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(Ongoing) Prefixes, Suffixes and Roots--Latin and Greek Foundations of English Words

Learning Greek and Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes improves vocabulary, reading, and writing. #academic
Maria Ward
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What's included

1 live meeting
30 mins in-class hours per week

Class Experience

US Grade 4 - 7
******** Students may join this class at any time. There is no beginning or end.  The material in this class will repeat every 52 weeks*********

********Students should bring a pen or pencil and a spiral-bound notebook or looseleaf paper to class.***********

*****IMPORTANT:    Outschool does not require students to leave their camera on during class. (They must turn it on briefly at the beginning of class while attendance has checked, but after that they are allowed to turn the camera off. ) HOWEVER, I would like your student to leave their CAMERA ON during our class. It is difficult for me to check for their comprehension of what are discussing if I cannot see your student. When a student's camera is off and they do not reply to a question, I don't know if they're not answering because they have left the room, are not paying attention and are distracted, or if they simply don't understand and are thinking about how to answer. If their camera is on, it is much easier for me to assist them and make sure they are getting the most benefit from class. If you would like your students to have their camera turned off during class that is OK, but please let me know so I don't require them to turn it on.*******

*******I follow Outschool’s refund policy and don’t issue refunds for missed classes. Here is the link to more information about Outschool’s refund policy:


 In this class students will learn 5 Latin and/or Greek prefixes and suffixes each week. Through short lectures, games and activities students will learn the meaning of, and how to use, these prefixes and suffixes correctly.. 

Here is a tentative break down of the structure of each class:

1)  Students will learn the meanings of 5 prefixes, suffixes or roots. 
2)  Students will learn the origin of these prefixes and suffixes and roots.
3)  Students will write these and the definitions in their notebook.
4)  Students will learn to decipher the meaning of different words by looking at the prefixes and suffixes and roots.
5)  Students will complete activities using the prefixes and suffixes and roots.
6)  Students will be encouraged to use words with these prefixes and suffixes and roots in sentences. 

Tentative weekly list of prefixes/suffixes/root words:

Week of December 17:
en: put into/cover with,  in: not/without,  ment: resulting   irr: not,   co: together/with

Week of Dec 24:

Week of : Jan 1
sect: cut,  struct: build,   port: carry,  bene: good,   tract: pul/drag

 Week of : Jan 8
 hop: guest   hemo: blood,   sol: alone,  mal: bad,   punct: point,

 Week of : Jan 15
soci: people,  less: without,  frig: cold,   ize: become,  fur: anger

 Week Jan 22:
mar: sea,  noct: night,   pharm: drug  sphere: round,  term: end/limit

 Week of Jan 29
Neo: new, acri: bitter,  ectomy: cut out,   astro:  star,  cosmo: universe

 Week of Feb 5:
Ego: self,  sol: sun,   arche: ancient    brev: short time   artho: joint

Week of Feb 12:  
Libr: free,  norm: typical,  gen: birth,  lum: light,  vor: eat

 Week of February 19:  
Ambul: walk,  hypno: sleep,  pater: father,  fac: make,  fort: strength 

 Week of February 26:
Mater: mother,  mit: send,  voc: voice/call,  dyna: power,  cline: lean

 Week of March 5
Gram: written,  morph: change,  nym: name,  anim: life/spirit,  arbor: tree

 Week of March 12
Celer: fast,  clam (claim): shout,  spect: to look,  domin: master,  bell: war/fight,

 Week of March 19
cand: glowing,  cephal: brain,  du: two/twice,   flect: bend,  dur: lasting,

 Week of March 26
Fug: escape,   junct: join,   path: feeling  Pel: to force,  Phys: body/nature,

 Week of April 2
funct: work,   juven: young,  loc: place,   migr: move,   mob: move

15. Week of April 9
 ocu: eye,  pan: all/everyone,  liber: free,  pyr: fire    nav: ship

 Week of April 16: 
 Pop: people, psych: mind,  flor: flower,   gon: angle,  lun: moon ,
Week of April 23:
scrib: write  rhin: nose,  rid: laugh, non: not/without, demic: people

Week of April 30
Stell: star,   tact: touch,  temp: time,   urb: city,  vac: empty 

 Week of May 7
Tox: poison, Tort: twist,  vince: conquer,  xeno: foreign, ,  retro: backward,

Week of May 14:
  sta: stand,  over: too much,  neuro: nerve,  neg: no 

 Week of May 21
Trans:  across,   opt: best,  numer: number,  imag: likeness(alike),  helic: spin

 Week of May 28
Gran: grain,  eu: good,  dys: abonormal,  curr: run,  caust: burn

Week of June 4
No class

Week of June 11
Giga: a billion,  corp: body,  Clud: close,   ethno: race/people,   don: give

