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Preschool/Pre-K Adventures Semester 1 of 2: Full Curriculum Circle Time

Ms. Pamela - Preschool-2nd, Book Clubs, Crafts
Star Educator
Average rating:5.0Number of reviews:(613)
Embark on a fun journey with Ms. Pamela for an immersive 5-day theme-based circle time curriculum. Discover resources designed to empower you to reinforce essential skills throughout the week and create an engaging learning environment.

Class experience

US Grade Preschool - Pre-Kindergarten
90 lessons//18 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Theme: School is Cool! Monday: Language Arts and Math
NO CLASS TODAY! We will be starting school on Tuesday to account for Labor Day! - Tuition is pro-rated for this
Lesson 2
Tuesday: Language Arts and Math
"Gerald's First Day of School" by Pamela Williams, "Table's Ready" observation game, Making good and bad choices, Our Classroom Community activity, Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes movement
Lesson 3
Wednesday: Language Arts and Science
"Emily's Preschool Day" by Pamela Williams, Is it in Your Name? game, Which one is not like the other? game, Try Your Best Activity, Simon Says movement
Lesson 4
Thursday: Sight Words and Math
"My First Day of Preschool" by Pamela Williams, Is it a number, letter, or a word? game, Our class Cleaned Up activity, People Sizing, Clap You Hands movement
Lesson 5
Friday: Show and Tell and Writing Activity
"Let's Be Friends" by Pamela Williams, School Rules with Mouse talking about school manners, writing our names activity, walking cards movement
 Week 2
Lesson 6
Theme: Apples Monday: Language Arts and Math
"Let's Go to the Apple Orchard" by Pamela Williams, question of the week, book parts, Apples activity, Ten Apples Up on Top game, Sammy movement
Lesson 7
Tuesday: Language Arts and Math
"Ten Red Apples" by Pamela Williams, Quiet and Loud sort game, Colors of the Rainbow - before and after game, Apple Shapes - patterns activity, Turn Around movement
Lesson 8
Wednesday: Language Arts and Science
"The Little House" by Pamela Williams, science activity: cut open an apple discuss the characteristics of apples, parts of an apple, apple sequencing, Way Up High in the Apple Tree activity, Punchinello movement
Lesson 9
Thursday: Sight Words and Math
"The Apples are Falling" by Pamela Williams, sight words activity, counting with the ten frame game, ABC's of Apples activity, Hokey Pokey movement
Lesson 10
Friday: Show and Tell and Writing Activity
"A Journey of Tasty Treats" by Pamela Williams, writing activity - the letter A and number 0, What's Missing game, Freeze Dance movement
 Week 3
Lesson 11
Theme: Bedtime Monday: Language Arts and Math
"The Nighttime Owl's Daytime Adventure" by Pamela Williams, question of the week, environmental print, sorting using manipulatives, "I Can Move" cards activity, Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed movement
Lesson 12
Tuesday: Language Arts and Math
"Sweet Dreams, Little One" by Pamela Williams, Vertical, Horizontal, Diagonal activity, Does everyone have a bed? activity, Five Little Speckled Frogs movement
Lesson 13
Wednesday: Language Arts and Science
"Sally Can't Sleep" by Pamela Williams, Little Moon, Little Moon activity, More or Less? game, find the letter game, Stop and Go movement
Lesson 14
Thursday: Sight Words and Math
"Follow Your Dreams" by Pamela Williams, what items go together game, sight words activity, counting toothbrushes, moving cards movement
Lesson 15
Friday: Show and Tell and Writing Activity
"Finding Teddy" by Pamela Williams, writing activity - the letter B and number 1, above and below activity, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear movement
 Week 4
Lesson 16
Theme: Circus and Colors Monday: Language Arts and Math
