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💥Summer Multiplication Jackpot: 2 Day Class Fridays Only 💥

Times Tales
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Welcome to the Summer Multiplication Jackpot where EVERYONE WINS by mastering their upper times tables in 2 short classes. Using a unique mnemonic method with memory pegs, students will easily and quickly remember those pesky times tables!

Class Experience

US Grade 2 - 5
Beginner Level
  • Students will learn the upper times tables by utilizing a story-based, right-brain approach that 'triggers' a memory cue. Students will effortlessly and quickly recall the upper multiplication facts by use of the mnemonic method.
1 - 2 hours per week outside of class
Frequency: Available upon request
Feedback: Available upon request
Details: After Class 1 and Class 2 parents will be emailed free printable worksheets for learners to use between classes to help retain the information learned in each class.
Frequency: Available upon request
Details: Assessment of the upper times tables will be made through the second and final class by the Times Tales Instructor. This will be an informal assessment. Parents/Caregivers are always welcome to contact the instructor with any questions or concerns.
All learners are welcome!
Each learner should have a wipe board and marker or paper and marker to write answers down when we play flash card games.  If the learner would like they can use the chat option in zoom to give their answers.  
Each learner can purchase the optional but highly recommended workbook that extends learning in addition to the free printables:
This class includes a screen share of lively, fun and age appropriate videos designed by Times Tales to teach the mnemonic method.  These videos use a right-brain approach to provide students with a 'memory peg' which allows for quick and effortless recall of the upper multiplication facts.  There is no account needed - these videos are provided with the class and are part of the purchase of the class.
Joined May, 2022
Teacher expertise and credentials
Bachelor's Degree in Education from University of Wisconsin - Stout
Marcy Drexler
* Recently added classes for learners with dyslexia!

Discover the NEW WAY for kids to master multiplication.  Gone are the old ways of mastering times tables: memorization, counting or songs... Here to stay are fun, mnemonic tricks, utilizing... 
Group Class


for 2 classes
2x per week, 1 week
60 min

Completed by 40 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 8-13
2-5 learners per class

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