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Pequeños Científicos en Español: Fun Science Experiments and Spanish Learning!

Your child will explore fun science experiments and learn Spanish, using everyday items for hands-on activities that make learning exciting and accessible.
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What's included

1 live meeting
30 mins in-class hours per week
1 hour per week. Homework is optional, it includes a short video introducing the class of the week, key concepts and useful phrases.

Class Experience

Beginner - Intermediate Level
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Welcome to "Pequeños Científicos en Español," where young explorers aged 4-6 will dive into the world of science while immersing themselves in the Spanish language! This class is designed for children who are eager to learn, create, and discover through hands-on experiments using everyday household items.

Each week, we will conduct a fun and easy science experiment, all while learning Spanish. Whether we’re making volcanoes erupt or creating rainbow water, your child will be actively engaged in both science and language learning. Through step-by-step guidance, your child will build their scientific understanding and expand their Spanish vocabulary in a playful and interactive environment.

Class Format:
Before each class, I will send a short video introducing the materials and key vocabulary in Spanish. This video will help your child familiarize themselves with the terms and concepts we’ll use during the experiment. Along with the video, you will receive a card with the experiment instructions and materials in both Spanish and English, as well as optional flashcards to practice greetings, farewells, and useful phrases to use during class.

During the live session, we will:

Start with Spanish greetings and a quick check-in ("¿Cómo estás?").
Introduce the experiment and review the materials, emphasizing key vocabulary in Spanish.
Conduct the experiment step by step, with plenty of opportunities for your child to participate, ask questions, and practice speaking in Spanish.
Discuss the results and what we’ve learned, encouraging your child to describe their observations in Spanish.
End with farewells and a recap of the key vocabulary and concepts.

Experiments We’ll Explore Together:

Volcano Eruption (Erupción de Volcán)
Color Mixing with Water (Mezcla de Colores con Agua)
Balloon Static Electricity (Electricidad Estática con Globo)
Floating and Sinking (Flotación y Hundimiento)
Rainbow Walking Water (Agua Caminante Arcoíris)
Magic Milk (Leche Mágica)
Dancing Raisins (Pasas Bailarinas)
Ice Melting Race (Carrera de Derretimiento de Hielo)
Invisible Ink (Tinta Invisible)
Paper Towel Chromatography (Cromatografía con Toalla de Papel)
Magnetic Exploration (Exploración Magnética)
Lava Lamp in a Bottle (Lámpara de Lava en una Botella)
Sound Waves with a Cup Phone (Ondas Sonoras con Teléfono de Vasos)
Balloon-Powered Car (Coche Impulsado por Globo)
Growing Seeds in a Bag (Crecimiento de Semillas en una Bolsa)
Baking Soda and Vinegar Rockets (Cohetes de Bicarbonato y Vinagre)
Cloud in a Jar (Nube en un Frasco)
Salt Crystals (Cristales de Sal)
Paper Plate Hovercraft (Aerodeslizador de Plato de Papel)
Water Cycle in a Bag (Ciclo del Agua en una Bolsa)
Static Electricity Butterfly (Mariposa de Electricidad Estática)
Homemade Slime (Slime Casero)
Egg in Vinegar Experiment (Huevo en Vinagre)
Homemade Weather Station (Estación Meteorológica Casera)
Bouncing Bubbles (Burbujas Rebotantes)

Materials & Equipment:

About a week before each class, I’ll post a list of materials needed in the classroom. For those who enroll later, I’ll send the list via email within 24 hours of signup. Since these experiments use common household items, they’re easy to gather and prepare. Please review the materials list to ensure your child has everything they need.

Safety and Participation:
Your child’s safety is my top priority. Please ensure a responsible adult is nearby during the class to assist as needed, especially when handling materials that might require extra care (like scissors, hot water, or small objects). According to Outschool’s policy, adults should remain off-camera during the class.

For the best experience, have your learner wear clothes that can get messy and have their materials ready before class begins.

What Makes This Class Unique?
This isn’t just a science class; it’s a bilingual learning adventure! Your child will not only explore fascinating science experiments but also naturally pick up Spanish vocabulary and phrases. The combination of science and language learning ensures that your child is engaged, curious, and excited about both subjects.