"The Circus In Town" by Pamela Williams, question of the week, making things small to big and big to small activity, count the circus tents game, This is the Way I Move movement
Lesson 17
Tuesday: Language Arts and Math
"The Clown's Circus Adventure" by Pamela Williams, rhyming words game, ordinal numbers math game, Icky, Sticky Bubblegum movement
Lesson 18
Wednesday: Language Arts and Science
"The Rainbow Painter" by Pamela Williams, Science Experiment: Hopping Corn and Secret Colors, is it an uppercase or lowercase letters game, color word game, Circus Cards movement
Lesson 19
Thursday: Sight Words and Math
"Counting Circus Clowns" by Pamela Williams, sight words activity, circus patterning game, Froggie in the Middle movement
Lesson 20
Friday: Show and Tell and Writing Activity
"The Circus Animal Adventures" by Pamela Williams, writing activity - the letter C and number 2, full or empty game, Circus Clown movement
 Week 5
Lesson 21
Theme: Dinosaurs Monday: Language Arts and Math
"Timmy's Dinosaur Adventure" by Pamela Williams, question of the week, tall, small, hang down letters game, missing numbers game, Touch movement
Lesson 22
Tuesday: Language Arts and Math
"Dinosaurs" by Pamela Williams, beginning letters game, does it fit? game, Can You Walk? movement
Lesson 23
Wednesday: Language Arts and Science
"Tiny and Tremor: The Smallest Dinosaur" by Pamela Williams, construction signs activity, counting dinosaurs game, Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes movement
Lesson 24
Thursday: Sight Words and Math
"Dinosaur Hide and Seek" by Pamela Williams, sight words game, dinosaur sort - does it fly, walk, or swim? activity, Simon Says movement
Lesson 25
Friday: Show and Tell and Writing Activity
"Where are You Mama?" by Pamela Williams, writing activity - the letter D and number 3, patterning and sorting dinosaurs game, Clap Your Hands movement
 Week 6
Lesson 26
Theme: Fire Safety Week Monday: Language Arts and Math
"Adventures with Firefighter Fred" by Pamela Williams, question of the week, opposites game, greater than, less than or equal game, Shake, Shake, Shake movement
Lesson 27
Tuesday: Language Arts and Math
"Heroes of the Flames" by Pamela Williams, Is it safe to touch? activity, before and after game using fingers, This is the Way I Move movement
Lesson 28
Wednesday: Language Arts and Science
"Sparky's Adventure" by Pamela Williams, Putting out the fire game, Science experiment - Putting out a fire, Five Little Speckled Frogs movement
Lesson 29
Thursday: Sight Words and Math
"Fire Safety" by Pamela Williams, book settings activity, sight words game, counting spots game, Stop/Go movement
Lesson 30
Friday: Show and Tell and Writing Activity
"The Great Fire Drill Adventure" by Pamela Williams, stoplight fun activity, writing activity - drawing shapes, Moving Cards movement
 Week 7
Lesson 31
Theme: Eggs and Elephants Monday: Language Arts and Math
"Ellie and Ernie" by Pamela Williams, question of the week, Find the letter game, How many letters? game, walking cards movement
Lesson 32
Tuesday: Language Arts and Math
"Ellie's Adventures" by Pamela Williams, main characters game, one to five number words and numerals activity, Sammy movement
Lesson 33
Wednesday: Language Arts and Science
"The Talking Egg" by Pamela Williams, How would you feel? activity, How many? game, Science experiment: Eggs, "Turn Around" movement
Lesson 34
Thursday: Sight Words and Math
"The Lost Elephant" by Pamela Williams, sight words game, How many eggs? game, Punchinello movement
Lesson 35
Friday: Show and Tell and Writing Activity
"The Creative Egg" by Pamela Williams, writing activity - the letter E and number 4, how many fingers? game, Hokey Pokey movement
 Week 8
Lesson 36
Theme: Fall Monday: Language Arts and Math
"Little Pumpkin's Big Rescue" by Pamela Williams, question of the week, what are the letters between game, roll a pumpkin game, Is Autumn Here activity, Scarecrow, Scarecrow movement
