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Summer Kids' Choir

AJ Crocker
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Over the course of 8 sessions, students will learn 4 songs, all with a summer theme, and prepare their recordings for our virtual choir video!

Class Experience

Beginner - Advanced Level
8 lessons//4 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Breath and Song - Sunshine Day
Warm-Up: Simple breathing exercises (e.g., deep breaths, hissing sounds). Activity: Introduce "Sunshine Day," listen to the song. Practice: Breathing in rhythm with the song's tempo. Sing through the first verse with a focus on breath control.
Lesson 2
Breath and Song - Sunshine Day
Warm-Up: Breathing exercises with movement (e.g., arm movements to demonstrate breath flow). Review: Recap breathing techniques from Day 1. Practice: Sing "Sunshine Day" with emphasis on breath support. Activity: RECORD!
 Week 2
Lesson 3
Tonality - Here Comes the Sun
Warm-Up: Vocal scales and pitch-matching exercises. Introduction: Explain tonality and its importance in music. Activity: Introduce "Here Comes the Sun," listen to the song. Practice: Sing the first verse and chorus, focusing on staying in tune.
Lesson 4
Tonality - Here Comes the Sun
Warm-Up: Tonal exercises (e.g., matching pitches, humming). Review: Recap the tonality concept from Day 3. Practice: Sing "Here Comes the Sun," paying attention to maintaining the correct tonality. Activity: RECORD
 Week 3
Lesson 5
Parallel Pitch - 3 Little Birds (Don't Worry)
Warm-Up: Interval exercises (e.g., singing two notes that are a fifth apart). Introduction: Explain parallel pitch and how it applies to harmony. Activity: Introduce "3 Little Birds," listen to the song. Practice: Sing the melody and introduce the concept of parallel pitch with simple harmonies.
Lesson 6
Parallel Pitch - 3 Little Birds (Don't Worry)
Warm-Up: Harmony exercises (e.g., singing in rounds). Review: Recap parallel pitch concept from Day 5. Practice: Sing "3 Little Birds" with focus on parallel pitch harmonies. Activity: RECORD
 Week 4
Lesson 7
Blending & Solos - Down by the Bay
Warm-Up: Blending exercises (e.g., matching vowel sounds). Introduction: Explain blending and why it is important in choir singing. Activity: Introduce "Down by the Bay," listen to the song. Practice: Sing the first verse and chorus, focusing on blending
Lesson 8
Blending & Solos - Down by the Bay
Warm-Up: Individual and group warm-ups. Review: Recap blending techniques from Day 7. Activity: Assign solo parts and practice singing solos confidently. Practice: Sing "Down by the Bay," focusing on both blending and solos. Final Activity: RECORD & Celebrate our hard work Final video will be provided within 7 days of the final class
  • Breath Control: Understand and apply proper breathing techniques to support vocal performance. Demonstrate consistent breath support while singing different phrases and dynamics. Tonality: Identify and maintain the tonality of a song. Sing in tune individually and as part of a group, adjusting pitch as necessary to match the ensemble. Parallel Pitch: Recognize and perform harmonies using parallel pitch. Develop the ability to sing a harmony line while others sing the melody, maintaining independence and accuracy. Blending: Blend individual voices to create a unified choral sound. Adjust vocal tone and volume to match the ensemble, ensuring a balanced group performance. Solo Singing: Gain confidence in singing solo parts within a choral arrangement. Perform solo sections with clarity, expression, and correct pitch. Performance Skills: Develop stage presence and performance etiquette. Participate in the creation of a virtual choir video, understanding the basics of recording and performance preparation. Musical Expression: Interpret and express the emotional content of a song through vocal dynamics, phrasing, and articulation. Convey the mood and message of each song through appropriate vocal techniques. Collaboration: Work collaboratively with peers to achieve a cohesive and polished group performance. Provide and receive constructive feedback in a supportive and respectful manner. These learning goals ensure that students not only have fun singing but also develop foundational vocal techniques and performance skills that will benefit their musical growth.
Ms. C taught music, art, and elementary education for over 17 years. She loves engaging students of all ages in the beauty of music. During the pandemic, she created several virtual choir videos with kids in her neighborhood to spread the joy of community and music while staying home/ 
0 - 1 hours per week outside of class
Frequency: Available upon request
Feedback: Available upon request
Details: Students will be asked to practice their songs independently over the class timeframe. They may need to record themselves singing once or twice when we run out of time in class.
This class and instructor are prepared to support neurodiverse learners and their needs. Please contact Ms. Crocker to discuss specifics about how your child is most successful. 
A device with a stable internet connection for attending online classes.
A quiet space for singing practice.
Headphones or earbuds (optional but recommended for better audio quality).
Parents are encouraged to help set up the device and ensure a distraction-free environment for the duration of each class. No sensitive content will be covered, and all activities are age-appropriate.
Joined April, 2023
Teacher expertise and credentials
Master's Degree in Education from Teachers College, Columbia University
Master's Degree in Education from Colorado State University
Colorado Teaching Certificate in Elementary Education
Hi! My name is AJ! I am passionate about teaching reading, writing, music, and art. 
I am an experienced educator - 8 years in public school classrooms, and another 5 years teaching art, theater, and music for various organizations. I hold a... 
Group Class


weekly or $60 for 8 classes
2x per week, 4 weeks
55 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 7-12
5-10 learners per class

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