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Story Time With Ms. Jessica

Jessica Christine
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In this weekly class, your child will interact virtually through the opening and closing circles, sing a silly song, dance and move around, listen/view stories being read aloud and do a show and tell of their favorite stuffed animal.

Class Experience

  • Students will improve their listening and communication skills while in an online course format with other learners.
I have 20 years of teaching experience at the K-12 level as well as a University Professor for over 14 years instructing in the areas of Exceptional Children, Assessment, and Educational Psychology.   I hold my teaching license in Illinois as a Learning Behavior Specialist.  I am an administrator of Special Education, English Learners, and Gifted Students at a public K-8 school.   I have bachelor's in Psychology and Communication Sciences, A Master's in Special Education, and several degrees in Educational Leadership.   Expertise is within Special Education, English, Communication, Language Arts, Music, and Elementary Science.  If your child has special needs please contact me to discuss any accommodations or modifications we can put in place to make sure they can be as successful as possible.  
Please make sure to bring your stuffed animal each week!  Be ready to move/dance and listen to fun stories!
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
We will use Epic books and Youtube which I will screenshare the story content or song.  These will be age appropriate content.  
We will use Epic Books and You Tube which I will share my screen for the students to view.  
Joined November, 2020
I teach classes which spark the love for communication, listening, and social emotional growth for students 3-14.  My professional background is a Special Education Teacher, Administrator, as well as  a University Professor. I have been a... 
Group Class


1x per week
45 min

Completed by 3 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 3-7
2-15 learners per class

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