Lesson 37
Tuesday: Language Arts and Math
"The Pumpkin Hunt" by Pamela Williams, pumpkin parts activity, beginning letter game, P is for Pumpkin activity, Full or Empty activity, Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed movement
Lesson 38
Wednesday: Language Arts and Science
"The Magic of Autumn Leaves" by Pamela Williams, leaf matching game, Rotten Science activity, Science experiment - Candy Corn, Freeze Dance movement
Lesson 39
Thursday: Sight Words and Math
"Autumn's Magic" by Pamela Williams, do they have lines or holes? game, sight word activity, what is the number between? game, Pumpkin Surprise activity, Froggy in the Middle movement
Lesson 40
Friday: Show and Tell and Writing Activity
"Going on a Leaf Walk" by Pamela Williams, writing activity - writing our names, 2D shapes game, Circus Clown movement
 Week 9
Lesson 41
Theme: Farm Monday: Language Arts and Math
"A Farmer's Day" by Pamela Williams, question of the week, mothers and their babies matching game, farm patterning through sound and picture game, Icky Sticky Bubblegum movement
Lesson 42
Tuesday: Language Arts and Math
"Ten Little Chickens" by Pamela Williams, Which One Doesn't Belong? game, 11 - 20 ten frames game, book parts activity, Higgy Piggy movement
Lesson 43
Wednesday: Language Arts and Science
"The Great Animal Sound Mix-Up" by Pamela Williams, Where Does it Come From? Food game, count it out game, Can You Walk? movement
Lesson 44
Thursday: Sight Words and Math
"The Mixed Up Farm Feast" by Pamela Williams, Rhyming farm animals game, sight words game, more than, less than, or equal game, Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes movement
Lesson 45
Friday: Show and Tell and Writing Activity
"The Farm Friends Fantastic Vacation" by Pamela Williams, writing activity - the letter F and number 5, What am I? game, Simon Says movement
 Week 10
Lesson 46
Theme: Gingerbread and Germs Monday: Language Arts and Math
"The Gingerbread Man and the Hungry Wolf" by Pamela Williams, question of the week, breaking down compound words game, gingerbread sorting game, Clap Your Hands movement
Lesson 47
Tuesday: Language Arts and Math
"The Gingerbread Man Escapes the Fox" by: Pamela Williams, letter sounds game, gingerbread graphing game, Walking Cards movement
Lesson 48
Wednesday: Language Arts and Science
"The Gingerbread Man Visits the Fire Station" by Pamela Williams, sequencing and retelling activity, pepper experiment - washing our hands and germs activity
Lesson 49
Thursday: Sight Words and Math
"The Gingerbread Duo" by Pamela Williams, sight words activity, cookie letter identification game, positional words game, Turn Around movement
Lesson 50
Friday: Show and Tell and Writing Activity
"The Gingerbread Girl and her Frosted Friends" by Pamela Williams, find the letter game, writing activity - the letter G and number 6, Punchinello movement
 Week 11
Lesson 51
Theme: Hats and Healthy Eating Monday: Language Arts and Math
"The Magical Hat Emporium" by: Pamela Williams, There's a Hat upon My Head song and activity, Healthy or Not Healthy game, Moving Cards movement
Lesson 52
Tuesday: Language Arts and Math
"Garden of Good Eats" by: Pamela Williams, breaking compound words game, cookie counting activity, Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed movement
Lesson 53
Wednesday: Language Arts and Science
"The Picky Eater" by: Pamela Williams, beginning letters game, Are They the Same? game, Touch movement
Lesson 54
Thursday: Sight Words and Math
"The Great Hat Parade" by: Pamela Williams, sight words game, How Many Fingers? activity, Froggie in the Middle movement
Lesson 55
Friday: Show and Tell and Writing Activity
"The Food Fiesta" by: Pamela Williams, writing activity - the letter H and the number 7, letter sorting activity, Ding-a-Ling movement WEAR YOUR FAVORITE HAT DAY!
