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Paragraph Writing Made Easy

Dawn Sifuentes
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In this multi-week class, students will become better writers by learning strategies to help them write excellent 4-6 sentence paragraphs. To enhance these paragraphs, they will learn more about sentence basics, grammar, and word choice.

Class Experience

US Grade 2 - 4
  • Students will learn that a sentence is a complete thought. Students will learn about proper sentence structure and different kinds of sentences. Students will learn basic grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Students will learn the basic set up of a paragraph, using a main idea/topic, details, and a concluding sentence. Students will learn that their choice of words can enhance their writing to make it more interesting. Students will be able to write an excellent 4 to 6 sentence paragraph about a topic.
I have been a classroom teacher for 18 years and I have taught third grade for the last 11 years. I have always enjoyed teaching writing and English Language Arts to young students. It is one of my passions.
0 - 1 hours per week outside of class
Frequency: Available upon request
Feedback: Available upon request
Details: Homework will be given if students need more practice after class with the concept that was learned in class. Homework will depend on individual need.
Students should have pencil and paper to practice writing skills. There may be practice sheets provided in the classroom some weeks.
Joined June, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
NorthCarolina Teaching Certificate in Elementary Education
Bachelor's Degree in Education from Lourdes College
Hello, everyone! My name is Dawn Sifuentes (Teacher Dawn) and I have a current NC Teaching License for Pre-K through 6th grade. I hold a Bachelor of the Arts in Early Childhood Elementary Education from Lourdes University in Sylvania, Ohio. My... 
Group Class


weekly or $140 for 7 classes
1x per week, 7 weeks
50 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 7-10
2-8 learners per class

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