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Norse Mythology for High School

In this 8-week class, students will read, analyze, and write about literature through the study of Norse Mythology.
Jennifer Smith, MA
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What's included

8 live meetings
6 hrs 40 mins in-class hours
2-4 hours per week. - Reading assignments are scheduled for each week. - Students will write two essays in this class.
Student progress will be assessed through class participation and through two written essays. I will use a rubric to assess students' essays.

Class Experience

US Grade 9 - 12
Students will read, discuss, analyze, and write about literary elements in stories from Norse Mythology. Students will need to purchase a copy of the book Gods and Heroes from Viking Mythology by Brian Branston. A schedule and reading discussion guide will be posted for each week's reading assignments. There will be two *essays assigned in this class; one essay will be due in Week 4 and the other will be due in Week 8. Guidelines and further instructions for the essays will be given during Week 1 of the class, and I will offer additional help and information for students as we go. 
(Please note that each week's scheduled reading will need to be done BEFORE that week's class meeting. For example, the myths listed for Week 1 need to be read BEFORE our first class meeting. Please be sure to order your book in a timely manner.)
Week 1: The Tricking of King Gylfi; The World of Ice and Fire; The Creation of the World; Night and Day
Week 2: The First Humans; Yggdrasill; The World Ash; The Golden Age in Asgard
Week 3: Heimdall in Midgard, The Norns; Loki and His Evil Children; War in Heaven
*Week 4: The Walls of Asgard; The Apples of Eternal Life; Odin Prepares for Ragnarok
*Essay one is due this week.
Week 5: Sigurd the Dragon-Slayer; The Story of Trembling Hood; Fenrir the Wolf is Bound
Week 6: How Thor Got His Hammer; Thor Fights the Giant Krungnir; Thor Goes Fishing
Week 7: Thor in the Giants' Stronghold; Thor's Holiday; The Stealing of Thor's Hammer
**Week 8: The Death of Balder; The God's Revenge; The Ragnarok; Doom of the Gods; The Gods Return; King Gylfi is Tricked Again
**Essay two is due this week.
- Students will be expected to complete each week's reading assignments and come to class prepared to analyze and discuss what was read. I will post a reading discussion guide in pdf format each week in order to help students prepare for the week's discussion. Our class time will be a mixture of lecture and discussion. I will use slides to enhance visual learning and to guide each week's discussion and analysis. 
- I encourage learner participation. I offer several opportunities for learners to share their thoughts with me and with each other. This class is intended to be interactive. 
- No prior knowledge is needed for this class.
Learning Goals
Students will read, analyze, discuss, and write about Norse Mythology.
learning goal


8 Lessons
over 8 Weeks
Lesson 1:
The Beginning of the Worlds
 The Tricking of King Gylfi, The World of Ice and Fire, The Creation, Night and Day 
50 mins online live lesson
Lesson 2:
Humans, Yggdrasill, Golden Age
 The First Humans, Yggdrasill, The World Ash, The Golden Age in Asgard 
50 mins online live lesson
Lesson 3:
Gods, Humans, Fate, and War
 Heimdall in Midgard, The Norns, Loki and His Evil Children, War in Heaven 
50 mins online live lesson
Lesson 4:
Foreshadowing and Ragnarok
 The Walls of Asgard, The Apples of Eternal Life, Odin Prepares for Ragnarok; Essay One is due 
50 mins online live lesson

Other Details

Parental Guidance
Some myths may contain violent imagery and mild sexual content.
Supply List
- Book: Gods and Heroes from Viking Mythology by Brian Branston (used copies available on Amazon for around $5 - $8; used copies available at AbeBooks for around $9 - $20)
- Computer for typing & submitting essays
 1 file available upon enrollment
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Joined April, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
Master's Degree in English from Southern New Hampshire University
I am a certified teacher and taught in the public school system for seven years. I am a veteran homeschool educator. I have taken several folklore & mythology courses online, and I have taught literature, mythology, and folklore classes to middle and high school students. I have also led literature workshops for adults. I have a MA in English.


Live Group Course


for 8 classes
1x per week, 8 weeks
50 min

Completed by 12 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 14-18
2-10 learners per class

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