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Painting Club: America the Beautiful, With Acrylic

Teacher Amanda Bestor
Average rating:4.9Number of reviews:(46)
In this class, students will paint scenes from the natural landscapes of the USA in Acrylic paint. There are 8 videos of guided painting instruction and details about each region of our beautiful country.

Class experience

US Grade 5 - 8
Beginner - Intermediate Level
Follows Teacher-Created Curriculum
Aligned with National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies (NCSS)
8 lessons//8 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Lesson 1: Southwest (Desert and cacti)
Lesson 1: Southwest (Desert and cacti) Facts and stories about the southwest and information about some beautiful places I have seen. I will also talk about the natural resources found in each region and some of the wildlife found there.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Lesson 2: West (Alaska Glaciers)
Lesson 2: West (Alaska Glaciers) Facts and stories about the west and information about some beautiful places I have seen. I will also talk about the natural resources found in each region and some of the wildlife found there.
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Lesson 3: West (California coast and Sealife)
Lesson 3: West (California coast and Sealife) Facts and stories about the west and information about some beautiful places I have seen. I will also talk about the natural resources found in each region and some of the wildlife found there.
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Lesson 4: West (Mountains of Wyoming and Montana)
Lesson 4: West (Mountains of Wyoming and Montana) Facts and stories about the west and information about some beautiful places I have seen. I will also talk about the natural resources found in each region and some of the wildlife found there.
 Week 5
Lesson 5
Lesson 5: Midwest (Prairies and wildflowers)
Lesson 6: Southeast (Florida beaches and seagulls) Facts and stories about the southeast and information about some beautiful places I have seen. I will also talk about the natural resources found in each region and some of the wildlife found there.
 Week 6
Lesson 6
Lesson 6: Southeast (Florida beaches and seagulls)
Lesson 6: Southeast (Florida beaches and seagulls) Facts and stories about the southeast and information about some beautiful places I have seen. I will also talk about the natural resources found in each region and some of the wildlife found there.
 Week 7
Lesson 7
Lesson 7: Southeast (Louisiana swamps and gators)
Lesson 7: Southeast (Louisiana swamps and gators) Facts and stories about the southeast and information about some beautiful places I have seen. I will also talk about the natural resources found in each region and some of the wildlife found there.
 Week 8
Lesson 8
Lesson 8: Northeast (Waterfall in the Catskill Mountains)
Lesson 8: Northeast (Waterfall in the Catskill Mountains) Facts and stories about the northeast and information about some beautiful places I have seen. I will also talk about the natural resources found in each region and some of the wildlife found there.
  • Students will learn the following: - Facts about the 5 regions of the USA and information about the wildlife and natural resources found there. - Stories of beautiful places in each region and some reference ideas to explore beyond our painting of the week. - I love painting and find it a relaxing and enjoyable hobby. - How to set up your painting space and how acrylic and watercolor paint differ from other paints. - How to clean up at the end of class and care for your paints and brushes. - How to design your project by making a quick sketch on paper. - How to begin painting and building from back to front. - How fun sharing work on a class Padlet and artist's outlet for showcasing skills. - Different skills and tricks for acrylic painting. The goal is to leave with a finished or almost finished nature or animal painting and for students to gain confidence in acrylic painting techniques.
I've been a classroom teacher for 16 years, taught 5th and 6th Grade Social studies for 2 of those years, and have been teaching painting on Outschool for a year. I have taught students to paint in my school's after-school program and at summer camps. I love to paint and teach art.
This class is designed to give ideas of how a student could modify a class to add their own creativity and showcase their own interest and direction.
 1 file available upon enrollment
- Acrylic paint in various colors. - Paint brushes of various sizes (small-tipped brushes, especially-not just the one brush that comes with watercolor paints) - Mixed media paper, a canvas, or other thick painting paper - My paintings are done on canvas. - Masking tape - A covered workspace (Newspaper works great) - A cup of water - Paper towels and paper plates - Paper and a pencil - Small plastic container for mixing paint. A yogurt lid or paper plates work well. - A waterproof ultra-fine marker or micron pen
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
Students will have access to a class Padlet where they can see images of and like the work of others. All posts need to be approved by me, so only appropriate posts will go up. The Padlet works like a giant bulletin board where students can see their peer's work and get more ideas about what to try independently. They can also ask questions in the classroom and share techniques that work. I will also use Google slides to show reference images to look at. When parents enroll in the class, they will get a QR code and a video on how to post on Padlet. Padlet is free to join. I just log-in with my Google account. My videos get too large, so I post them using a private YouTube video link that will work for viewing the lesson each week. 
Joined May, 2022
Teacher expertise and credentials
Montana Teaching Certificate - Elementary Education
Note: Please ❤️ and follow my profile so you are notified when I post new classes.  :) 

As an educator, I think I have one of the greatest jobs in the world! I love the Outschool platform and how I can teach students all over the world. My classes... 
Self-Paced Class


weekly or $158 for all content
8 pre-recorded lessons
8 weeks of teacher support
Choose your start date
1 year of access to the content

Completed by 5 learners
Ages: 10-15

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