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Science and Nature: Ecosystems, Food Chains, and Food Webs!

Miss Elizabeth
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In this one-time science class, students will learn about ecosystems, food chain levels, food webs, types of consumers, who decomposers are and what they do. Best for ESL levels B1 and up.

Class Experience

US Grade 2 - 5
  • Students will learn how food chains, food webs, and ecosystems are connected. They will learn about the levels in a food chain and why plants are so important.
Frequency: Available upon request
Details: At the end of class we will have a quiz based on what we learned, time permitting. It is just for fun!
Joined February, 2022
Teacher expertise and credentials
Minnesota Teaching Certificate in English/Language Arts
Hello! Thank you for stopping by! I love students of all ages and I love teaching a variety of topics. Some of my favorite classes to teach are reading, nature, and science. I try to create a positive and encouraging atmosphere so learners feel... 
Group Class


per class
Meets once
45 min

Completed by 149 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 6-11
1-5 learners per class

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