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Summer Middle School Math Tutoring

Stefany Smith
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Let's prevent summer slide! By working with your learner's current skills and abilities, we will overcome their math challenges, preview new math coming, and give them independence and confidence to tackle any math lesson they face.

Class Experience

US Grade 4 - 8
  • Since this is a one-on-one private tutoring setting, your learner's goals will be unique for their circumstances. To give you a basic idea of goals I've set with my students here's a short list: *Develop fluency with operations (adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing) *Prepare for tests *Develop number sense with fractions, decimals, and percents *Overcome basic math anxiety *Achieve grade level competency (for students falling behind at least 1/2 a grade) *Challenge growth beyond grade level mastery (for students interested in learning more about content in an area not yet covered by their current grade curriculum).
1 - 2 hours per week outside of class
Frequency: Available upon request
Feedback: Available upon request
Details: When homework is assigned, I call it practice. It will only be the same kinds of work we do together during our session. It's only assigned so I can see if the learner can now do the work without my support, so parent help is strongly discouraged. If your learner doesn't understand the homework, or needs help, it's best to let them wait and we'll cover the material again in a different way. Most of the time when I assign practice work it will be a screenshot of the work we did in class, so your learner will have all of his/her notes right there. In order for me to check in before the next scheduled session to see if they are getting it or need further assistance, your learner will have to send me their work either as an image or pdf. I try to respond to messages as soon as I receive them, so guidance from me is often available between sessions as long as it's not abused.
Frequency: Available upon request
Details: Assessment is only ever conducted on the request of the parent. If you need a formal assessment for school records, we will arrange that on a per-student basis. Other than that, I monitor growth and progress and will send a monthly note to parents.
A dedicated math notebook is highly recommended.
Page protectors and wipe off markers are handy to make some printouts reusable.
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined June, 2019
Hi! My students usually call me Miss Stefany. 

In the course of earning my bachelor's of arts in social sciences (with a concentration in education), I decided that the big classroom setting was not for me. I finished the program, but started... 
1-on-1 Tutoring


per session
Meets on demand
55 min

Completed by 6 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 9-14

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