Classroom Rules and Expectations:
By joining this class, you’re helping us create a fun and respectful environment where everyone can learn and enjoy themselves. Here are some simple guidelines to keep our classroom a happy place:

Be Kind and Respectful: Treat your classmates, yourself, and the teacher with kindness. We all learn better when we’re friendly and polite.
Use Friendly Words: Let’s all use words that are positive and kind. We avoid saying anything that could hurt someone’s feelings.
Keep Personal Info Private: Please don’t share personal details or links during class. Your safety is important to us!
Take Turns Speaking: It’s great to share your ideas! Just remember to wait for your turn so everyone can be heard.
Raise Your Hand: If you have something to say or ask, just raise your hand. We’ll make sure everyone gets a chance to participate.
No Bullying: We want everyone to feel safe and happy. Bullying or being mean isn’t allowed, and it may lead to having to sit out for a bit.
Zoom Name: Please use the same name on Zoom that you signed up with. This helps us know who’s in class and keeps things running smoothly!
Show Your Smile (at the Start): To help us know it’s really you, please turn on your video at the beginning of class. After that, you can choose to keep your video on or off—whatever makes you most comfortable.
Student Behavior:
We’re all here to learn and have fun together. Being respectful and kind to everyone helps make our class a great place. If a student is disruptive, aggressive, or unkind, they will receive two warnings. If the behavior continues, they may be removed from the session and invited to return at the next session.

Microphone Use:
Students are not required to keep their microphones muted during class, but if unnecessary noises or disruptions occur (like talking over others), the student will receive two warnings. If the behavior continues, the microphone will be muted without further warning. This ensures that everyone can hear clearly and participate fully, especially when practicing new words or answering questions.

Parent Engagement:
Parents are welcome to be nearby during class to support their child. However, all communication between parents and the teacher must occur through Outschool messages only. If you have any concerns or questions, please reach out to me privately through the Outschool platform. Parents should not engage directly with other students during class; all interactions with students will be managed by the teacher.

Communication Guidelines:
To ensure student safety and privacy, all communication between parents, students, and the teacher must be conducted through the Outschool platform. If your child wishes to connect with another student outside of class, please reach out to me first through a private message on Outschool, and I will help facilitate that communication.

For more information on Outschool’s policies:

Learner Safety and Privacy: Outschool Policy
Staying in Touch: Outschool Policy
Failure to follow these guidelines may result in the student’s removal from the class or cancellation of their enrollment. Thank you for helping us create a safe and fun space for everyone to learn and grow together!
Learning Goals
Becoming a Mini Scientist
Your child will explore and experiment like a true scientist, learning to observe, predict, and discover new things each week. By the end of the class, they’ll be confident in conducting simple experiments and understanding basi
Speaking Science in Spanish
While having fun with science, your child will naturally pick up new Spanish words and phrases. By the end of the class, they’ll be able to talk about their experiments and share what they’ve learned in Spanish, making language
learning goal

Other Details

Parental Guidance
In this class, we will use common household materials that require adult supervision to ensure safety. Please be aware of the following: Vinegar and Baking Soda: While generally safe, these can cause a mess during experiments like volcano eruptions or rockets. Supervision is recommended to avoid spills and overflows. Scissors: Used in some experiments for cutting materials. Please supervise your child to ensure safe handling. Hot Water: Certain experiments, like the Ice Melting Race or Lava Lamp, may require warm or hot water. Please handle the heating and pouring of hot water for your child. Small Objects: Some activities, such as the Dancing Raisins or Magnetic Exploration, involve small items that could be a choking hazard for young children. Close supervision is required. Food Coloring: Used in experiments like Rainbow Walking Water or Magic Milk. This can stain surfaces and skin, so please take precautions. Balloons: In activities like Balloon Static Electricity or Balloon-Powered Car, balloons can pop unexpectedly, which may startle some children or pose a choking hazard if pieces are swallowed. Please supervise closely. Chemical Reactions: Some experiments involve simple chemical reactions, such as vinegar and baking soda. Ensure your child does not ingest any materials and washes hands thoroughly after handling. These materials are generally safe when used properly, but your close supervision is essential to ensure your child's safety and a fun learning experience.
Supply List
About a week before each class, I’ll post a list of materials needed in the classroom. For those who enroll later, I’ll send the list via email within 24 hours of signup. Since these experiments use common household items, they’re easy to gather and prepare. Please review the materials list to ensure your child has everything they need.
Language of Instruction
Joined February, 2024
New on Outschool
Teacher expertise and credentials
Bachelor's Degree in Education from University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Am a Bilingual EC-6 and Spanish EC-12 Certified Educator. I hold a masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction and have been teaching students from across the country online for the last 11 plus years. I have extensive experience building Spanish curriculum for levels 1, 2, 3 and AP. Am a native Spanish speaker. 


Live Group Class


1x per week
30 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 4-6
1-5 learners per class

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