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Summer Stretch: Yoga for Teens

Dawn D.
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In this fun, short course, learners will explore a variety of yoga poses, mindfulness activities, and meditations that are incredibly beneficial for the body and mind. A perfect way to add some calm to those often busy summer days!

Class experience

5 lessons//5 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Warrior poses, mindful movement activity, breath counting meditation.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Twisting poses, look vs. see activity, visualization meditation.
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Balancing poses, roll the dice activity, hear the ocean meditation.
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Calming poses, mindfulness countdown, rollercoaster meditation.
 Week 5
Lesson 5
Favorite poses, mindful vs. unmindful activity, mantra meditation.
I am a certified yoga instructor, a NJ certified teacher, and am registered with the Yoga Alliance as an experienced yoga teacher (E-RYT) and continuing education provider (YACEP).
- A yoga mat or similar soft, nonslip flooring on which to practice.
- Suitable room to move arms and legs freely.
- Comfortable clothing with bare feet or socks with grips.
Yoga is a wonderfully beneficial activity for the body, mind, and spirit, and it should never feel uncomfortable.  Following class, students may choose to continue practicing the poses and techniques on their own; in that case, please be sure to provide proper adult supervision.  Also, please refer to the Supply List for additional information about materials, space needed, etc.
Joined July, 2020
Hi, my name is Dawn, and I have been teaching various classes for over 20 years now and have enjoyed every minute!

I am a 300 hour certified yoga instructor who is registered with the Yoga Alliance as an experienced yoga teacher (E-RYT) as well... 
Group Class


weekly or $60 for 5 classes
1x per week, 5 weeks
45 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 13-17
1-8 learners per class

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