 Week 12
Lesson 56
Theme: Being Thankful Monday: Language Arts and Math
"A Tale of Thankfulness" by Pamela Williams, what comes after game, before and after numbers game, and Hokey Pokey movement
Lesson 57
Tuesday: Language Arts and Math
"The Kindness Quest" by Pamela Williams, beginning sounds game, directions for left and right activity, Who Stole the Pumpkin? song, Shake Your Body Movement
Lesson 58
Wednesday: Language Arts and Science
"Gracie's Gratitude Journal" by Pamela Williams, ending sounds activity, what comes after number game, This is the Way I Move movement
Lesson 59
Thursday: Sight Words and Math
"The Thankful Treasure Hunt" by Pamela Williams, sight words game, How Many? counting pumpkins activity, Speckled Frogs movement
Lesson 60
Friday: Show and Tell and Writing Activity
"The Good Deeds Garden" by Pamela Williams, writing activity - review writing A-H and numbers 0-7, find the heart activity, Stop and Go movement
 Week 13
Lesson 61
Theme: Insects and Bugs Monday: Language Arts and Math
"The Amazing World of Bugs" by Pamela Williams, What Makes an Insect? activity, How Many Bugs? game, and Let's Go movement
Lesson 62
Tuesday: Language Arts and Math
"The Ants Friendship Parade" by Pamela Williams, uppercase and lowercase letters activity, positional bugs game, Icky Sticky movement
Lesson 63
Wednesday: Language Arts and Science
"Lila the Ladybug" by Pamela Williams, how many syllables bug activity, Under the Rug Bug game, Can You Walk? movement
Lesson 64
Thursday: Sight Words and Math
"Tiny Heroes Helping Humans" by Pamela Williams, sight words game, count the spots game, Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes movement
Lesson 65
Friday: Show and Tell and Writing Activity
"Buzzie Buddies" by Pamela Williams, writing activity - the letter I and number 8, listening skills activity, Simon Says movement
 Week 14
Lesson 66
Monday: Language Arts and Math
"The Marvelous Helpers" by Pamela Williams, ending sounds activity, community helpers matching game, Clap Your Hands movement
Lesson 67
Tuesday: Language Arts and Math
"Dreaming Big" by Pamela Williams, Syllable sort game, Show Me the Number game, walking cards movement
Lesson 68
Wednesday: Language Arts and Science
"Helping Hands" by Pamela Williams, community helpers top and bottom matching game, what comes before and after numbers edition game, Sammy movement
Lesson 69
Thursday: Sight Words and Math
"Whose Job is That?" by Pamela Williams, sight words game, community helpers sudoku, community helpers movement cards movement
Lesson 70
Friday: Show and Tell and Writing Activity
"Messy and Marvelous Jobs" by Pamela Williams, writing activity - the letter J and number 9, beginning sounds activity, turn around movement
 Week 15
Lesson 71
Theme: Australian Animals Monday: Language Arts and Math
"Kai the Koala" by Pamela Williams, matching letters activity, simple addition activity, Stop and Go movement
Lesson 72
Tuesday: Language Arts and Math
"The Outback" by Pamela Williams, missing letters game, sides and corners shape activity, moving cards movement
Lesson 73
Wednesday: Language Arts and Science
"Marvelous Marsupials" by Pamela Williams, emotions activity, simple subtraction activity, kangaroos jumping on the bed movement
Lesson 74
Thursday: Sight Words and Math
"Jumping Jubilee" by Pamela Williams, sight words game, missing numbers activity, touch movement
Lesson 75
Friday: Show and Tell and Writing Activity
"A Tale of Unlikely Friendship" by Pamela Williams, writing activity - the letter K and number 10, greater than and less than activity, Froggie In the Middle movement
 Week 16
Lesson 76
Theme: Winter, Hibernation and Migration Monday: Language Arts and Math
"Harmony in Nature" by: Pamela Williams, snowman alphabet matching game, does it hibernate or migrate? game, Punchinello movement
Lesson 77
Tuesday: Language Arts and Math
"Keeping Cool" by: Pamela Williams, beginning sounds activity, visual discrimination, Hokey Pokey movement
Lesson 78
Wednesday: Language Arts and Science
NO SCHOOL TODAY! HAPPY NEW YEAR'S DAY! (Tuition has been pro-rated.)
