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Pencil Sketching - Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors and Monsters

Young Art: Art Education, Fashion Design, Coding
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This on-going class meets once a week. Students will sketch D&D characters using basic shapes and shading techniques. Students will learn art concepts including soft strokes, values, proportions, shading and blending. #Creative

Class Experience

US Grade 3 - 6
Beginner Level
Teacher Brittany is a professional artist and illustrator.  She holds a BA in Arts with a concentration on Visual Technology.  She also gained valuable industry experience as Technology Lead and Animation Instructor at art schools. She has worked as a freelance concept artist and illustrator in game design. She utilizes a background in comics, storyboarding and animation to bring creative concepts to life. With a strong background in traditional and digital painting, Brittany is currently teaching a wide variety of classes in various mediums to merge her love for illustration, painting and game development.
Pencil (a variety of graphite pencils recommended, but not mandatory)
Blending tools: Toilet paper, tissue, Q-tips or blending art tools
Joined April, 2020
At Young Art we believe in passion, creativity, and the power of education.  Our team is committed to inspiring the next generation of young artists, designers, and entrepreneurs to be bold innovators by providing creative and enriching... 
Group Class


1x per week
55 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 8-13
2-8 learners per class

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