays
This lesson will focus on video overlays such as; picture-in-picture, green scree, split screen, etc.
Lesson 4
Creating your own video by using iMovie storyboards or Magic Movie
This lesson will focus on using Magic Movie & Storyboard templates from iMovie
This class is taught in English.
  • Students will learn how to edit their videos using iMovie. They will also learn basic editing techniques that are made specific for iOS devices.
Students will need an iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch with iMovie installed. The iPhone/iPod Touch should be using iOS 15 or higher. The iPad should be using iPadOS 15 or higher. Please be aware that certain features from iMovie might not be available on older devices.
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
The student will be using iMovie on their iOS devices. They will need to download iMovie from Apple's app store. An Apple ID account is required in order to download iMovie from Apple's app store. During the class, I'll be screen sharing my iPad on Zoom. I'll be showcasing the editing techniques in iMovie.
Joined September, 2020
Welcome! My name is Simon Tse and I can't wait to have you in class. The classes that I will be teaching are focused on movie making and video editing. I have a bachelor’s degree from DeVry University. I majored in network and communications... 
Group Class


for 4 classes
4x per week, 1 week
60 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 8-13
2-6 learners per class

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