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Sea Animal Art: Drawing, Painting, and Socialization Camp

Maria, M.Ed.
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Star Educator
Join me in this multi-day art camp, while we learn how to draw and color various sea creatures while getting to know each other. #creative

Class Experience

  • Students will learn to draw and paint different ocean-related paintings during each class. Day 1: Starfish Day 2: Sea Horse Day 3: Sea Turtle Day 4: Crab Day 5: Jelly fish
I have taught in brick-and-mortar schools for 30 years. During this time, I have taught all academic areas as well as art and STEAM classes for grades K-5. I am a certified Special Education Teacher, Regular Education Teacher, and Media Specialist (School Librarian).
Canvas, paper, or cardstock
Paints- colors of the student's choice preferably
Cup of water
Paper towel
Some type of covering for the work surface to prevent paint from getting on the surface. I use wax paper to protect my workspace.
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Campers/students will guide some of the discussions. 
There will be no outside sources utilized for this class.
Joined August, 2020
Star Educator
Teacher expertise and credentials
Georgia Teaching Certificate in Special Education
Georgia Teaching Certificate in Special Education
Master's Degree in Education from Georgia College (now Georgia College and State University
Bachelor's Degree in Education from Georgia Southern College (now Georgia Southern University
Hi, I am Mrs. Maria. I am an experienced teacher with over 30 years of teaching. This includes all academic subjects for children in grades K-5 including art and STEM. I have experience teaching learners who are neurodiverse. My background... 
Group Class


for 5 classes
5x per week, 1 week
45 min

Completed by 4 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 7-11
1-6 learners per class

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