Lesson 79
Thursday: Sight Words and Math
"Winter Wonderland" by: Pamela Williams, sight words game, mitten match game, This is the Way I Move movement
Lesson 80
Friday: Show and Tell and Writing Activity
"Benny's Winter Tale" by: Pamela Williams, writing activity - writing our names, counting snowflakes activity, ice experiment, speckled frogs movement
 Week 17
Lesson 81
Theme: Landforms and Habitats Monday: Language Arts and Math
"Discovering Earth's Wonders" by Pamela Williams, landform matching game, oceans activity, Ding-a-Ling movement
Lesson 82
Tuesday: Language Arts and Math
"The Harmony of Habitats" by Pamela Williams, beginning, middle, and end sounds activity, what's the number? game, Let's Go movement
Lesson 83
Wednesday: Language Arts and Science
"The Little Hill with Big Dreams" by Pamela Williams, word family sort activity, habitat sort game, Icky Sticky movement
Lesson 84
Thursday: Sight Words and Math
"Polar Paws" by Pamela Williams, sight words game, find the number activity, Can You Walk? movement
Lesson 85
Friday: Show and Tell and Writing Activity
"A Desert Adventure" by Pamela Williams, puzzle moves activity, writing activity - the letter L and number 11, Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes movement
 Week 18
Lesson 86
Theme: Monsters and 100th Day of School Monday: Language Arts and Math
"Snuggles the Scary Monster" by Pamela Williams, Feed Me! game, monster graphing, Simon Says movement
Lesson 87
Tuesday: Language Arts and Math
"The Magical Treasure Hunt" by Pamela Williams, Put together a monster game, Clap Your Hands movement
Lesson 88
Wednesday: Language Arts and Science
"Lily and the Closet Monster" by Pamela Williams, Real versus make-believe activity, number word and quantity activity, Sammy movement
Lesson 89
Thursday: Sight Words and Math
"The Monsters in My Room " by Pamela Williams, sight words game, 100 chart introduction and counting by tens activity, walking cards movement
Lesson 90
Friday: Show and Tell and Writing Activity
"Emma's 100 Marvelous Things" by Pamela Williams, writing activity - the letter M and number 12, vowel or consonant game, Turn Around movement - WEAR YOUR 100th DAY HAT AND PAJAMA DAY!
My students will have fun introducing them to our theme-based learning each week.
We will learn the alphabet from A to Z and numbers 0-25.
We will be learning basic skills concepts such as opposites, rhyming, addition, subtraction, and more.
We will learn songs, fingerplays, move our bodies, and learn kindergarten readiness skills.
We will gain social skills through talking with others, taking turns, and more
I LOVE storytelling! I think it is a great way for children to express themselves, and feel included in the telling of stories and help a child's self-esteem by contributing to a group.
Homework Offered
I offer resources each week for our classes. You may do as much or as little as you would like. They will reinforce the concepts we learn in class. They can practice their sight words and handwriting skills with numbers and letters.
0 - 1 hours per week outside of class
Assessments Offered
Welcome to our engaging group time, where we explore a wide range of subjects! This interactive session serves as a wonderful opportunity for children to delve into various topics. Through active participation in discussions and observations, we assess learners' progress and understanding of essential preschool/Pre-K skills. Engaging in meaningful conversations with the children allows us to gauge their comprehension and ensure their continued growth in preschool/Pre-K.
Grades Offered
No grades will be given, but I send home a certificate of completion when sight words have been completed and a graduation certificate at the end of the year.
A notebook and pencil for our writing OR a dry erase board with marker and eraser
We will be doing a movement activity at the end of each class when time allows. Be sure your child has room to move around without getting hurt. We will be jumping, running in place, stretching etc. 
Star Educator
Average rating:5.0Number of reviews:(613)
A Bit About Me
I'm Pamela Williams, also known as Ms. Pamela to my learners. I am passionate about learning and have been privileged to engage with over 900 learners from 25 countries since joining Outschool in 2019. My classes span a range... 
Group Class


weekly or $792 for 90 classes
5x per week, 18 weeks
30 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 3-5
1-6 learners per class

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