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On-Going Introduction to Matrix Puzzles - Deductive Reasoning for Gifted Learners

This is the beginning class for Matrix puzzles for learners that are just learning to read and think critically. #superstar
Debby Certified GATE Teacher
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What's included

1 live meeting
30 mins in-class hours per week
Informal Assessment through observation and class input.

Class Experience

Learners will get an introduction to matrix puzzles.  Learners do not need to be fluent readers, but should have been introduced to reading.  At a minimum, they should know their letters and sounds associated with those letters. This class will require a higher level of thinking than other classes for this age group.  It is not for rote-learning.  It is developed so learners can learn to think and process information on their own. They will learn to organize those thoughts using a matrix grid in order to come to a conclusion that solves the puzzle.  It would be a good fit for a child that is performing above average or has been identified as gifted through formal testing. Average learners might find the class overwhelming. Children will explain their thinking to others in the group so that they can hear that others may or may not think through things the same way they do. The teacher will guide when needed, but will attempt to have the children solve the puzzle on their own. Questioning may be used to direct their thinking. Cameras need to be left open, but sound may be muted if the learner is not directly speaking to the group. 
September 8th - Back to school puzzles (apple colors, lunch time, best friends.
September 15th - Classroom pets, Favorite books, Classroom helpers.
September 22nd - Classroom Themes, Supply Store, School Transportation
September 29th - Out to P.E., School shoes, Favorite Subjects.
October 6th - What I want to be.., Apple picking time, Bicycle Colors.
October 13th- Parts in a Play, Birthdays, After-school activities
October 20th-Favorite treats, Football Jerseys, Fall Festival
October 27th - Fall Book Fair, Who is the Oldest? 
November 2nd - Winter 

Classes will have puzzles based on the season of the year.

Learning Goals

To critically analyze clues, and organize their own conclusions into a grid to determine the solution to the puzzle provided. This is a class for up to 5 learners. Learners should be prepared to share their thinking with other members of the group so that learners can learn from other learners strategies to solve the puzzles.
learning goal

Other Details

Parental Guidance
During the Christmas season, we will have puzzles dealing with Santa, Reindeer, Elves, Presents, etc.
External Resources
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
    Joined June, 2020
    Teacher expertise and credentials
    New Mexico Teaching Certificate
    Bachelor's Degree in Education from Brigham Young University
    The teacher is a certified and experienced teacher of gifted students.  


    Live Group Class



    1x per week
    30 min
    Completed by 7 learners
    Live video meetings
    Ages: 5-7
    2-5 learners per class

    This class is no longer offered
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