Week of: June 18
Lev: lift,  lat: wide,  dent: tooth,  cogn: know,  verb: word

 Week of: June 25
Ambi: both/on both sides,  ann (enn): year,  bi: two,  cav: hollow,  form: shape

 Week of: July 1

 Week of: July 8

Week of July 16
Ped: foot,  dia: across/through,  mono: one,  phil: love,  photo: light

 Week of July 23
Zoo: animal,  pseudo: false/fake,  acro: height,  bibl: book,  capt: hold/take

  Week of: July 30
Viv: live,  clar: clear,  lingu: tongue,  duct: lead,  corn: horn

Week of August 6
fore: before/in front of,    cred: believe,   cycl: circle,   fer: carry,   ject: throw

 Week of August 13
Cardia: heart,  contra: against,  ex: out, from,  re: again,  un: not

Week of August 20
Aero:air,  col: together,  eco: house/environment, epi: upon/over,  ob: against, orb: eye

Week of August 27
Peri: around, plati: flat,  prim: first,  rota: wheel,  vid: see

 Week of September 3
muse: think   avi: bird,   phys: nature,  crani: skull/head,  chloro: green

Week of September 10
Deca: ten,  terra: earth (land),  pre: before,  sub: under (below),  extra: beyond (unusual)

Week of September 17
a: not,   anti: against,   able: can,   auto: self,   oct:  eight

Week of September 24
Circum: around,  derma: skin,  bio:  life,  dorm: sleep,  quad:  four

Week of October 1
Hyper: more (above),  hypo: less (below),  mort: death,  omni: all,  pent: five

Week of October 8:
De: down/away/remove,  ultra: beyond (extreme),  pro: before/in favor of,  post: after,  dis: not apart, away

 Week of October 15
kilo: one thousand,  mis: wrong,  less: not/without,  hex: six,   ast: star

Week of October 22
Aqua: water,  carn: meat,  tri: three,  micro: small,  therm: heat

Week of October 29
aud: hearing,  cent: one hundred,   multi: more than one,   tele: at a distance,  uni: one

Week of November 5
vis: see,   amphi: both,   poly: many,   ortho: straight,  oct: eight

Week of November 12
herb: plant,  Mega: great/large,    man: hand,   para: beside/along with,   mini: small

 Week of November 19
chrono: time,  dict: to say,   chor: sing/dance,   phone: sound,   graph: write

Week of November 26
crypt: hidden,   milli: a one thousandth part,    logy: the study of,   super: above, over,   semi: half

Week of December 3
com: with/together,   scope: seeing,   cide: kill,    hydra: water,   phobe: fear
 Week of : Dec 11
mid: half/center,  hemi: half,  rupt:break,  ist: person,  magn: large/great  

Week of December 17:
en: put into/cover with,  in: not/without,  ment: resulting   irr: not,   co: together/with

Week of Dec 24:


Other Details

Parental Guidance
****** Class will not meet the first two weeks of July 2024, as I will be on vacation.****** I follow Outschool’s refund policy and don’t issue refunds for missed classes. Here is the link to more information about Outschool’s refund policy: https://support.outschool.com/en/articles/16379-outschool-s-happiness-guarantee-and-refunds?fbclid=IwAR0gV1OH5IgkAFm90yW7RK9CuA-yw3JuZQH8RmEmqY-hpEKsbWvOZyjSr5w_aem_AUQmah0_w9vbtydgAHamziWpfNuqO7DB5PTXRRfcyQvc-kuXElWc6dCa0_HUrgNrYA9QWjS9IB8UoJ7_mXvC7_Xa&mibextid=Zxz2cZ
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined August, 2021
Teacher expertise and credentials
Bachelor's Degree from Univerity of South Carolina
My name is Maria. I was born in South Carolina, USA. When I was 7 years old my family moved to Latin America. When I graduated from high school, I returned to the US to attend university  I have been married for 39 years and have 3 adult children and 6 grandchildren. 

I have a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of South Carolina and have been a teacher for over 25 years.  Much of my teaching experience has been teaching reading. I have led children's book clubs and read aloud groups. I have taught reading comprehension and grammar, history and American Government to elementary and middle school students. I am bilingual and I have taught Spanish to children and adults for many years. I also have many years experience teaching ESL in person and online. 

I love to read. I also love to travel. I've been to the driest desert in the world and the southern most city on the globe. I've climbed a mountain in Central America where you can see both the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean,  and I have kissed the Blarney Stone.  I have done many exciting things. I have flown in a glider and a hot air balloon and I have parasailed. But I will never, EVER, bungee jump! 

Students in my classes will have fun while they work hard improving their academic skills. I have a lot of experience teaching children online, and I know how to keep students engaged in the lesson.  I am a patient teacher. Children matter. Their ideas and opinions matter, and their success matters. I want to hear what my students have to say.  I make sure they know I am proud of them.


Live Group Class


1x per week
30 min

Completed by 434 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 9-14
2-10 learners per class

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